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The breathless fall

"With your love, I'll never be alone."

Author's warning: scene of torture, and violence. Heartstrings will be pulled for good and bad. Tissue boxes may be needed. This will be probably the "darkest" chapter I will ever write, but it is also going to be one of the more uplifting emotional ones too. So please keep an open mind, I promise the sun will rise for both of them!

Chapter 11

"With your love, I'll never be alone."

"AGAIN!" Laufey snarls, and strikes him to the ground. There is a burst of pain in his jaw, and Loki knows it has finally cracked. His sides heaving, Loki struggles to his feet. One of the guards halls him up, and pushes him to the table where the body of his last effort lies.

"Bring in another!" The rotting god demands, and the dead Jotun is thrown off the table. A new "volunteer" is tied down in its place. "Do not fail me again, Loki. My patience is at an end!"

Loki, utterly exhausted, braces himself over the table. "My magic is empty.." he pleads.

I can not do this again, I will not. The monster is nearly dead, I just have to bide my time a little longer.

"LIAR!" Laufey roars and takes Loki's head and smacks it on the stone altar. There is a sickening crunch and he cant hold back a scream as his jaw is broken.

Laufey roughly takes his hand and pins it to the bound Jotun. The creature squeezes his already shattered wrist and the bones grind together in white hot agony. Loki begins to sob, ashamed that he can no longer put up a pretence against this torment.

"Again..." the decaying god growls.

Loki calls up his dwindling magic, and speaks the words of binding and change. So little left, but If I am careful, I should have enough to continue Tony's sleep.

Warm blood pools in his mouth and he gags. Did I do the right thing? If I heal myself, I condemn Tony to death. But when I expend my magic to heal him, there is not enough left to heal myself. And with out me, he will surely die.

This self debilitating spiral has gone on for the five days he and Tony have been captives.

He cannot survive without me, but I cannot survive much longer healing him.

Loki has kept his companion clinging to life. With no food or water, Loki could only scrape ice from the walls, and melt it in his hands for Stark and himself. He tried refusing to work unless his partner got some sort of sustenance and water, and that's when his wrist was broken. When Laufey threatened to do worse to Tony, Loki broke.

Steeling himself, Loki takes the smallest bit of his remaining magic and forces it into the bound Jotun's body. The Frost giant immediately begins to howl, and Loki pushes further, seeking the creatures heart. If he can just reach it, Laufey will have his new host at last. But it will not work. It will never work.

The only reason I was able to change Tony to accept a part of my god-spirit, was that I did not do it without aid. Tony's own spirit was already altered from his reactor. The device keeping him alive is emitting an aura close to primal magics. His spirit is saturated with it. It is the only reason I could get the bonding to work.

These heartless monsters will never hold Laufey's god-spirit. The only possible hosts are myself, or...

Loki closes his train of though violently. He cannot afford to dwell any longer. As his magic touches the heart of the Jotun, its body spasms and froth flies from its mouth. "no.." He begs, and tries again. The Jotun screams and Loki can feel its body begin to burn from the inside out. "no, no no.."Loki repeats the mantra over the death rattle of the dying Jotun. He is still babbling when Laufey rips him away from the body, tossing him to the side.

"YOU USELESS, WEAK, RUNT OF A CREATURE! YOU ARE UNWORTHY OF YOUR OWN LIFE!"the dying god snarls and beats him with every word. Loki is a sobbing mess, unable to defend himself from Laufey's heavy blows. He is beaten within a sliver of consciousness, and Laufey shakes him like a doll to rouse him.

"What are you keeping from me runt? How does your companion yet live, while my kin die by the score?" He shakes him again, demanding an answer. Loki weakly grasps the hand around his throat, trying to ease the pressure against him. He cant help but think of his partner, and Laufey catches his flickering eyes.

"That's it..." the dying god says.

"No!" Loki begs.

"Yes! That is the missing piece!"

"Please, no!" he whimpers.

Laufey laughs wickedly. "I would have taken your body if you failed again, but I did not wish to expend most of my life subduing your spirit. Instead,I shall keep you as a pet." Laufey drops him to the ground, and presses his rotting leg on Loki's chest. "How far will you go to keep your companion alive? Even when he is just a shell that I posses, you will still care for him, still heal him, and in doing so keep me alive as well! Bring in the mortal!" Laufey cheers, and passes him on to another Jotun. A cold metal collar is forced on him, and Loki is brought to face the stone altar.

Loki growls in one last act of defiance. "YOU WILL NOT HAVE HIM!"

