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Maternal Bonds


The skirmish outside Loki's cell was rowdy and bursting with violence. Even with the annoyances of not being freed, he found the sight amusing and completely ridiculous, if not a bit lightening, especially after sitting in a dull cell for two years. He had had little company in that time and though he tried to allow the schedule and boredom meld into his being, he could not be content with living like this for the rest of his days.

Queen Frigga, his Mother and only friend had done all in her power to make him comfortable, despite the bitterness he'd displayed. He loved her dearly and was grateful to her, for she was the only one who cared for him, but he couldn't show his emotions in such a raw state. After the cruel and impassive words that Odin had spoken to him he found himself even more guarded than ever before, his hidden soul shattered and torn by hurt. He had known himself to be unloved by the man he had called father, but he never expected such brutal things to come so lightly from the old man's mouth. It ached more than Loki was willing to let on, having striven to please him only to be cast aside without a glance.

Indeed, apparently he was naught but a stolen relic locked away until some use might be made of him. He had been a fool to even imagine Odin capable of loving him. Such a fool. Born to die, Odin had said and he would have acted upon that fact if Frigga had not intervened. That too, stung his already bruised soul. Had Odin any idea of just what he had been through in the void, would he still speak so haltingly?

Most likely, for surely this is what he had thought all along and had merely kept silent for his wife's sake. Now though? Nothing held him back to abuse his adoptive son with words that cut like knives and eyes that burned like heated irons of torture.

A man was flung screaming into the force-wall that kept him imprisoned and Loki cast his bothered gaze on the fighting idiots. Dolts of men clobbering each other without heed of whether the brawl would succeed or not, Loki sighed.

This distraction was steadily becoming a hindrance to his thoughts.

"Blunderheads, the lot of them." The words spit between his lips like a snake's forked tongue in a hiss.

He turned his gaze from the battle and walked away from the barrier, gently picking up the book his Mother had left for him on the small table he had been provided with. Closing his eyes to the muffled sounds beyond his cell, he ran his fingers over the firm leather binding. Her gifts had always been the highest of quality and often custom made to his likings. Had she been allowed, he knew she would have gladly stacked a library full of magic books and research for him to ponder through with joy. However, Odin had forbidden it and had probably caused a fit at her sending him mere stories to occupy his time with, just as he had been adamant that Loki never see his Mother again.

Of course, it had most likely slipped his mind in a fit of anger that Loki was not the only talented magician in Asgard. Frigga had visited Loki at every moment she could, projecting her image into his cell. But Loki could not touch her, feel her embraces or the gentle whisper of her breath and it was a painful thing. If Odin did know of his wife's secret visitations to his dishonored son, he must think it a suitable punishment to add to the list.

Gracefully, as if nothing were happening in the dungeons outside his little prison, Loki sat down upon his bed, opening the book over his lap with careful fingers. He brushed the digits over the paper in a caress, running them over the inked words and then he began to read silently.

It was a relativity uninteresting story compared to many he had read, but Loki would not show himself ungrateful by turning it back to Frigga unread. She had done too much for him to be so picky.

For five minutes he read without disturbance, ignoring the shouts and cries. He could have gone on for much, much longer, since his freedom had been denied by the elven creature and he had no way of escape, however a loud shattering electrical sound caused him jump, head snapping towards the front of his cell. The irony of it was both amusing and shocking.
Thor had arrived a little time ago, but though Loki had indeed heard his voice, he did not feel the need to express the fact. Thor had made it quite clear after their return that he wanted nothing to do with him and the younger brother had not argued over it. If anything, the crown prince had stated that he hoped that Loki spent his caged time without any worthy company or chance of freedom. So the sight of Thor's hammer, accidently or not, slamming through the barrier that kept him secured was not exactly to be expected.

The book in his hands snapped shut as he rose, the blockade of magic now disarmed and incapable of holding him captive any longer. Thor, the idiot, had not even paid attention to where his weapon had flown and was already beating another escapee to a pulp. He observed with a comical eye while his 'not-brother' preceded to then pounce to another desperate criminal without even so much as turning in his direction.

Typical of him.

No matter, Loki was no fool and knew that if he ever wishes to even have a chance of liberty he had to go and go now. Idle thoughts and contemplations on his liberation would only cause him to falter and maybe even loose his one crack at leaving his dreaded sentence. He laid the book aside with a grievous guilt and gazed upon it for only a moment before briskly turning about towards his newfound exit.

As fate would have it though, the moment that Loki stepped from his cell, Thor turned his eyes towards him and froze briefly, suddenly comprehending what has happened. The shining blue orbs widened and the escaping immortal wasted no time, casting a spell of transportation even as the thunderer jumped towards his figure. By the time the crown prince reached the spot, his brother was gone.

