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The breathless fall

The Shadow

Chapter 8

"The shadow"

"Tony, I have located a passable one" Loki calls to him, holding up a battered Asgardian shield. " It appears to be mostly cosmetic damage."

Tony takes the shield from Loki and flips it over, analyzing it. He is surprised how light it is in his hands. He spins the round shield and is satisfied with the balance. In the center he taps a domed metal spike with his finger. Huh, sounds like iron. Too light for that though. Some alloy then.

Tony runs his hand over the crest image,a white stallion rearing on a blue background. Most of the paint has chipped away, but the design is embossed in the metal itself, so he is able to see the tiny stallion's eyes glaring at him in challenge.

"This will do, but there's no arm grip. Just the carry sling." He sighs and hands it back to the Asgardian. It really would have been a good one too. Pity.

Loki takes the shield and shows him the inside. "You are meant to grip here," He says and gestures to a flat wooden strip that runs across the center of the shield. It is entirely flush, except where the metal dome is hollowed out like a bowl on the inside. It is just big enough for Loki's hand to grip it.

"It's one handed?" he says and frowns. Now he wouldn't be able to brace his arm against it, and he was hoping to rely on the strength from his whole arm that way, not just his hand with this design.

"I though you would approve, since you would be able to use your gauntlet in battle as well."

"No, that's actually a good point."

Loki holds the shield in front of him. "You must practice with it, as to avoid injury to yourself. Take the grip."

"We don't have time for me to learn how to us it, its a shield! I've watched Steve do it, and I'm smarter than the guy by a few hundred IQ points. How hard can it be?"

"What if I am unable to get to you in the mist of battle? Your un-armored mortal body can not withstand a direct blow." Loki tilts his head down and raises an eyebrow at him disapprovingly. "Humor me, Stark."

Tony sighs and clenches his hand around the wooden grip, but Loki holds on to the edges.

"Now push me backwards."

"Alright" Tony says and thrusts forwards with his arm. Immediately there is a twinge in his wrist and and he tries to adjust for a more comfortable grip.

"Bend you arm more, but straighten out your wrist. The muscles in your shoulder and side should be used, not the lower arm."

Tony moves with Loki's advice. "I still feel like I'm going to dislocate my shoulder."

Loki takes a fighting stance in demonstration, feet apart and parallel to his hips. "Stand like this, and angle yourself to face me with your side."

Tony fixes his feet and hips, and pushes Loki again. This time it is much easier. "Ah, much better. Remind me to add some of these to the gym when we get home. I can't wait to get Happy to re-enact Gladiator with me."

Loki lets go of the shield, letting him take a few practice swings on his own.

"When we get home?" Loki asks cautiously. The green god is looking him up and down, and Tony feels his emerald eyes burrowing into his brain, searching for answers.

"Yes when we get home. You've saved my life, multiple times. The least I can do is offer you the couch. Although I should warn Jarvis first, He gets a little touchy when I bring guests in unannounced." Tony snorts a laugh. "Or Pepper. She's practically a mother bear guarding her den. I'm not even allowed to put up a painting with out her growling at me." he takes another practice swing, using the shield like a scythe.

"You would do this? Speak to her on my behalf?" Loki asks gingerly. Tony can here the familiar note of sadness creep into his voice again.

"Speak to yes. I also promise I will resist the urge to throw the couch pillows back at her. I've gotten very good at dodging them when she's angry." Tony uses the shield to block imaginary blows.

Loki takes a moment to ponder. "I will alter my appearance while I reside in your home." he states mater-of-factually.

"Sounds like a plan." Tony grunts and swings wide, catching the tip of Loki's fingers by accident.

Loki winces and shakes his hand.

"Oops, sorry about that. You ok?" Tony says sheepishly.

"I will be fine. You put too much of your weight into the swing however."

Tony shakes his head, and places the carry strap on. He fiddles with the placing until the shield is well balanced on his back.

"No more practice," he sighs. "I'm a quick study anyways."

