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Chapter 106

Chapter 106
"Arcane energy, huh." Steve was nodding his understanding. Cephera was doing her very best to describe to him the different kinds of magic available. Each manipulating different energies.
She wanted him to understand that some magic could be stronger in certain circumstances depending on environment. Some depended on the wielder and some actually depended on the laws of physics.
She determined that the beam ejected from the Chitauri weapons was arcane and although they were still useful they were not as powerful now that the mothership was destroyed and the wormhole closed.
Steve was very curious now that he had a better grasp that magic wasn't such a fairytale element, but more sciency. It was easy to accept now.
"This kind of weapon mass produced for humans to wield would be great for waging war against your own kind, but without its main power source it won't compare to the weapons from other worlds."
"I certainly hope SHIELD isn't planning to use alien technology to wage war on mankind. We have enough problems." Steve furrowed his brow in distaste at the idea.
"I don't think...,"
"There she is," Cephera froze at the sound of her father's voice. She turned her head to see him standing in the doorway with one agent under his arm and the other by the back of his collar.
"Father, what are you doing!" She cried. "Put them down."
"They wouldn't let me in to see you. Said I needed ID." Her father pft'd at the notion as he let them go.
"I'm so sorry. He is my father, he's fine." She told the agents who were looking ready to pull out weapons they probably hadn't a chance to grab before her father manhandled them.
"What kind of place won't let a man see his own daughter?" He glared at the agents who were staring at him with steady untrusting eyes, their hands at the ready if he made a move.
"Father, this place is on lockdown for a reason. This is a secure facility where secret ops, strategy, weapons and much more are conducted. You can't just waltz in. You should have called me." She pulled out her cell phone and waved it.
"I don't know how to use one of those. I skipped my Earth studies after your mother passed on." He reminded her and she sighed.
"Guys, we're good here. I'll watch her." Steve interrupted to finally give the two agents ease. They looked to Steve and nodded before leaving.
"Stand down." One told his wrist. They must have alerted security.
"All clear," the other agreed.
"Well now," King Yorin beamed as he gazed at Steve. Cephera felt an embarrassing moment coming.
"Sir," Steve stepped out from behind the desk he'd been sitting at and extended his hand to the King. "Captain Steve Rogers, pleasure to meet you sir." He greeted.
King Yorin grabbed Steve's hand giving it what looked like a very firm shake before pulling Steve closer to him. He used a thick finger to tilt Steve's face upward and from side to side.
Steve seemed to go with it so as not to be rude. "Very nice. Very sturdy." He squished at Steve's arms and waist. "Excellent gene's for babies." Cephera rubbed her forehead.
"Excuse me?" Steve asked making sure he heard right.
"If your husband never gets out of prison you should try out this fellow." Cephera gave her father a 'shut up' look but it was lost on him. "How about it boy, does my daughter please you?"
Steve forced his way out of King Yorin's grip and stepped back. "I'm sorry but my relationship with your daughter is professional and respectful..., sir." Steve looked appalled and probably felt slightly offended.
"I'm sorry, my father is like that with everyone," Cephera quickly said. She glared at the King who looked back at her innocently. "One day I'll tell you about my people. You'll understand why he's this way." Cephera added giving a kind, but awkward smile to Steve.
"I'd like that." Steve replied.
Cephera was relieved Steve hadn't noticed the whole 'husband in prison' thing. If he had, he certainly was good at pretending he hadn't.
King Yorin looked ready to make another comment when he looked to his daughter and thought better of it. She was giving him a glare that was fit to kill.
"So what is it you do here?" Her father asked giving up on sizing up Captain Rogers and instead walked the rest of the way into the room.
"Research. I'm helping SHIELD collect information regarding other worlds, their culture, and weaponry." Her face softened to a smile.
"You're what?" Her father now sounded appalled. "You're teaching humans about alien weapons!"
"Well yes. They did just experience an out of world attack and were completely unprepared. A little education can't help. It's what Odin asked of me." She felt confused by her father's sudden demeanor.
"Cephera, I don't give two moons what Odin wants. Do you realize what kind of effect this could have on us? On Mechanova?" His face had turned red. In fact, his blue was showing through his magic.
"I don't see a problem." Cephera told him shaking her head.
"We pride ourselves on peace. Forming treaty's to help ensure our survival. What if word gets through the cosmos that my daughter is teaching humans to kill outer worldly beings? What if these humans use your knowledge to wage war, not in defense but for dominance. We'll be shunned. Our current treaties possibly retracted. If we can't outsource for viable mates we'll never have children and we don't live forever." His sudden outburst caused his form to shift.
Pacing the room was her father in all his alien glory. Steve was staring transfixed on the giant blue man.
"It's not like that. You're overreacting. Earth has no form of space travel that could allow them to reach the outer worlds. They have a right to defend themselves. Besides everytime we make a treaty are we not bound to help those worlds if they are beseeched by war? Do we not take the chance of pissing off another world with each treaty we sign?"
