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An Unplanned Life

Bonus Smut

The meal gets delivered and Thor and Loki both dig in. Loki wonders if Laufey is still in Asgard or if he has already high tailed it back to Jotunnheim without saying goodbye. The blood sheet is probably on display now too. Loki is glad to be shut away at the moment with only Thor for company. He can’t handle anymore humiliation or rejection. The last few days have been hard.
“Tell me about yourself Loki, I know almost nothing about you.” Thor says around a big mouth full of food and big grin on his face.
Loki proceeds to tell Thor the details of his life. Some of them shock Thor. It seems Loki has been deprived of love for nearly his whole life and is even lucky to be alive. Tenderness is a new experience for Loki. Everybody he’s ever known has wanted him dead, except for his dam, who died when he was young. Damn. Thor looks and Loki and vows to himself to love the shit out of this man. Loki fills Thor in on the plot to kill his brothers before they killed him. It doesn’t matter if he tells anyone now. All of the plans of his former life mean nothing. Thor realizes trust is going to be an issue with Loki. He’s like a feral cat, skittish from being abused for so long.
Loki brings up the part about the weapons vault and Thor stops chewing. “…I had no idea your coronation was taking place at the time. The timing was…perfect, really.” Loki stops and looks at Thor to gage his response. For a brief moment Thor feels anger. It is Loki’s fault he is not King right now. But the anger dissipates as Thor thinks of what he has gained; besides all this did was delay things for a while. If Thor hadn’t reacted so brashly he would be King now, and he would never have met Loki. Praise the Norns for his foolishness. Thor smiles at Loki and pulls him in for kiss. It is a quick reassuring peck on the lips as his cheeks are stuffed chipmunk style with food.
“Enough about me, tell me about you.” Loki says. Loki listens intently as Thor describes his life, his childhood, and his adventures. Loki feels a well of envy inside as Thor describes how loving his parents are and how great his friends are and just how EVERYTHING in his life is just so damn great. Loki hopes his life going forward with Thor will be like that. Loki looks Thor over assessing him. He’s such an open guy. Honest to a fault really. He’s very trusting too. It would be so easy for Loki to deceive the naïve man and then do him in. But now Loki is questioning if he really wants to. All thoughts of plotting the takeover of the throne of Asgard went out the window when Thor’s cock was inside him.
Loki can still feel the itch, the fire just beneath the surface. They haven’t succeeded in conceiving yet and his heat is still on. “Thor. Are we expected to make an appearance at all today?”
“No. No one expects to see us for several days in fact. And even then we will be doing things to bring us closer together. You and I are expected to spend as much time alone with each other as possible.” Thor says feeling a bit exposed. He hopes Loki feels for him in the way that Thor is starting to feel for Loki.
“Ah. So I take it my father is already back in Jotunnheim with the Casket. So much for goodbyes.” Loki says offhanded. He tries to mask it, but Thor can see he is wounded. Laufey really didn’t give two shits about Loki. Loki swallows down his breakfast hard as he tries to suppress his tears.
“Come here.” Thor says quietly. Loki looks at Thor then. A lost and hurt expression is etched on his face. Loki doesn’t know what is wrong with him. A life time of putting on a brave face and hiding his emotions is failing him now. He feels like a raw exposed nerve. Thor is so gentle and comforting.
Thor pulls Loki into his lap and kisses him deeply. Their fingers entwine and Thor stands, carrying Loki to the bed. Thor strips off the pajamas Loki had put on earlier and settles his body between his legs. Loki’s heart skips in anticipation that Thor is about to give him another blowjob when Thor plunges his fingers into his cunt. Shock sets in when they are followed by Thor’s tongue. Loki gasps. It is so intimate and dirty and wonderful. Thor then reaches up and takes Loki’s cock in hand, stroking him as his tongue strokes his clit.
“Thor please….” Loki begs as Thor teases him. Thor is being slow in his movements, building Loki up but not giving him release.
Thor slinks up Loki’s body and positions himself. He glides into Loki’s pussy smoothly and Loki mewls in pleasure. “What other wonderful things would you have me do to your body my darling?” Thor whispers into Loki’s ear.
“Mount me on the throne!” Loki says as Thor sets a steady pace. Loki is enjoying talking dirty and Thor loves hearing all the sexy things that come from his mouth.
“I thought you didn’t like the audience.” Thor muses.
“It’s funny; it didn’t bother me as much as I thought it would. If I were more experienced I might have even enjoyed it.” Loki purrs.
“And you would ride me as I sit upon the throne?” Thor grins a devilish smile.
“I would kneel between your legs and worship your cock in front of the entire kingdom. My head bobbing up and down as you run a council meeting….” Loki hisses into Thor’s ear as Thor’s thrusts become hard, fast, and powerful.
Loki’s dirty words are making Thor imagine the very scenario in his mind and it makes his cock even harder for his husband. The thought of Loki’s lips wrapped around him makes him come.
“Yes, Thor! Fill me….fill me…” Loki strokes Thor’s golden hair. They lay there utterly spent.
Loki thinks about everything that has happened. All of his plans have ended in failure. Ascend to the throne of Jotunnheim? Failed. Assassinate his brothers? Failed. Not fuck Thor while in heat? Failed. Hate Thor for the rest of his stupid short life before betraying and killing him? Fuck it. Thor’s a keeper. He’s a beautiful, gullible, easily manipulated, kind hearted oaf that can screw like a stallion. Even though all of his plans have ended in failure Loki, despite it all has ended up on top; with Thor on top of him.
The Norns are still bitches though.



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