"One moment more, Stark." Loki says and reaches for a dagger at his side. "A genius always covers his ass I believe you said." Loki flips it expertly and palms the silver blade, handing it to him hilt first.

"Shiny." Tony says admiring the little knife. "I shall call you Sting." he says playfully, and tucks it through a belt loop.

"Why would you name it?" Loki asks thoroughly confused.

Tony shrugs. "It seems appropriate. Come on Frodo, let's continue though Mt Doom, shall we?"

"Gallows humor, Stark?" Loki shakes his head and opens the golden door at the end of the grand atrium.

"Whatever helps, Loki." He sighs and follows Loki down another long hallway.

As soon as Tony enters the dark, stone hall, goosebumps roll up his arms in reaction to the frigid air. A breeze ruffles his hair and Tony fusses to get it back in place. "Fortunately"his hair is still plastered with sweat from the fight, so it stays in place, mostly. God I need a shower. And a toothbrush. Ick.

"Stark," Loki whispers. "Past this door is the tunnels of Yggdrasil. Do not wander from my side. The burrows change frequently, and we cannot afford-"

Tony cuts him off in a stage whisper. "I get it ok? I swear not to go sight seeing in the middle of an enemy stronghold laughably outgunned and out numbered. And besides I've almost done this before."

Well technically I was breaking out not in, and I had a suit. Also they were just people with guns in the desert, not giants with magic on an alien planet. But otherwise totally the same.

Tony reaches the small wooden door and presses his ear up against it, listing intently for footsteps. Finding none, he motions to the Asgardian to pear through the tiny gap he's made in the door. Loki nods to him after a moment, and together they open the door and close it behind them.

Instead of more stone hallways, They've entered into a labyrinth of ragged tunnels in the glacier. The ice all around them is eerily dark. Stripes of blue and black weave through the ice, and Tony notices it has a glassy finish. He speculates that whatever made these tunnels did so by some source of heat. The floor is mostly level, due to the frozen melt-water byproduct of the tunnel making process. The only source of light radiates from large rough metal urns lining the burrows. They are propped up from the ground on a short tripod, and they appear not to hold flame, but a ball of blue light. The effect of the wavering light on the glossy walls is similar to a reflection of light from a pool.

Tony raises his eyebrows in comment. Huh, interesting design. The power requirement to make this must have been enormous.

Loki waves him over to one of the middle tunnels.

This way Stark.

He follows the god down the winding burrow, and out of caution, begins to take in his path in excruciating detail. He begins to make a map in his head of every offshoot, every unlit urn, and every distinguishing mark in the ice. Tony commits these to memory, saving a mental map of their path.

A low grumble echos off the wall starting him. He immediately presses his back against the wall and braces for an attack. He looks to Loki, who has taken a cautious stance, but Tony can see that he is listening intently. Tony motions with his hands palms out, questioning. Loki replies by making an arch with his hands, then interlocking his fingers together.

What was that?

A tunnel has collapsed.

Tony mimes possible directions, but all Loki does is shrug, cup his ear with his hand, then shake his head.


I do not know. The echos are misleading.

Tony frowns and points in the directions ahead of them, then taps his head with his fist.

Is it safe?

Loki grimaces and shrugs.

I do not know.

Tony sighs and starts forward again. He keeps his attention focused for the minute sounds that would forward them of a collapse. Tony can see a large intersection ahead, and slows his pace to a crawl. Loki mimics him and together they crouch low against the wall and hide behind an urn. There are three Frost giants sitting in one of the offshoots to the East. Two have their backs turned, but one is leaned up against the wall.

There is no way we'll get past the gap in time without him seeing us. He mimes to Loki. The Asgardian ponders for a moment, then points to Tony's pocket, and draws a rune symbol. Loki pretends to throw a rune down the corridor, then points quickly down the hall north of them.

Take a rune and throw it as hard as you can down the west hall. We will run down the north corridor when they are distracted.