Loki reappeared on the level above the prisons, slipping behind one of the many columns within the hall. Heaving a breath to himself he smiled, closing his eyes at the mere thought of being freed from his infernal cell and cage. Who cared if Thor would rant and raze all of Asgard to find him, right now he was okay, right now he could breathe without restraint and he would do it proudly.

It took a good five minutes for the escapee to venture from the pillar, cloaked in invisibility and cautious as a wild animal in unknown territory. He made sure to keep his padding light and his senses ready in case of surprise or attack.

Idly, he wondered if he should just leave the realm before he was once again caught, chained like a beast and returned to his 'showcase'. The idea was tempting, considering the fact that the last thing he wanted was to be bound again. But then again he really had nowhere to go, no place of refuge for the not-son of Odin. Every realm had a quarrel and personal vendetta against him in one way or another and stood on guard to catch and make the trickster pay.

Most of the realms really should be pointing fingers at Thor for all of his past feats and quests on their lands without warrant, however they just didn't seem to be able to get it. Loki had only cause chaos on their worlds to save his brother in his ridiculously stupid action and now for those same situations he had to deal with no place of safety and recuperation.

But then again he could hardly stay within the halls of Asgard, hunted and sought after like a mere beast for the sport of….well everyone. While it might prove a interesting show for him, Loki wasn't too keen on the idea.

He could go to the home of the Vanir elves, as they were really the only race capable of appreciating his magic and skills. However, considering the last visit ended up with a dual between Thor and their mightiest magician and ending with him intervening before the fool was killed and therefore breaking too many rules to count and then dealing with Thor's rage of the unfairness of it all before being berated sternly by their father upon their escape and then being magic-bound for a month…

No, that wouldn't do. The Vanir were not a people to face twice.

Well, that left seven other realms that would disembowel him on sight and one that would send him either packing back to Asgard or not even bother with the nonsense of his presence and shoot him in the head, as Midgardians seemed to be fond of doing. So in the basic outcome, he had nowhere to go and no one to run to.

Well…there was always the Queen.

Surely Frigga would aid him…right? After all, she had been the only one who visited him in his cell, alone and bored to death as he was destined to remain. His first reaction to her could be related to that of a cat threatened with a bath, but seeing as she still listened to him as her visits continued, he had accepted and even come to look forward to her presence.

And he had told her much, though not nearly enough when the entire thing was laid upon the table. Besides, he doubted that she would believe him even if she loved him and looked for only the good in him.

The odds had always been against him in his life. Liesmith he was called, but that name was derived from the various times he told far too much of the truth and somebody didn't like hearing it. Only later had he actually put use to the name himself, deciding that if that was their opinion of him, he could at least make it fact and therefore become that which was expected of him.

In the end, Loki decided his Mother deserved a last call from him in the least. Even if she refused him aid, he would bid her farewell because she was the only one in his eyes who ever stopped to recognize him. He would return the favor, if but only this one time.
Once again the master magician closed his eyes, his magic pulsing through his being as he directed himself to another place, another destination. It only took mere seconds and instantly he felt the change in the air.

He opened his emerald orbs, planning to cast a smile upon his Mother's face in the sly greetings he was known for. However the sight that formed before him was not of anything he expected.


Held captive in the arms of what could only be described as a berserker elf was the sweet Queen of Asgard and more importantly, his mother. Malekith stood by; his eyes widened a bit by the abrupt appearance of the darker prince. Loki knew him well from the stories he had been told and the records of magic regarding the defeat and destruction of the elven race. But never had he thought to be confronted by him.

Well, now that he actually thought about it, if he had not been so consumed by the bitterness of his thoughts, he might have questioned just why the elves had attacked in the first place which resulted in his accidental freedom. He may have even considered allying with them just to become clear of Asgard's forces but now…

Now they held the only person he loved and willingly loved him back. Now they had crossed the line and he would tear them apart for laying a single hand on her skin. Nothing would be left of them to so much as twitch.

"Release her, Malekith." Loki displayed his teeth through snarling lips. "Or I swear to the very fabric of your existence that I will kill you with means that would make death seem a gentle outcome."

The dark elf raised an inquisitive eyebrow, taking in the hackle-raised prince before him.

"Of all those within this realm, I had expected you the least, Silvertounge." The deep voice was straight to the point and as cutting as the eyes that glared upon the escapee. "But of all those in this place, you would be one to easily walk through my barriers."

Loki hissed.

"You will let her go alive and well now." He commanded, his voice dripping with threats. "Do not make me say it again, creature."

Malekith stared at him, his gaze analyzing and calculating, but he made no move. The room was silent except for Frigga's occasional sounds of distress by unneeded pressure place upon her by her captor. Loki's eye did not leave the dark elves however, knowing this to be a simple tactic of diverting his attention or riling him. Neither would be acted upon though, but inwardly his soul was raging at the hurt placed over his Mother and he vowed to the very core of his being that they would pay.

Finally, after the rather dramatic pause that hung upon the air, Malekith straightened himself, interest sparked in his face.

