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The breathless fall

"Our dreams will break the boundaries of our fear."

Chapter 12
"Our dreams will break the boundaries of our fear"
Loki puts his back to the wall, trying to get out of range from the Jotun's ice shards. He has managed to corner a large group of them in the altar room, and is slowly picking them off one by one. One of the monsters gets a lucky throw, and the icicle screeches down his leg before rebounding off the armor. Loki calls up his spear with his newly returned magic , and launches it like a javelin into the Jotun's chest. The beast squeals pitifully as it dies and Loki sneers wickedly. He tumbles into the main room, and sends out searing blasts of magic in every direction.
Loki growls as the red haze that covers his eyes threatens to overwhelm him. He attacks the closest beast in a howl of rage, savagely tearing into it. He shows no mercy for any creature. He was granted none, and they shall receive none from him. He wrenches his spear from a dead beast, and uses it to cut open the throat of another. He moves from monster to monster this way, slashing, obliterating and killing them all with a ruthlessness that he has never known. His anger is so great that he is past the point of speech, whatever sounds he can form are twisted in his throat to a constant animalistic snarl.
Loki takes his revenge for every cut that was drawn over his flesh, every second of inhumane torment he was made to endure, every single time he was broken and beaten. But lastly and mostly, he takes his revenge for his Anthony, who was torn from his body and left for dead.
He reaches the last beast in the room, and flings a dagger into its soft belly. Two more follow in quick succession, cutting short the creatures choked gasp, but he is not yest satisfied. Loki remorseless, hits the beast over and over until his arm begins to ache.
"Sir, I believe that creature has been dead for quite some time now."
Loki irritably smacks the side of his helmet, wishing the voice would stop speaking to him.
He retrieves his slick dagger from the corpse and turns to the symbol of his pain, the altar. Tony's heart quivers beside his own as he nears the stone slab. Loki comforts him with images of cracking stone, and he receives Tony's encouragement for what he is about to do. He raises his hand and lets his magic seep over the altar, working into every flaw and divot. He can feel Tony's fear and pain radiating at the surface, and as he goes deeper, there is a faint memory of his own anguish. This is the very spot where he was torn to pieces, again and again. This is where his heart was ripped out nightly, and the darkest core of ice from Jotunheim itself was thrust into his chest, obliterating all thought and feeling until all he knew was pain. Loki digs his magic into the very foundation of the stone, and with a swift motion, obliterates the altar entirely. It explodes in a shower of dust, and the debris tink off of his helmet.
The powdered stone coats his armor, and Loki flares his magic around his body, enjoying the satisfaction of his renewed strength. As his power accumulates around his back and shoulders, he catches a reflection of himself against the ice walls.
An unrecognizable form looks back at him. The Iron man armor is covered in white dust, and the Jotun's dark blue blood has collected in strings and smears. His vented magic flairs off his back in waves, and it gives him an imposing silhouette of fiery emerald wings. The eyes through the helmet smolder with his unquenchable thirst for bloodshed.
He is an Angel of vengeance, terrible and beautiful in his anger. He is righteousness, he is fury, he is justice incarnate unleashed upon his former tormentors.
"Sir, Anthony's body is on the move." Jarvis pipes up, wrenching him from his thoughts.
Loki shakes his head to try to focus on the flickering lights inside the helmet. "Tony's" dot is slowly making its way down to the river Iving.
"Do not lose it!" Loki snarls, and runs through the large door, and into the burrows.
He follows the dot around a corner, and spots a Jotun running towards him. He quickens his pace, and without losing any momentum, fires a blast at point blank range vaporizing the top half of the creature. He smiles as another beast appears from an offshoot, throwing its fist on the ground, sending a wave of ice spikes along the ground towards him. Loki laughs as the spikes squeal and crack over his armor, causing no harm to him whatsoever. Loki flicks his wrist along the ice wall, and several jagged points of ice pin the unfortunate creature to the wall. He runs past it, not even bothering to finish off the howling wreck.
Two heavily armored giants guard the door in front of him, brandishing their Ice-sword-arms. Loki winds up his spear and swings hard, knocking off the helmet and snapping the neck of the first creature. The second swings its sword arm, and Loki catches it with his gauntlet hand, and pulls the creature down and forward, flipping it on its back. The beasts arm cracks from the unnatural angle, and the ice blade shatters.