Tony fishes the round grey rune with the cup design on it and weighs it in his hands. He makes a quick plea to lady luck, and lobs the little stone far down the west corridor. It makes a ringing chur-rup against the wall, and skips into an urn, knocking it over. Tony quickly presses up against Loki, pinning the god against the wall in an effort to create a smaller silhouette. He turns his head away from the giants and stares at the back wall, waiting for the three shadows that will tell him the coast is clear. He can hear the Frost giants leap to their feet and run, arguing in guttural voices towards the fallen urn. Tony watches the shadows of two of the giants go past and into the west corridor, but the third hesitates in the intersection. The two have reached the fallen urn and begin to squabble.

Tony's heart sinks as he notices the looming shadow of the last giant growing larger. He swears internally and he feels his face flush with the heat of adrenalin. Tony braces his feet against the ice floor, and twists his back slightly so the shield is pushing against the urn. The shadow of the giant fades against the wall, and Tony can hear the footsteps pause momentarily. One of the giants must have found the rune, and it sounded like it was calling to the one searching for them.

Tony has his arms wrapped around Loki's chest and he can actually feel the god's heartbeat fluttering like a trapped songbird. He gives Loki a little reassuring nudge with his fingertips, and tries to give off an air of confidence. The giant closest to them takes a few quiet steps closer, and Loki's heart skips a beat under his fingertips. The god's back arches slightly, and Tony holds him tight, in an effort to stop him from moving and giving their position away. The giant pauses again, and yells something to the squabbling pair and they stop fighting immediately.

Tony can feel Loki shudder in his arms, and there is a sudden force against his mind, intent on blinding him in white panic. He recognizes the colour and feel of Loki's fear, and he places his lips on the back of the Asgardian's neck in a quick kiss. Loki stills at his touch, and the panic ebbs just enough to give him control of his surroundings again. Together they hold their breath as the giant looms closer.

Please, please, please don't come down this way. Just turn around and go down the hall...

There is a sound of crackling frost, and Tony knows that the giant has made something from ice, just like the dagger that formed in the avalanche cave. He counts his heartbeats and waits for the giant to come as close as possible.

I'm gonna get one shot for this, I have to time it perfect. One one-thousand... Two one-thousand... Three one-thousand...

And just as the giant is almost on top of them, Tony pushes his back hard into the urn, while throwing Loki forward to get him out of harms way. Tony pile-drives the urn it right into the startled frost giant, and it howls as it catches fire. Quick as he can he rips the shield off his back, and bashes it into the burning giant, sending it sprawling. His arm recoils against the blow, and he uses the momentum to swing it into the gut of one of the other giants, who is swiping a frozen sword-of-an-arm at his head. He manages to duck, and he sees a flash of silver. The giant grunts as a dagger from Loki plunges deep into it's heart. Tony punches at the knee of the dying giant with his Iron man gauntlet and the creature buckles to the floor. He quickly finishes off the giant by smashing his shield into its head, and it sends a shock wave of pain up his arm.

Tony turns to see Loki use an underhanded thrust with his spear, swatting away the last giants hand, and quickly flips the spear around in one motion to ram the blunt end up under the giant's chin, breaking its jaw. It manages a choked growl and slashes at Loki, drawing its sword arm through leather and skin on Loki's exposed back. Tony is flooded with a flash of red pain in his mind, and charges recklessly at the monster, catching its sword arm with his shield before it lands another blow. The Ice sword cuts a grove in the shield rim, and It takes everything Tony has not to buckle under the unrelenting force the giant is pushing on him. All he can do is hope he gives Loki enough time to recover-

And his companion is beside him, tearing into the flesh of the giant in a frenzy of rage. Loki is a blur as he kicks, lunges and cuts the giant, forcing it into a submissive crouch. The arm of ice is torn from his shield, and Tony takes in a quick breath of relief as Loki plunges his spear into the giant, ending its weakening struggles against him. Tony looks to Loki, and finds his face frozen in a mask of fear and hatred. The god's eyes are clouded and dark, and his mouth is twisted with a ragged sneer. Tony can feel waves of anger roll off of the Asgardian, and for a moment he is absolutely terrified of the dark god before him.