"You are surprising, Liesmith, for a traitor."

The elf rolled his gaze between Frigga and her adoptive son. How he had known anything of Loki was odd to her, for it showed plainly over her features, but the prince only filed the fact away.

"Of all the things I am, a traitor is devoid of being pinned." Loki stated, his face hard. "You avoid the matter at hand. Let her go."

"You can do naught to me while I hold her in my grasp, little giant." The smooth words rolled over Malekith's tongue in an accented tone. "She keeps things hidden from us and I will have them known."

Loki looked to his Mother.

"If she finds you unworthy of this information then I don't doubt that you are just that."
The Queen took on a pained expression at the double meaning of the words, but her son did not hold her eyes and directed his attention completely to the elf.

"She will speak no words she does not wish you to hear. Release her and perhaps I can aid you instead."

Malekith gained a ghost of a smile over his lips.

"You care for your Mother." He spoke the fact carefully. "The sentiment is mutual then."
Loki made no comment, disliking the calmness of the elf and the next few words hit him hard and suddenly.

"You will come with us or we will kill her now and find what we need without her."

Green eyes grew large at the sudden demand and his first instinct to reject, run and oppose can ravishing over him like a waterfall. How dare they threaten him! He had to find another path, another bargain to present, one that left Frigga free and him able to eliminate this threat.

"Take me alone and I shall have little hardship finding what you want. Lay so much as a scratch on her and I will not comply."

"The terms I have spoken will not change, Liesmith." Malekith tilted his head back. "You will come or I will have her slaughtered. I will do no other rout."

Magic. Maybe he could blast the berserker from his mother with it. If he aimed well he could avoid having her throat slashed by the blade guarding her vulnerable skin. He could do it, if he was careful. His vision was tunneled on his Mother. He could….

The sword at her neck suddenly moved and drew quick, ruby blood causing Loki to take an urgent step forward as it trickled over the smooth whiteness of the Queen's complexion.

"Stop that you infernal beast! I will come, I will come!" The angered shout escaped him before he knew it and he stood shaking in rage even as the blade stilled, but released no tension from the small wound. "Remove your weapon from her! I have said I will come!"

"Loki no!" The Queen's cry was raw and worried. "You must no-ah!"

The pained sound that escaped between his Mother's lips as her shoulder was cruelly slashed was enough to make Loki flood with desperate want for vengeance. He turned on Malekith, eyes boiling with molten emotions.

"Take me then!" He held out his fisted hands shaking with rage and the wrists exposed for simple binding. "But you will harm her no more! Those are my terms if you want my cooperation!"

His heart hammered in his chest. Loki knew he had no means and certainly no grounds for bargaining, but he considered this a necessary step and truthfully, who wouldn't? He held his breath, waiting for the cold-eyed elf to answer. His insides quivered and shook, but he did not back down the ferocity of the determined glare he held with Malekith.

In the distance, Loki could make out the distinct shouts of Thor as he bounded through the halls. Odin too, was no doubt on his way and would arrive soon. They only needed time and then they could save his Mother and himself, regardless if he was once again cast into a cell. She would be safe and he would know that neither his once-father and not-brother would be more careful then to let the Queen alone again.

They only needed time….

Malekith smiled a thing that did not suit his face and gave his features a crueler tint.

"No restraints will be needed for now." He waved a hand in the air and the room suddenly began to fade, the elven magic cast ready to pull them to another place of Malekith's choosing.

Just the split second before the walls of Asgard's palace dissipated into nothing, Loki witnessed Thor burst into the chamber, his hammer pounding through the weakening barrier. He rushed into the chamber, frantic and searching.

Their eyes met a miniscule of a second passing as they held the gaze.

Then everything was white and the room was gone, Thor's enraged cry still ringing in Loki's ears as he realized just what Malekith had done.




Thanks for the review! I will try to update this story to where I am on fanfiction.net and then on as the story continues. I'm pleased that I made you get an account, XD hehe, can't resist. But thank you so much for finding my work to be acceptable. :D it means a lot to me.

Ireland Ranger Ireland Ranger

Hi again! Just wanted to let you know I read up to nine on fanfiction.net and they are just as awesome! I don't have an account on there so I wanted to make sure and tell you to keep up the good work!!^_^ (Actually I made an account on this site a few days ago just so I could subscribe to this story haha.)

Ms.Marvel Ms.Marvel

Hi again! Just wanted to let you know I read up to nine on fanfiction.net and they are just as awesome! I don't have an account on there so I wanted to make sure and tell you to keep up the good work!!^_^ (Actually I made an account on this site a few days ago just so I could subscribe to this story haha.)

Ms.Marvel Ms.Marvel


Thanks for the kind review! This story is updated to chapter 9 one fanfiction.net if you're impatient for more updates. it's harder to update here then it is there.

Ireland Ranger Ireland Ranger

Very good!! Please write more!!^_^

Ms.Marvel Ms.Marvel