"Pathetic." Loki spits, and places his foot on the creatures neck. He tugs up on the arm, gaining the leverage to snap its spine in two. "Weak."
"Sir, Anthony's body is nearing the river, I suggest you hurry."
"Enough machine! I know this!" Loki barks at Jarvis.
Loki kicks open the door with enough force to blow it from its hinges. The loud bang resonates off the river chamber walls, and Laufey/Tony turns from the cliff to stare at him. The clawed crown is attached to the frozen mess of Tony's hair, and Loki notices something disturbing as it steps from the shadow of a column. The creature possessing his lover's body has managed to corrupt Tony's form by altering Loki's original binding spell. Laufey/Tony skin is as blue as a true Jotun, and newly cut designs are etched all over its body. It has clothed itself in a chain mail and leather kilt, and a leg brace carved of bone and rough hide. Inside the tube in its chest radiates the black heart of Laufey which creates terrifying under-lit shadows on Tony's face. That effect in combination with the piercing red eyes give the illusion that his lover has turned into a demon.
"My pet..." Its says, still using a hollow mimic of Tony's voice. It looks him up and down, eyes lingering over his weapon and suit ."How dare you bare your fangs at me! I command you to shed your armor, and beg for my forgiveness... I might just let you live." Laufey sneers, hardening Tony's face into a cruel mask.
Loki continues forward, spear raised in challenge. "You have taken what belongs to me." He begins in a throaty growl. "Return it, without harm, and I shall make your true death as painless as possible."
Laufey/Tony laughs deeply, pulling the skin tightly over his teeth in a grimace of insanity. "This body is mine now. Your bed-mate is long gone pet... there is nothing left for you to save!"
Loki's hand reaches for the amber light beaming from his chest. Tony's heart begins to beat wildly, eager to return to his body. "He is not gone, you decaying blight upon flesh! He sleeps beneath my heart, and I will see to it that you are drawn from his body, like poison from a wound. And when you are stripped from him completely, I will destroy every last trace of you and your power!" His voice is shakes with heartache and loss, and he tries to hold himself together. His spear lowers its point slightly, giving away his weakness to Laufey. He can not harm him as long as he possesses Tony's body.
Laufey/ Tony takes a few steps closer to him, catching the unwillingness of Loki to resort to violence against his partner. "Your silver-tongue is quick pet, but its little barbs cannot harm me. Perhaps I shall rip it from your mouth and feed it to svell valdr."
Loki takes a faltering step forward. "Enough!" he shouts his voice cracking in sorrow. "Leave his body now, or I shall-"
"Hurt me?" Laufey/Tony taunts him, and moves closer until his throat touches the tip of Loki's outstretched spear. "You can not muster the courage to harm his body" Laufey/Tony lets his hand glide along Loki's spear until its hand nearly touches his."You will never know joy again while I control this body. Words of hope will turn to ash in your mouth. I will break you, intimately, repeatedly, with this body until you succumb to my every whim. You are powerless to stop me... pet." Laufey/Tony finishes its speech with one hand brushing down Loki's helmet in a mockery of a lovers caress.
Loki has been expecting this.
What Laufey has been saying is not the promise of pain and torment. No, he has condemned himself with his own words. Laufey knows on some level that Loki finally now has the power to end him, and all he has done since he has entered the room, is beg for his life. A bully and a coward hoping to fell his enemies with a hollow front of power, backed up with empty words and twisted lies.
Every word Loki spoke to him was so carefully chosen. Gestures, he made all intentional. He needed Laufey to have the illusion of control right until the end , because he had to be the one to close the gap between them. The moment Laufey chose to step close to him, is the moment when he was defeated.
"Power conduits re-routed to the central core, sir"
"fire "
Time slows for the half second that it takes for his magic to be converted into a repulsor blast, and Laufey/Tony , finally realizing the trap Loki has set for it, manages the start of a scream before it is launched into the column behind it.
The force of the suits blow is far less damaging than his own magics. Laufey/Tony's head bashes against the column and its broken leg crumples beneath it as it falls to the ground. Loki is beside it in a flash, pinning Laufey/Tony against the floor while it is stunned. He reaches in the tube for Laufey's heart, and as his hand closes on the cold beating flesh, he is yanked into Laufey/Tony's mind.