Laufey's face splits in a ragged grin. "Still have some fight left in you, runt?"

"please, take me in his place! I'll do anything..." Loki pleads.

"Yes you will do anything. What a perfect torment, the everlasting pain of watching your bed-mate fade slowly before your eyes. And to know, in your heart, that your are helpless to save him."

Loki's heart stops as Tony is carried into the room. "Let him go! PLEASE!" he sobs and struggles against his bonds.

Tony is thrown onto the table and his head bounces off the stone, waking him. He moans in agony and confusion, and Loki can see his eyes roll.

"Tie him down."

"No! You monsters! I'm the one you want, leave him be!" Loki is struck by Laufey, and he coughs up blood onto the ice.

Tony tries feebly to resist the bonds, and when the knot is tied around his broken leg, he screams into consciousness.

Loki in a moment of pure desperation, strains against his bonds and touches the hand on Tony's skin. He pours every single last drop of his magic into his partner, hoping it will be enough to keep Laufey away.

A moment is frozen in time, and Loki connects to Tony's mind.

"Tony I'm so sorry!" Loki cries and holds on to the mental image of his companion.

"whats happening to me?" Tony asks, voice wavering.

"Laufey, he means to posses your body. With it he cannot die. YOU MUST FIGHT HIM!" Loki clutches Tony tight to his chest afraid to let him go. "I've given you all my magic, can you feel it?"

Tony embraces him, and rests his head under Loki's chin. "Yes.. Loki it's beautiful.."

. Loki watches as his partners eyes are flooded with green light.

The connection falters as Loki is being torn away.

"I don't have much time Anthony! Use this to help fight him." Loki taps the reactor in Tony's chest. "Use my magic and yours and you may be able to stop him!"

Loki is wrenched away, but scrambles for another grip.

"Tony, I lo-" Loki starts, but Tony cuts him off with a sweet and tearful kiss.

"Save it for when we get out of here ok? But if anything should happen-"

"Tony No!"

"Loki listen to me!"

"No don't say it!"

"Please, tell Pepper.. Tell pepper that I never would never be the man I am today, with out her, and... I'll be ok."


"And give my best to Bruce, Steve, Natasha, Clint and

your brother. Tell them they'll have to look out for each other now."


"Loki the hardest thing to do in this world is to let go."

"Anthony please, I've just found you, you cant leave me!"

"And should the worst come to pass, Promise me you'll be able to carry on."

"please don't"

"Loki... be brave, and live... For me."

Tony places one last kiss on his lips.

"Goodbye Loki. See you on the other side."

Loki watches his lover fade back into nothingness.

"NO!" Loki screams as he is forced to his knees.

"Make him watch!" Laufey growls, and Loki's head is pulled back by a large hand.

The dying god looms over his partners body. It pulls the silver knife from its belt and slices Tony's shirt away. Loki screams in vain as the god continues to cut the rest of the clothes off, and Tony is laid bare on the table.

Tony's feverish eyes lock onto Loki's.

Stay with me?

Loki keeps his partners gaze and ties to show everything in his eyes.

I promise. I'll be right here Anthony, be strong.

The decaying god reaches its clawed hand to Tony's reactor. "This is what strengthens you mortal, isn't it?" It digs its claws around the reactor and begins to pull.

Tony grits his teeth, and pure terror glazes over his eyes.

Loki, help me!

Loki strains forward, but the hands hold him firm.

Look at me Tony! Keep your eyes with me!

Laufey pulls the reactor from Tony's chest with a horrendous squealing of metal on metal. It takes the knife and slices the umbilical cord attaching Tony to his live-saving device.

Tony's body bucks on the table, and he begins to hyperventilate. "Such a fragile thing..." Laufey says and raises the reactor to Tony's face. "Know that your end came at the hands of Laufey, god of Jotunheim!" and the decaying god crushes Tony's reactor in his skeletal fist.

Tony blanches at the sight and his eyes roll back in his head before he closes them.

Loki's mind shatters with the reactor, and he lets out a long, anguished howl.

The dying god tosses his companions broken device at his feet. Loki loses all control and gives into the darkness that swallows him whole. He is an animal now, growling, snapping, clawing, with no regard to his injuries, he attacks anything he can touch. It takes several Jotuns to get him under control.

Laufey laughs at his struggles, and brings the knife to its own bandaged belly. It cuts the rotting cloth away, and the creature's organs spill out on the floor in a gushing purple wave. It then reaches under its ribcage and clasps its black heart with one hand. The other, bearing the knife, cuts the strings of magic and flesh that bind Laufey to its corpse. The dying god tears its heart out of its body.

