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Chapter 45

Chapter 45
It bothered him, he hated that it did, but it did. Loki was still in the middle of trying to regain Cephera's trust and friendship and now this chump name Bjorn had come in to gain her attention, and most likely affection. He could imagined it already, Bjorn courting her and taking up most of her time while Loki was left to stew in his stupidity and lose out on many opportunities to make things right with her.
She was his, no man nor woman were good enough for Cephera, at least not one he didn't approve of. Loki definitely didn't approve of Bjorn. The man oozed kindness, too kind. Cephera needed a strong willed man, someone to protect her. No, Bjorn had to go, it was for her own good. There was better out there for her and Loki would make the effort to find her the right one. No man now or ever would pass by his close watch and if he managed to scatter under his radar he better be worth it.
Stewing in his annoyance, Loki watched Bjorn lead Cephera around the dance floor. He was all smiles and elegance, it made Loki want to gag. And Cephera, she was smiling and giggling, but where was her whimsical dancing? Where was her over abundance of energy. Loki had liked watching her beat down her dance partners till they needed to sit down for breather. Instead, she was catering to this man and his needs. Slowing her pace and 'getting to know him'.
It was preposterous, surely she could see he wasn't the one for her? Could she be so blind? Loki shifted on the bench, shooing away some woman who'd been sitting next to him for far too long trying to gain his attention. He had no time for her. Cephera needed his help, his expertise. Thinking hard Loki threw caution to the wind and stood, in a smooth move he transformed his body to that of a woman, the very same form he'd taken when Cephera had forced those magical pastries down his throat.
Now that was a memory to make him smile. That was the fiery woman he remembered and liked best. With only a word and a wave, his clothing changed as well, not many people were paying much mind to him and the only two he cared about was Cephera and her date. Weaving his way through the crowd Loki stopped the dancing couple. "May I cut in." He coo'd.
When Cephera turned her eyes upon him he could see the instant shock and before she could protest, Loki swept between her and Bjorn, smiling at the surprised man and then forcing him to step into the fray of dancers. Cephera called out a weak protest, but there was a hint of amusement set in her tone.
"Tell me, do you like rain? Do you like to get wet?" Loki asked Bjorn who was being polite enough to continue the dance.
"Not particularly." He answered cocking up an eyebrow.
"Shame, Cephera does. She loves to get wet, it makes her laugh and smile." Loki replied. "Do you prefer fruit or meat?" Loki kept his tone serious and Bjorn looked altogether confused by the question.
"Meat, of course." He replied and Loki tutted.
"That won't do at all."
"I'm sorry, you're Prince Loki, aren't you?" Bjorn asked with caution.
"Well you're not stupid, and yes, I am." Loki grinned.
"This is awkward." Bjorn commented and glanced down, no doubt at Loki's large set of cleavage.
"Don't be silly," Loki replied. "War or peace?"
"I don't see what any of this has to do with you, all do respect and all." Bjorn stopped his footsteps and Loki glared.
"Cephera is a princess, she deserves the best she can get. I am her friend, like a brother really, and her happiness is my utmost priority, do you understand?" Loki narrowed his eyes.
"I understand that the Princess is old enough and strong enough to make her own choices and that if she needs help she will ask for it." Loki hated that answer and he hated even more that Bjorn was so polite in his answer while dismissing Loki like some common irritation.
"If you hurt her, you'll regret it." Loki warned before the man could walk away.
"I guess the same could be said to you." Bjorn dared reply and Loki stood seething in his further annoyance. He watched Bjorn meet back with Cephera, and Cephera shook her head at Loki before turning her back and walking away with Bjorn. This was not okay, Bjorn would not be in her life for long if he had anything to say about it.
Scowling Loki turned on his heels and bumped into a man build like a brick wall. Loki's breasts bouncing against the mans sternum and even Loki had to look up. Looking back down at him was a smiling, drunken face and before he had a chance to escape, Loki was twisted into an awkward dance by the drunk fool.
"I'm sorry about him." Cephera apologized joining Bjorn out for some fresh air.
"It's alright, he's protective." Cephera frowned. She didn't really see Loki as protective, he was probably thinking about himself and losing her attentions to Bjorn.
"He's complicated." Cephera replied leaning against the high stone walls.
"So you and him..., have you ever courted?" His hesitation made Cephera grin.
"No, me and Loki are just friends." She told him. 'He's an idiot for that too.' She thought.
"I like you, I've watched you..., well not in a creepy way. At parties I've seen you and around the palace. You're like a free spirit. I'd like to get to know you more, if you'd let me." Cephera's heart had already begun to pound and she found herself stuck for a reply.
'Why am I hesitating?' She chided herself.
'Why are you hesitating?' Seraphina's voice growled in her head. Cephera looked around and spotted her sister just near the doorway, eavesdropping. 'Idiot, say yes. He's interested, handsome, polite.' Her sister was waving at Cephera to say something.
"Ahhhh..." Cephera stammered like a fool, her mind racing. 'But Loki?' She told Seraphina.
'Screw him, he lost his chance, not that he ever knew he had a chance. But Cephera you need to move on.' Cephera groaned out loud.
"I'm sorry, I just figured... I mean we were having a good time...," Bjorn began.
"No, no, no... I mean yes, we are having a good time, but I'm not groaning at you, I'm just surprised and ahhhh..." She froze again.
"Hi," Seraphina had relocated and was now shaking Bjorn's hand. "I'm Seraphina the prettier and more open sister. She's shy, but she'd love to spend more time with you, I can tell by the stunned look on her face," Seraphina said. Bjorn awkwardly nodded his head and gave a half smile.
"It's nice to meet you Princess's Seraphina, I've heard... things about you." Bjorn shifted and ended their handshake.
"Good things I hope." Seraphina winked.
"Nothing bad." Bjorn answered. Cephera had an odd feeling Bjorn had heard of Seraphina's sexual appetite. Seraphina left no secrets behind regarding her intimacies, she was far too open about them as far as Cephera was concerned. Bjorn was being polite and that made Cephera wake up.
"I would, I would love to get to know you better." She finally answered and he looked relieved.
2 months later,
Two months home was not a long time. The first night had been a wonderful feast and party, but when Sif got the chance she was out in the battlefield. It was true her and Thor had achieved much in only a year, but there was still much to be done. What should have been time for her and Thor to grow together, she felt less close to him than before, perhaps it was the amount of work that caused them to work on their task only and not on their own lives.
Still, something had changed. Whether the change lay with herself, Thor or just life in general she couldn't tell. All she knew is that battle made her feel free. She trained and joined Thor to bed. They would make love and sleep and do it all over again. Perhaps, it was the monotony of it all.
She didn't voice her concerned, they still had years of punishment to work out. She would wait until they returned home for good before allowing herself the freedom to ponder her feelings. Until then, Sif lay in Thor's arms. His heavy snoring the only sign he'd been drinking heavily. She hadn't realized he rarely snored, until they went to Muspelheim and Thor had no liquor to drink. To think back now, he must have drank at every meal while in Asgard. At least he wasn't like every other drunken fool.
Sif fell into a deep slumber and dreamt. In her dreams Thor was at her side and together they were fighting many battles. Two things she loved most.



Then I have done my job well. :p

Yasumi Yasumi

Your cliff hangers wound me D:

fraychan fraychan

Keep that adrenaline pumping, still a lot to come.

Yasumi Yasumi

Oh god I can't even describe how happy this chapter made me. I'm feeling a slight adrenaline rush haha

fraychan fraychan

I agree, things have could been so much different if things had just come to light sooner.

Yasumi Yasumi