The darkness that floods his senses is overwhelming. The Iron man suit no-longer protects him. He has no power in this mindscape. The dark magic is plugging his ears, blinding his eyes and choking him with each breath. Loki struggles to ward off the abyss intent on drowning him. He gags on the taste of Laufey's magics trying to worm their way into his body.
There is a light here.
Loki's chest begins to warm and the amber light that is Tony, pushes back the shadows. The darkness shrivels against the onslaught of the light, and with each beat of Tony's heart, is driven farther back. The warmth in this chest grows hot and Loki can feel Tony's heart hammer against his ribs, seeking a way out. Loki places his hand over his chest, and gently wraps his magic around the little heart. He slowly draws it out from beside his own, and winces as it leaves his body. The beautiful warmth is gone from him. He lifts the light in his palm, and holds it out for his partner.
An emerald shimmer begins to envelop the amber light, and Loki knows that Tony's mind has recognized the return of Its heart. The shimmer begins to solidify around the light, and Loki can see his companion begin to take shape. The outline of his body forms with the light at its heart. First the legs take shape, whole and unbroken in this mindscape. Then the waist and chest materialize, and Loki can see the rise an fall of steady breathing. The arms and hands come into focus, with one hand pressing Loki's against his newly formed chest. And lastly Tony's face forms, a sweet smile on his lips, and his amber eyes shimmering, full of light and love.
"Loki..." Tony murmurers, and takes him into a kiss full of longing. Loki surrenders himself completely to his lovers embrace, and savors the taste of Tony on his tongue. The warmth floods back into him from his partner, and Loki utters a sob of relief. Tony runs his fingers through his hair, and crushes Loki's lips against his with a fierce passion.
But a cold chill begins to creep up his spine.
Loki can feel the darkness creep closer to them, and reluctantly breaks off from Tony. "Laufey..."
"Ya, I can sense the bastard too." Tony glowers beside him. "Disgusting." He spits. "I feel contaminated, Like worse than the Palladium poisoning." Tony shivers, then gags. "Oh god that's... He's everywhere...moving under my skin. Stop it! GET OUT OF MY HEAD YOU UGLY FUCK!"
The mindscape quivers around them at Tony's plight, and the darkness of Laufey billows around them.
"Anthony, focus!" Loki says his hands on Tony's shoulders.
There is a great peal of laughter, and the darkness collects into a rolling cloud. Laufey's voice rumbles like thunder. "THIS BODY IS MINE! YOU WILL NOT HAVE IT!"
Tony clutches his head, fingers white with tension. "Come here and FIGHT ME!"
"Tony, the darkness is only a representation of Laufey in your mind. You have power here, far more than it does." Loki pries the tight hands from his partners temples. "Call him into a physical form, and together we will purge him from your body and mind."
Tony spreads his arms wide, and slowly pushes them together. He strains with enormous effort, but Loki watches as the darkness begins to collect around a shadowy figure.
There is a great howl from the dark cloud as it shrinks and solidifies. It collapses in on itself and with a snarl, Laufey, now in physical form, slices through the cloud and lunges for Tony. Laufey brings up his silver magic and creates ice swords on his arms as he swings hard, aiming to decapitate Tony.
Tony responds with a flourish of light, as his mind forms the Iron man gauntlets around him. He leads with a perfectly timed wrist block, pushing the sword arms above his head, leaving Laufey's torso vulnerable. He winds up and punches Laufey hard enough to send him sprawling backwards.
"And thus begins my long road to recovery." Tony quips as he flexes his gauntlets. "This is going to be so much better than a therapist."
Laufey growls and thrusts up at Tony's head. Tony ducts and twists using his momentum to spin around and kick him hard across the ribs. Laufey is flung head over heels and into Loki's range.
Loki immediately takes one of Laufey's arms, and yanks it backwards with a snap. Loki continues twisting the arm until it pops from its socket, and the ice blade shatters. Laufey howls and kicks Loki's feet out from under him. Loki drops the arm and tries to bring his own hands up to block, but Laufey manages to drive his remaining ice blade into Loki's shoulder. Loki cries out.
he did not expect to feel pain in this illusion of the mind.
Tony comes to his rescue in a flash, jumping on the monsters back, and putting him in a choke hold.