Cephera had never thought of the things her father was pointing out, but they didn't completely waver her determination either.
"We have no treaty with Earth. We've never needed one. The human race has always been a lower life form for power. We never had to worry about them coming to us, but with your help, we just might." The King was waging his finger at her.
"I don't see how they suddenly became a threat?" Cephera was aware her voice had raised, but she couldn't help it.
"They are a threat because they desire answers. They are curious what other worlds have to offer. The outer worlds are like neighboring countries to us, but to Earth we are a mystery. And they love digging up secrets and mysteries." Cephera swallowed.
"I understand your concern, but I don't think that's likely to happen." Steve stepped in and Cephera wished he hadn't. Her father's mood could change on a dime when he was worried and disappointed.
"You stay out of this. This is family business." The King turned on Steve his voice so deep a chill ran across the room. "Leave us," her father demanded.
"Sir, I think you need to calm down...,"
"Steve, it's okay. Father, let's return home. We can talk there." She offered. She didn't want her father in this state in a place like SHIELD. They might see him as a threat.
If there was one thing her father could be serious about it was the lifestyle and protection of his people. No one messed with that. Cephera felt like a small child again. She rarely made her father angry, that was usually Seraphina.
Her father grunted and followed her out. He didn't speak to her, nor did he say goodbye to Steve. He was intent to finish the conversation. She was glad he was readily following her.
"Is there a problem Mrs. Drogo?" Director Fury was standing outside Cephera's office door as they exited.
"No Sir,...," Cephera began but her father cut her off. His large arm blocking her from Fury and forcing her to step back as the King took front and center.
"Are you the high official of this facility?" Her father asked.
"I'm Director Nicolas Fury, and I am head of this facility." Fury responded. Fury had the sense to realize her father wasn't pleased. He did not extend his hand for a shake.
"I have concerns as to the knowledge you use my daughter for." Fury looked around Yorin to look at Cephera.
"Father, we can talk at home and any concerns you still have you can talk to the Director about another time, when you're not angry." Cephera tugged her father's arm, desperate to get him out of there.
"I'd be happy to discuss any concerns you may have at any time." Fury offered. Cephera did note the stance Fury had and the way his hand was cocked back toward his weapon.
The gun would be worthless against her father and she really didn't want to see a fight break out.
"You can come back and talk to the Director tomorrow." Cephera offered in hopes her father might budge from his spot. He was eyeing Fury over from head to toe. Scrutinizing him, trying to get a read on him.
"Tomorrow then," her father announced. He didn't wait for Fury to answer. Her father took her by the hand and left with her.
(Tony Stark)
"That's some argument," Tony casually said to Pepper. He'd muted the TV just to listen in on what was being said a floor above them.
"A private one. It's rude to eavesdrop. The news is on." Pepper insisted making a grab for the remote.
"Honey, play nice." Tony teased holding it out of her reached. "Did you see that guy? He reminds me of something out of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory..., girl who ate those blueberries." Tony chuckled.
"He's an alien. Don't make fun of his color." Pepper chided.
"Thor's an alien and he's normal looking. In fact, Cephera's father looked normal when he arrived. Wonder what happened?" Tony actually pondered the thought. "Oh my god," he snapped his fingers as a thought hit him. "He hulked out!" Tony beamed at his revelation.
"I don't think...,"
Tony whipped out his phone and walked away before Pepper could finish. "Hey Banner, I found you a soulmate," Tony said as he walked away.
"A soulmate?" Banner sounded skeptical. Tony was almost offended, but not really.
"You think green and blue would make a teal baby?" He could almost hear Banner groan on the other end.
"Did you just call to poke fun?" Bruce asked.
"No..., maybe. Listen you need to come over. You have to see this guy!" Tony smirked.
"Guy? You know what, I don't even want to ask." Tony chuckled. "I'm going to go back to my supper now."
"I'm serious, you can't turn down this opportunity." Tony insisted. "Be here tomorrow. Come for supper." Tony grinned. He could have so much fun with this.
"Fine. What's for supper?" Banner asked.
"I dunno, Chinese food..., on you of course. It's your turn to buy." Tony hung up before Banner could reply.
Tony was amused as he wondered if Bruce would actually bring Chinese food seeing as Tony had never gone out to eat with Banner before and no one owed anyone anything.
"You're ridiculous." Pepper called out. She most likely heard the whole thing.
"What was it you chided me for only moments ago about eavesdropping?" He tutted and turned to head back to her.



Then I have done my job well. :p

Yasumi Yasumi

Your cliff hangers wound me D:

fraychan fraychan

Keep that adrenaline pumping, still a lot to come.

Yasumi Yasumi

Oh god I can't even describe how happy this chapter made me. I'm feeling a slight adrenaline rush haha

fraychan fraychan

I agree, things have could been so much different if things had just come to light sooner.

Yasumi Yasumi