Tony blanches as Loki steps towards him, blinded with pain and fury.

"Loki, no!" He whispers harshly.

The enraged god is deaf to his plea's and raises his spear with a twisted smile.

"Loki! Don't do this. Its me Tony. We got them all, its over!" Tony's hand twitches gripping the shield, and that triggers the god to attack him. Tony just manages to catch the point of Loki's spear with the shield. However the force behind it is so great, that Tony is pinned against the wall. Loki snarls at him, and pushes forward, causing Tony to loose his breath.

"Pathetic creature of flesh and bone, pain and suffering shall be your teachers. But I shall be your master." The green god hisses in his ear. Tony looks into the clouded eyes, and finds in them, only darkness.

"Goddamn it! It's me. Loki, STOP!" and Tony is rewarded with a flicker across the face of the god. It lasts for only a moment, then his free arm is immobilized against the wall. The god of rage closes the distance between them, So that Tony can feel his hot breath against his chin.

"So very weak..." He whispers and tilts his head, drawing his teeth over Tony's throat in an almost playful manner. "You will not last long." the god murmurs, lightly nipping near Tony's jugular vein. "Pity."

Tony twits his neck out of the god's reach. "Loki... please don't." he gasps. The god cringes for a moment, and Tony tries to press further to reach his companion. "This isn't what you want, its what they want. What they did to you." Tony can feel the red and black of rage waver in his mind from the Asgardian. "Loki, its ok. You're safe. I wont let them get you, I promise. Just fight it." The Asgardian's face contorts with pain, and he shakes his head.

Tony, left with no options left, does the only thing he can think of. He leans in and kisses the struggling god.

He meets with resistance, but presses forward, intent on calming the beast within Loki's mind. Slowly he can feel the god's body relax, and in a heartbeat, Loki is right there, returning his kiss with one full of passion and urgency. The spear and shield drop to the floor, and Tony fully embraces his companion. For a moment all the world falls away around them. A deep yearning roots itself in Tony's chest an his heart aches with a feeling he cant name. Regrettably he pulls away for a breath, and notices that Loki's eyes have regained his bright emerald hue.

He cups Loki's chin with his and and rolls his thumb over his cheek. "Are you ok?" He asks lightly.

Loki rubs his eyes clear with the cloth around his gauntlets. "I don't know. After I was injured I..." Loki's breath hitches for a moment. "I felt so very far away. Like I was merely a passenger in my own body, watching it do terrible things that I could not stop." Loki claps his hand in his own. "I do not seem to be able to control my emotions, and I have caused you pain because of it."

"I know that wasn't you." Tony whispers into Loki's ear. "If someone had dragged me back to the hellhole i was imprisoned in, I would have gone totally crazy too." Loki pales at his worlds, and he frantically backpedals. "what I mean is I understand ok?" Loki nods and Tony squeezes his hand in re-assurance. "Come on buddy, Lets get outa here before anyone else sees the mess we made."

Loki steps over the bodies of the frost giants, and bends down to pry something from a hand. "It was indeed a good omen." He smiles and hands him the little "Perth" rune. Tony pockets it and adjust the shield over his shoulder.

Loki takes the lead again, and although he is trying to put on an air of calm, Tony can see right through him. He begins to worry If they'll make it out of here in one piece. Or sane.

Tony keeps a close eye on Loki as they wander the burrows. He is still unnerved at the sudden and drastic change Loki undertook. I really hope its just lack of sleep, food, and pretty much re-living hell. I don't know if I could handle another episode. His eyes... its like he checked out completely, and something else took over.

Tony and Loki manage to wind deeper down the burrows, and he notices a faint weaving of light in the ice in the walls. The little lines remind him of tree roots, or blood vessels, branching out in thin lines. The farther they travel, the more prominent they are.

