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The Avengers other Half

Getting to know the newbies: Deserie Daniells

Name: Deseier Daniells
Age:26, was born on June 28th,1987
Powers:strength,speed,and flexibility
Personality:Very serious and determined most of the time, but it is still possible for her to have fun takes her work seriously and all you want is ti protect anyone in danger.
Looks:tall,skinny,light brown hair with blonde high lights,brown eyes,bet thing about her looks is her smile.
Style: very preppy likes to wear skirts and high heels likes fadoras {will have it on my tumblr soon}
talents:really good at sports,and gymnastics.mostly track and vollyball,plays guitar.
boyfriend/crush: Steve Rodgers
Bestfriends: Thor, Bruce, Hulk, Phil,Fury,Sofia, Idunn
Back story: When she was born in New York that hot June day, a baby girl weak with hardly any strength at all was her reality but even at such a young age she had much determination to live. When she was a little older and in school she would always get picked on about being small.
"Oh no some one help her she can't carry all those books with such small arms." some one said from their locker she couldn't see them. She turned around and looked at the kids at their lockers,"why don't you come say that to my face you coward!" she said as the biggest bully in school came up to her. Lets just say she didn't look to hot after he got done with her. She never gave up trying to get into sports teams. She got into two:track and vollyball.
One day while she was walking home from the park when she was 25,2 months before her birthday, she got tackled into an ally way there were burn marks and body that was scary. Then she was thrown next to it, she saw the face of the man that threw her there.
"Give me your money and jewelry,"he yelled. "No,"she said calmly. He looked at her then the knife next to the body, it was bloody, what had happened here? He was fixing to stab her,but she grabbed the knife and twisted it till she heard a snap, and then punched him in the face getting up she started to fun to her house that was 15 minutes away. When she got there it only felt as if it had only taken 3 minutes. Two months later there was a knock on the door.


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