Laufey gags and swipes uselessly with his dislocated arm, and snarls as he is forced to left go of Loki to attack Tony. The blade is freed from his body, and Loki takes a dagger from his side to flick it into the meat of Laufey's thigh, further crippling the creature. Tony who is now hanging on for dear life, manages a few good kicks to Laufey's back, forcing the monster to expose his stomach. Loki calls up his spear, and rams it as hard as he can into Laufey's solar plexus. The creature's stomach muscles spasm, and it is unable to take in air. Tony tightens his hold, and Laufey is now completely unable to breathe.
Laufey struggles to take swing at him. Loki stops the creatures swing mid-reach with his bare hand. He squeezes as hard as he can, and is rewarded with deeply satisfying wet snaps . Howling in pain, the creature's legs begin to shake. "Kneel before me!" Loki bellows, and twists the dagger in its thigh. "I said KNEEL!" He commands, and with a silent roar of defeat, Laufey is forced on his knees before Loki. Loki revels at the look of the utter humiliation and defeat on his enemies's face.
The creature begins to swallow rapidly and Loki can tell it's trying to speak. He gives Tony a nod.
Tony loosens his choke hold just enough to allow for Laufey's final words.
The fallen god at his feet lets out a halting cough. "Loki..." It rumbles. "If you kill me now, you will condemn your mortal pet to an agonizing death..." Loki squeezes the god's broken wrist, earning him a roar or pain.
"I have no desire to listen to your ramblings!" Loki shouts and puts his spear up to Laufey's throat.
Tony adjusts his hold so he is pinning the monsters hands behind its back. "What do you mean I'm going to die?"
"As I possess your body, I am able to slowly dissolve the shards in your chest, mortal."
"LIES." Loki growls and digs the point into Laufey's neck.
"Loki, wait!" Tony pleads.
Laufey chuckles to himself. "He does not wish you to know mortal."
Tony bores his eyes into Loki's. "What the hell is he talking about Loki?"
"Do not listen to him! He is trying to deceive you!" Loki retorts.
Laufey's face splits in a wicked grin. " If you let me take possession of this mortal's body, I will rid him of the metal slivers in his chest. After I have cured him, and regained enough strength to create a body of my own, I will have need of him no longer. I shall return him to you, whole, as a gift... but his mind will be lost forever."
Loki avoids Tony's piercing gaze and lets Laufey continue. "Would you not enjoy such a pet? One who's mind is yours to shape, and who's body is yours to use as you please?"
Loki hesitates, contemplating how Laufey might be able to cure Tony. It is just for a moment, but Tony misunderstands.
"You twisted son of a bitch! That was your plan all along wasn't it?" Tony is furious, and torn between holding Laufey' arms back and launching himself at Loki. "You fucking played me from the start! All those "memories" you gave me, to take pity on you, all those time you save me just to get me to trust you, and it wasn't enough to get me on your side, you had to... to..." Tony's rage mixes with anguish. "God-damn it Loki, you actually got me to care about you! Why? So you could take my heart before my mind?" Tony utters a breathless sob, clinging to Laufey's back. "And what after? I was just going to be a toy for you to use? Unable to fight back?"
Tony's words of betrayal cut deeply into him, but he cannot afford to let Laufey see his despair. Loki looks into his companions eyes and sees the silver glint of Laufey's magic has seeped into them. He is losing Tony...
"No!" Loki yells at Laufey. "Let him go!"
"See how easily I can twist his frail mind?" Laufey whispers, and Tony gives no notice that he has heard him speak. "This is something you will never do. You do not know the magics to hold a soul captive, and you cannot cure him without possessing him! Let me take his body. A few hundred years is a short time for you to get your pet back." Laufey begs.
"ENOUGH!" Loki shouts. "I will never let you have him!" he puts all his weight behind his spear, and in one swift stroke, cleaves Laufey's head from his shoulders.
There is a great thunderous boom and the white of Tony's mindscape crashes around Laufey's body and head. Loki is lost in the rushing cloud and he is unable to get to Tony, who he can hear screaming. The cloud engulfs him and he is being squeezes with great force. Loki is thrust violently from Tony's mind and back into the waking world.
Loki fades back into consciousness. He has collapsed on top Tony's body, and the still beating heart of Laufey is clenched in his hands. He rips it from Tony's chest and flings it to the side.
