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The dark sider

Finding black widow

Everyone split up, we have to find black widow! "said steve rogers". Meanwhile, tell me the

information of the A-47 plan! "said loki". Never you coward "said black widow. So you want

die today, if not tell me "said loki". You no dang well i wont tell you anything"said black

widow". So be it! "said loki". How would you like to die today?"said loki". Quick and easy or

long and painful? "said loki". Um, i pick slow and painful"said black widow". Great choose, ill

use my choke collar"said loki".(puts on her neck) Back at the base, anything guys"said tony".

No, not even a track to follow" said bruce". Thats weird "said clint" (AKA hawkeye) What is

it?"said steve rogers". Its loki's footprint, and it was recent to" said clint". Thor has your

brother visted in awhile?" said steve roger". No, not since the battle of New York" said thor".

Okay im tracing them" said bruce". They lead on of the missing ships" said bruce". Im so

happy they put in those tracking beacons in the ships last week!" said tony". Tracing

now!"said bruce". Loki is on the top floor of the H.G.M tower in manhatten" said bruce". lets

get her back" said tony".( runs in to the ship) Help me!( she start to cry) She is upset" said

bruce". How do you know? "said thor". I can hear people emotions" said bruce" Is she okay?

"said tony". Yes, but she is scared."said bruce". Alex, you have not talked at all today?"said

steve". Its nothing, i was just talking to my sister all day" said alex". You have a sister?" said

tony". Also is she hot?" said tony". More hot then you ever believe. "said alex". Where here! "

said the pilot". Sir, there here! Who?" said loki". The avengers, they just landed. Forget the

girl, lets get out of here "said loki". We still have to train" said loki". ( teleport out of the

building) Black widow where are you? " said tony" ( opens door) Black widow, are you

okay?" said tony". yes, I am but loki got away"said black widow". call in a evac, sir" said tony



Great story, but uh, it doesn't really make a lot of sense cuz it's like "said Steve." It should be like, "Steve come down here, we have a mission for you." Coulon orders, through the intercom