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the sister of thor.

back on asgard

thor's pov.
I picked her up and said goodbye to jane then she kissed me. Astrid wasn't healing . why isn't she healing. I fought with loki and he fell off the bifrost. not only did I lose my brother I may lose my sister too. sif and the warriors had been protecting astrid because I was the only one who could lift her because of her dagger. I picked her up and rushed to the infirmary." thor what happened are you okay." mother asked rushing into the room." I'm fine but astrid might not be. she got smashed into something and hit her head." I said and she looked at her daughter." is she going to be okay." she asked looking worried about her daughter." I don't know but when she wakes it's best not for you to be the first she sees." I said." why did she say something to you about why she left." mother asked." she did and you aren't going to like it." I said. we walked out of the room and she looked at me." what did she say." she asked." she said she doesn't think you care about her. that you preferred us boys over her." I said and she looked down." am I a terrible mother." she asked." no you are a great mother." I said." she isn't wrong I always shouted at her and never shouted at you. I showed you love and her neglect." she said and sat down on a bench." don't doubt yourself you are a great mother." I said and she hugged me." queen Frigga prince thor she's waking up." a nurse said running towards us.

Astrid's pov
I opened my eyes to find myself in a hospital bed an asgardian hospital bed." daughter." a soft voice said. a female voice said. a voice I didn't recognise said." spare me a lecture." I managed to say after realizing it was my mother." I wasn't going to lecture you." she said." hard to believe." I said and thor came into view." are you okay." he asked." I would be if I was on earth." I said and he frowned." daughter what you did was understandable it has been brought to my attention that I never treated you the same as thor and loki. and I am sorry." mother said." thor bend down." I said and he knelt next to me. I grabbed his pressure point and he fell unconscious." don't worry he'll wake up soon." I said and my mother smiled at me." where's loki." I asked." he fell off the bifrost." she said and a tear rolled down my cheek." he was the only one who seemed to care." I said and she frowned." I forgive you." I said and she hugged me. I sat up and she helped me off the bed when thor woke." what happened." he asked." you dropped Mjolnir and when you bent down to pick it up you hit your head." I said and he nodded. he helped me walk out of the room and I smiled." is there away to get back to earth." I asked." yes and if you wish to go back I will send you there." mother said and I nodded before I knew it I was engulfed in black smoke.



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