King Loki - Comments
Then anticipation is killing me lol I know you like to build up to it and I love that but I keep reading and thinking "oh god just realize you love her already" lmao
I had not realized, I shall fix it. :0
There were so many more variables to look at that I hadn't considered until I began writing. :p
Lol u realize u labeled chapter 3 as chapter 4 right? And ya I can see that. Its such a vastly different phenomenon that its hard to imagine precisely how itd be, realistically
I have returned indeed!
I'm liking this so far as well. Trying to create a new world in which Loki rules is not as easy as I thought, which makes it super fun. :)
And she returns! Lol I like where this is heading. The gears in my head are already turning thinking of what could possibly happen XD
Why thanks so much! When I find time I will check out your fanfiction. Happy reading!
Hahaha. You are not the only one in this boat. :p