It swirls with silver magics, and it continues to beat with loud thumps in the creatures hand. The shell of Laufey struggles to raise its arm, and pushes its evil god-heart into Tony's chest tube. The shell falls to the ground, well and truly dead.

Immediately Tony's body tears at his restraints, and the silver of Laufey's magic and the green of Loki's clash around his companions heart. The struggle is brief, and a silver shadow emerges from Laufey's heart inside Tony. It forms a shadow over his body and pours into his eyes and mouth. Tony's scream is cut off abruptly, and his whole body slumps against the stone altar.

I takes a moment, but Tony regains consciousness. He opens his eyes, and Loki watches in horror as the beautiful amber colour is smothered in silver.

It did not work. I am so sorry, I tried so hard... please forgive me Tony.

The thing blinking its eyes on the table is no-longer his companion.

"Release me..." it commands in Laufey's voice and the other Jotuns cut the ropes from its arms and legs.

"This mortal body is damaged." It says in a cruel parody of Tony's voice. "Bring me a healing stone, while my "pet" regains its strength."

Tony/Laufey swings its bare legs over the altar and reaches for his face. Loki recoils at the tainted touch of his former companion. "Look at me runt," it says and holds his broken jaw, making Loki cry out. "You belong to me now." Tony/Laufey's face contorts into a manic smile.

Loki uses the physical connection to try and reach Tony.

The body before him is choked with silver magic. Loki frantically searches for any sign of his companion, calling Tony's name over and over again.

"He can not hear you, runt."Loki pales at Tony/Laufey's words. Somehow Laufey found the link from him to Tony, and is using it. "Put my pet back in its cage, I grow weary of its presence."

Loki looks into those piercing cruel eyes, and finds nothing left of his Anthony. No spark of brilliance, no crinkle of the brow when he laughs, no natural curiosity about the world around him. He is just the shell that Laufey possesses.

Loki is well and truly broken.

I had a few days with Tony and one beautiful dream that was only in our minds, and it all was for nothing.

Completely placid, he lets the Jotuns march him down the hallway. His Tony is gone, His reason is gone. He puts up no fight and does not move when he is tossed into his cell like a discarded toy.

Loki curls up in a ball and weeps for his lost love. He cries for hours, unable to move, and so utterly lost in his own mind. Eventually his ragged body succumbs to exhaustion and he passes into an uneasy dream.


Loki is a small child, walking down the halls of his home in Asgard. He is searching for something... no someone. This person is important to him, Loki needs him. But he is gone.

A flicker of light catches his attention.

There is a little ball of warm amber light, hovering at his eye level. Little Loki tries to catch it, but it flies up out of his reach. He climbs up onto a chair, then onto a table, but the shining amber light darts through a door. He quickly scampers after it, but loses sight when he rounds a corner.

He checks every room, searching for the light from top to bottom, but cannot find it. He cant remember why he wants to catch it, but he knows it's very important. He reaches his bedroom and his beloved hunting dog, Fenrir barks and gambols towards him.

"Hello puppy! I've missed you." young Loki says and combs his fingers through his pet's fluffy grey fur. Fenrir licks his face, and wags happily. "I can not play with you now. Have you seen a fairy light?"

Fenrir tilts his head and whines.

Loki whispers. "I don't know where it is, but I need to find it. Will you help me?" His overly large puppy barks an affirmative and runs for the door.

Loki follows his sniffing hound around his home, searching from room to room. They search for hours, in the kitchens, the Library, the armoury, Thor's room, his mother's spinning and weaving room, even the weapons vault. the but at last Fenrir barks and runs down a flight of stairs to scratch at a closed door.

Loki has never seen this door before. Its made of frosted glass, and has a square with little numbers on it high above him. It puzzles him for a moment, and he calls Fenrir over to him.

"Stay puppy!" little Loki moves his dog under the numbers, and crawls up onto his back. Loki clenches his fur in his hands. "Now up!" Fenrir pushes up against the glass with his front legs and Loki just manages to reach the numbers. He knows exactly what to push. 1, 0, 6.

There is a little beep, and the door unlocks.

"Good boy!" Loki rubs his dog's ears. Fenrir Licks his face in reply, then calmly saunters off back down the hall.

Little Loki reaches high up for the door latch and pushes it open.

Inside is a room with a slick black floor, grey stone walls, and a high ceiling. Hundreds of odd tools are scattered hap-haphazardly around a few dozen tables. There are a few suits of armour against the back wall, some taken apart and placed on the floor and tables.

