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The Weeper

“Loki...” With tears in his eyes, Loki looked up from the floor at his mother, Queen Frigga. He saw the hesitation in her eyes, he saw the frown on her face and the faint traces of running make up on her face. His heart stopped, he didn't need his mother to say anything, but his name; he really messed up this time and he can't take it back. Loki slammed the door in Frigga's face and like a ghost he seemed to move to his couch. Sitting down, Loki stared at nothing, his eyes unfocused and his mind raced with different thoughts, each one more grim then the one before.

Balling his hand into a fist, Loki rested it on his temple. How could he have been so careless? Him, Loki, of all people? Tears bubbled to the surface and his lower lip trembled as one thought ran across his mind. “Oh, God,” Loki whispered mournfully and his tears fell from his eyes. He covered his face with his hands and cried, he sobbed, he cursed himself for ever being born, but above all else he cursed the God of Thunder, Thor.


Short teaser of what's to come. This short story will be my best yet, at least that's what I'm hopping for.


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