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Valley of the Dolls



American teenager Katya Summers, 17, was reported missing from her Russian Hotel. Eyewitnesses reported seeing the young New Yorker walking out of a bar with two men.

Her body was never recovered. Parents, Ann and Jerry Summers have declared her dead, 3 years after her disappearance despite people claiming they’ve seen the tiny brunette around Russia and Ukraine.

Every one of the “dolls” have the same origin. All of them were visiting Russia and suddenly “disappeared”. They’d go missing from their hotels and hostels and all reports share the same thing; two men, unidentified, are with them the last time they were seen. All of their loved ones believe their dead. They’re not. They’re the furthest thing from being dead.

They’re living in a real life Dollhouse.

The Red Room saw the mistakes they made with the Black Widows and perfected their methods. Instead of just placing false memories into their heads, they wiped the slate clean. This leaves the “dolls” in a childlike state, that’s until they are needed for a mission. When on missions they are imprinted with a personality and skill set needed to complete this mission; they become a different person entirely for that mission. They are imprinted with a fake name, a fake back story and even fact disabilities. Red Room realized this is the perfect way to create the perfect sleeper agent.

Once the mission is completed and the target is neutralized; the “dolls” get their minds wiped clean. They lose all memory of who they were and what they’ve done. They go back into the underground base and live blissfully unaware something is wrong.

This is until Hydra gets involved and leaves their whole world exposed...



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