"I found you!" he shouts with glee and jumps to catch the little amber light just out of reach. The little fairy light moves to a table in the centre of the room, and enters a small glass container. Loki runs over to the eye level counter and tries to reach the box. His tiny fingers just manage to move the box slightly, but he cannot get a grip on it.

There is a whirr above his head, and Loki watches in amazement as a magical suit arm reaches over the table and picks it up for him. The arm whirrs again and it lowers the box, and places it in his hand.

Inside is a little glass device that holds the ball of amber light. There is a tail at one end, and the front of it reminds Loki of a clock face. A metal band is encircles the device, and Loki reads aloud the writing.

"Proof that Tony stark still lives."

Loki reads the words again, and his head begins to ache fiercely. Suddenly the little amber light flickers and begins to dim. "No, whats wrong little light?" he cries and clutches it to his chest instinctively.

"Don't go! I've just found you, You cant leave me!" Tears run down his cheeks as the light continues to dim. Little Loki begins to bawl.

"My sweet baby boy, what is upsetting you so?"

Loki turns to see his mother, clad in a silken gold dress, standing in the doorway. He runs up to her, seeking comfort, and hugs her knees.

"Momma!" Loki sobs "Its dying! I don't want him to die! What do I do?"

His mother kneels before him, and gives him a hug. "Let me see what's wrong. May I hold it, Loki?" she asks quietly.

Loki hesitates, but gently hands the box over to his mother.

His mother gingerly moves the box in her hands. A tiny smile appears on her face, then her eyes brim with tears."Oh my poor child, I understand..." She says and with a flick of her wrist, the glass box vanishes, leaving the flickering device in her palm. "Its very faint sweetling, I do not think he will last much longer." His mother says with a note of sadness in her voice.

"But you have to help me fix it!" Loki cries. "I helped make it, If -he- dies then I'll die!"

His mother sighs heavily. "Loki dear, are you sure this is what you want?"

Loki manages a small smile. "Yes momma, I love him with my whole heart!"Loki eagerly makes his point by spreading his arms wide.

His mother laughs softly at his actions, and lays a finger on his heart. "I hope there is some left for me."

"Oh yes momma! I love you lots too. Can you help me, please?" Loki pleads and gently takes the flickering amber light from his mother's warm hands.

His mother strokes his hair softly, and he looks into her kind eyes. "Alright Loki, I will help you. But this will be our little secret, ok darling?" She brings a finger to her lips and winks playfully.

"Ok!" He says and winks back.

"Hold it in your hands dear, like this." His mother cups his hands around the amber light, and places her own on top of them. His mother begins to call upon her magic, and Loki watches the beautiful golden treads weave from his mothers heart, down her hands and Into his own. His mothers golden light fills his body with energy, strength, and most importantly, her everlasting love.

"Momma its so warm! Thank-you."

"Stay still Loki, I am almost done."

His mother's magic flows from her heart, through his own, and at last to the heart of Tony Stark.

Loki gasps as the memories flash before his eyes. The battle on Midgard, the fall to Jotunheim, the journey to the temple, the fight with Laufey, the time in his cell.

And everywhere is his Anthony. Caring for him, consoling him, understanding his pain, helping him heal, fighting along side him, kissing him, and dancing in a dream world they created together.

His warm amber light, his love, his star, his reason, Tony.

Loki, no longer a child, clutches the heart of Tony Stark in his hands. The magic provided by his mother has strengthened the amber glow.

"Mother, how did you-"

"I only added to what you had already set in place. It was very brave of you to give him last of your magic to him, knowing you might perish because of it. It was just enough to protect his mind." She taps the symbol of the arc reactor in his hands. "He lives in here. Bring this to him, and he shall return to you."

His mother gently takes the reactor from his hands, and pushes it against his chest. There is a wondrous warmth flooding from it, and he reaches up to touch it. Together he and his mother push Tony's heart into his body. Loki looks down, and can see the amber light shine out through his skin. He sighs in delight as Tony's heart recognizes him, and settles right beside his own.

"Now it will be protected by you, until you can give it back to him." His mother looks at him, her eyes brimming with tears. "I have one more gift for you, my son."

Frigga walks over with him to a shining suit of armour, hanging on a form. Loki notices right away that the suit is missing a gauntlet. "But this is-"

"Hold still dear, while I prepare you for battle." His mother interrupts, and hands him a shining boot. Loki obediently puts it on, and a second one follows the first.