Loki stops ahead of him just on the rim of an open door. Tony peeks around the corner, and looks inside the room. The large hollow room has an uneven floor, and several large icicles are scattered on the ceiling. Tony can see a ragged doorway to the north of the room, and and an extra wide one to the north east. Loki mimes to the north east door, and walks against the east wall. Tony follows close behind, nimbly dodging the cracks in the floor. Loki reaches for the door frame-

With a sickening crunch a hidden slab of ice crashes down, nearly taking Loki's hand with it. Tony immediately jumps for the door they came in, but with another bone jarring crunch, a slab of ice blocks his path. Whirling around he runs for the last exit, and is nearly taken off his feet with a blow to the head. Several Frost giants run into the room, and a large heavily armored one blocks the remaining door. Tony stumbles to his feet, and equips his shield just in time to block a heavy blow from an ice blade. He grunts under the strain, and blasts the giants chest, sending it sprawling into the wall. Something shockingly cold splashes on his back, and he turns to catch a quick glimpse of Loki, face drawn tight in fury, fighting off three of the giants at once. Tony dives under a giants legs, and jumps in front of Loki, just as a giant tries to grab him. Instead, the enraged giant catches his shield, and uses it to fling him across the room. Tony smashes painfully into a large icicle, and together it crashes to the ground. He is stunned for a moment, and the giant that threw him winds up for a kick. Tony rolls to the side and fires his repulsor at the ceiling, knocking free an icicle that impales the giant.

Tony's heart freezes when he hears Loki yell, and he drunkenly throws himself at the giant who is intent on breaking his companion's arm arm. He repeatably bashes his shield into the giants torso, until it drops Loki on the floor. The Asgardian makes up for his pain, by swinging his spear like a baseball bat and breaking the giants wrist. Stumbling backwards, its foot gets caught in a crevasse in the floor and Tony hears a crack of breaking bone. Pressing his momentary advantage, Tony hits the fallen giant with a charged blast from his repulsor. It slams the giant into the floor, and thankfully it does not get up again. Tony takes a second to breathe, before charging a blast at a giants legs, hoping to knock it to the ground where he can deal with it.

Suddenly he is taken off his feet and pinned to the floor with a massive hand. The giant winds up for a blow that will crush his skull, and Tony flicks his fingers, sending all the energy from his gauntlet to his chest piece. The resulting blast obliterates most of the giant, scattering pieces everywhere. Tony struggles to free himself from the gore. He manages a dizzy stand, and sees Loki finish off his last opponent by beheading him. Growling like an animal Loki charges the armored giant blocking the door with an overhanded thrust, aiming for a gap in the armor under the arms. The giant is quick and blocks Loki's thrust with his sword arm of ice, and pushes Loki back with the force of the blow.

Tony hefts the weight of the shield in his hand, and throws it Captain America style, aiming for the head. Thanks for the idea Steve.

The Giant cleaves through half shield, and there is an ear deafening squeal of twisting metal. Loki uses its distraction to bury a dagger under its exposed arm, and pulls down with a snarl. The giant howls in pain, and Tony in turn, takes his own dagger, and tosses it to Loki, who then finishes of the giant buy silting its throat.

"They know where we are!" Loki growls, his eyes taking on a dark cloud again. "The River Iving is not far. We must make it there before they do!" Loki takes off in a dead run, and Tony follows as fast as he can.

Loki runs recklessly down the burrows, taking turns so quickly that Tony nearly looses him twice. They run straight past several hollering giants, but Loki barrels through them and continues. "Keep running Stark!"

Loki takes a sharp turn to the east, and the ground drops sharply, sending Loki and him sliding down the tunnel at breakneck speeds. Tony crashes into an urn, sending it straight into the path of the giants sliding down behind them. His foil bag is torn from his hip in the collision, and there is a full two seconds before a loud WHOOMF! Echo's off the walls.