As his mother dresses him in the armour, she begins an ancient spell of protection, healing and courage.

She buckles his greaves onto his shins.

"By the moon of the birch tree,"

She puts on his knee guards.

"Grant my son courage in all things,"

She places his pant coverings around him.

"Lend his back strength, his hands skill, and give him endurance to do what must be done."

She clasps his belt around him.

"May he love with a fire so fierce, no cruel words may breach it."

She gently places his breast plate over his head.

"May his limbs be whole, His blood clean, and his mind free from mists and storms."

She attaches his back-piece to the breast plate

"Bind each wound, and help him see past the tears."

She adjusts the chest piece, and smiles at him.

"May his words be as strong as the ancient tree,"

She slips on a shoulder guard.

"For once his vows are made, they must be fought for."

She slips on the second guard.

"I give him my love to keep him going,"

She takes his wrist and slides an arm bracer on.

"I keep him under my wing, and give him courage."

She sets his other arm bracer on him.

"Let my prayer be brought swift and true to the two hearts he carries."

She puts the single gauntlet on his left hand.

"Help him bear the unbearable."

And lastly she places his helmet upon his head.

"Guide him on his true path, whatever it may be, and help his mind be strong enough to see it through."

The armour is faintly glowing with green and gold light now, but the brightest light comes from a tiny window in the breastplate. Loki can feel Tony's heart beat beside his own, and the amber light pulses with each contraction.

His mother takes his hand in her own. "My son, I have given you everything I can. The rest is up to you now."

Loki embraces his mother In a fierce hug, and is unaware of the joyous tears that spring from his eyes. "Thank-you for understanding what I must do."

His mothers eye's eyes begin to water. "I love you, my sweet boy. Please be careful!"

"I will mother. I love you too." Frigga takes his head in her hands and kisses the crown of his hair.

"Goodbye my son, You must awaken from this dream now. Go and find your lover, and save him!"


With his mother's kiss, Loki is thrust back into the wakening world. He is momentarily startled when all he can see is darkness. His breath echos in his ears, and there is a flash of light that makes him wince.

"Alternative power source online now. Levels are holding at 200% capacity."

"What is this?" Loki struggles into a sitting position, but there is unusual weight and stiffness to his body.

"Hello sir, you may call me J.A.R.V.I.S. I am master Stark's personal assistant."

Loki brings his hands to his face and pulls at the helmet.

"Let me get that for you, sir." Jarvis opens the faceplate, and at last Loki can see.

He is wearing Tony's Iron man suit. Or at least most of it. The right gauntlet is still missing.

Loki brings himself to a standing position, and braces himself against the wall.

"How is this possible?" he asks in awe, and flexes his newly healed wrist and jaw.

"Courtesy of Mistress Frigga. She would also like me to remind you that if you intend to visit other realms that you consider taking your brother with you next time. It would enable her to rest easier if you did."

Loki laughs, overwhelmed with emotions. There is an echoing flutter in his chest, and Tony's heart laughs with him. Loki looks down and he can see the amber glow emit from the chest piece window. The rest of the suit still bears the marks of the avalanche, but his magic is filling the gaps and joints, protecting him. His magic! Loki takes in a deep breath, and lets it swell around him. So much power!

A stomp announces the approaching footsteps of a Jotun, and Loki readies himself for a fight. The giant, collar in hand, comes in view of his cell. It looks up, and as it takes in a breath to yell, Loki raises his left hand and fires a bolt of his green magic, obliterating the cell door, and the Jotun behind it.

"I see why Tony fancies this!" Loki remarks, and jumps over the ruined corpse.

"Sir, I have located Master Anthony. Engaging heads up display." Jarvis pipes in his ear.

The faceplate closes with a clang, and Loki is presented to a virtual model of the burrows. He flicks his eyes at a little flashing red light, and the image enlarges. Several dozen little blue lights line the path from his current location to Tony's.

"I am going to enjoy this immensely." Loki chuckles darkly.


Author's note: chapter title challenge again! who knows what the quote is from?"

Artists notes: I have used passages from the "13 moon prayers for Frigga's handmaidens", and altered them slightly to fit the situation.

Disclaimer: I do not own any marvel characters or their movie interpretations. I've done this for fun and I hope you enjoy! Also this is set after Iron man 3 and the avengers. Loki escaped to earth and Tony never had romantic feelings for pepper. (Hence the arc reactor is still in his chest)


I'm enjoying this far too much

LocoForLoki LocoForLoki
JenoWatina JenoWatina