Yes! Got them with the last flare -

And Tony is brought to a crashing halt against an ice wall that is absolutely glowing with the silver ribbons of light. Loki is yanking him to his feet, and down another corridor, and Tony realizes they are following the trail of light. He also can feel the pounding footsteps of way to many giants behind them, and tries to run faster. Loki suddenly takes a turn to the west and quickly throws him into the large room. Loki is yelling frantically in Norse, and Tony watches as the door way is covered with a solid wall of ice. Loki finishes just in time to catch a giants arm in the doorway, freezing it solid. There is a great howl, and multiple blows begin to rain down on the magic door, sending spiderweb cracks through it.

"Get UP Stark!" Loki says hauling him to his feet again, and pulls him down a short row of columns to the edge of the floor. Tony balks at the sight.

A good forty feet below them is a raging river. White rapids and angry currents crash against one another, sending spray over the walls, before sinking down in a swirling vortex of pure wild energy. The water flashes with harsh bright lights, that collide with the currents, and send plumes of water and what looks like lightning, in all directions.

"We must jump!" Loki shouts to him over the roar of the churning river.

"Are you kidding? That's a meat grinder, we'll die!" he yells back.

"We'll die if we stay here much longer!" Loki hollers, and points to the door, breaking under the strain of multiple blows.

"Trust me!" Loki pleads to him, and Tony looks into his companions eyes, bright with pain and longing.

Tony takes his partner's outstretched hand and intertwines his fingers with Loki's. "I already do."

Loki gives him a small but beautiful smile, and Tony's heart aches with the sight of it. "Ready?" he asks, and Loki nods, raising their hands together. "On three." they step to the edge.

"One." Loki squeezes his hand sharply.

"Two." Tony sends a quick smile back to be re-assuring.

"THREE!" and together they launch off the ledge just as the door breaks behind them. The raging water rushes up to devourer them and-

In a flash of silver magic, freezes completely solid.

Before he can think Tony hits the solid ice, and his legs crumple beneath him, one with a sicking crunch. He screams in agony, and is blinded by fiery pain. He clutches his right leg in instinct, realizes he's touching his own shinbone, and gags. Loki is also shouting with pain, and Tony sees that he is impaled by his shoulder on a spear of ice. Loki writhes and struggles to break off the tip to free himself, and Tony is trying to hold on to a shred of consciousness, fighting against the darkness that is threatening to swallow him whole.

There is several loud thumps, and Tony can see the Frost giants land without injury around them. Totally helpless, he watches as Loki is torn from the ice with an startled cry, and roughly shoved to his knees by two of the giants. There is a rough hand on his shoulder, and he to is forced onto his knees, sending nauseating amounts of pain wracking thorough his body. He cant help himself and cries out in agony.

There is a louder thump, and Tony's vision begins to blur. One of the giants yanks his head back, and an unusually large form comes into focus. The Frost giant before him looks like its dead. Ribs protrude from an empty gut, and a skeleton hand reaches for Loki. Tony can see the creature smile, teeth showing through gaping holes in its cheek. A wave of rotting flesh wafts over him, and Tony looses control of his stomach. The creature scowls at him, and the hand on his head tightens to a vice like grip.

The creature roughly catches Loki's face in its skeleton hand, and twits his neck cruelly, to force Loki to look at him. It begins to speak, with a voice that sounds like its choking on blood. And somehow, Tony can understand it.

"Do you recognize me like this, Asgardian?" It growls, and digs its claw into Loki's face, drawing blood from his cheeks. Tony see's Loki's eyes are round with terror, and flashes of pain and torment dart in his mind.

Loki cries out at the touch of the creature and it continues in a horse whisper.

"Welcome home little prince." the creature says and begins to howl with cruel laughter. The wave of terror from Loki floods him mind completely, and Tony surrenders himself to the darkness.

And in his dreamlike state, he screams, and screams against the shadow that looms over him.



Disclaimer: I do not own any marvel characters or their movie interpretations, I've done this for fun and I hope you enjoy! Also this is set after Iron man 3 and the avengers. Loki escaped to earth and Tony never had romantic feelings for pepper. (Hence the arc reactor is still in his chest)


I'm enjoying this far too much

LocoForLoki LocoForLoki
JenoWatina JenoWatina