"Anthony!" Loki runs his hand over Tony's face, searching for any sign that Laufey still controls him. As Loki brushes his fingertips across his companions eyelids, they flicker open. The beautiful, intelligent, courageous amber eyes stare back at him.
"Hey..." Tony whispers in a raspy voice, and a tiny smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. "The suit looks good on you. Very heroic."
"Tony!" Loki gasps, and he places his hand over his lovers chest, searching with his magic for any lingering part of Laufey. Loki can see the light of Tony's spirit burn clear and bright and he knows without a doubt that his lover has returned to him, whole in spirit and mind.
"Loki, I didn't meant it... he was making me say whatever he wanted at the end."
Loki plants a quick but sweet kiss on his lips. "I know. Its alright Tony."
"It is good to see you again sir! Your new reactor is finished and awaiting you at Stark tower. " Jarvis pipes up in a cheery voice from the helmet.
"Hey buddy thanks for finishing that. Good you hear your voice. " Tony pokes a finger at the green light coming from the suit's reactor covering. "You have to tell me the story behind this."
"Later Tony, I promise, but we are not yet finished." Loki gestures to the beating heart of Laufey on the ice.
"Is that him?" Tony points to the black heart.
"Yes." Loki fumbles with a suit clasp just over his hips. "Mother should have... ah, here it is."
"Another time."
Loki fishes out a firebox case from the suit compartment. He hands it to Tony and reaches over to retrieve the heart. Even though the Iron man's gauntlet, he can feel the evil taint emanating from it. He places the heart on the floor just inside Tony's reach. Loki calls up a dagger from his magics and grasps the hilt with one clenched fist, and places the gauntlet hand on top fro leverage.
"If we stab the heart, and burn it, Laufey will suffer a true death."
"He wont come back? Really, really?"
"Yes, he will never return. Really."
Tony twists off the top of the tube and pulls out the three little bags. He opens them all and places the stone, sand, and lastly the few drops of liquid in. He screws on the cap, shakes it, and then opens the lid. He places the warming tube against the column.
"Place your hand on top of mine. We will end him together."
Tony places his hands on top of Loki's gauntlet hand and nods.
"Know that your true and everlasting death came from Loki, god of Asgard." Loki begins.
"And Tony Stark, Iron man, and Avenger, wishes that you will burn in hell forever."
Together the push downwards and stab the heart to the floor. Loki continues to press down, until the hilt is pushing up against the faltering walls of muscle. He twists the knife, and pushes again until the heart struggles to beat at all. With one great heave the heart pushes up against the blade, and Tony presses his weight down on top of Loki's hands. The heart gives up under the strain and utters one last beat before collapsing.
"Quickly, the fire!" Loki hisses and Tony lets go to pick up the now smoking hot firebox. Loki puts his hands away, as Tony pours a molten substance over the still heart.
There is a horrendous squeal, and smoke begins to curdle from the heart. Tony empties the tube, and with a pop, the heart bursts into flame. It screams with a tiny voice and Tony inches himself farther away. The black smoke billows from the heart and Loki watches with a hungry intensity as the heart is devoured by flame.
The floor begins to melt around it and there is a last angry roar of fire, and the heart dissolves into black muck.
"It is finished, Laufey is well and truly dead."
"Thank god."
"You are most welcome Stark."
"Gallows humour Loki?"
"I learned from the best."
"Urg..." Tony winces hard and clutches his chest. "Oh... bad.. very bad. We need to get home. Like now. Like ten minutes ago.. Oh god, Loki!" Tony's body spasms and he catches Loki's hand in a vice like grip. "Whatever he did to keep me alive has... no, no... come on..."
"Anthony! The river is right below us, can you walk?"
Tony's body contorts in another spasm and he turns a ghostly white.
"Hold on!"
Loki wraps his arms around his seizing companion's body, and picks him up, holding him close to his chest.
He runs for the ledge and stops to bring up his magics. He focuses on Stark tower, and Jarvis closes his helmet.
"Here sir, directions to the fabrication wing."
Loki looks down to Tony through the eyes of his Iron man suit. "Hold your breath Anthony!" Tony gives him the tiniest of nods, and Loki jumps into the river.
Loki clutches Tony to his chest underwater, and shouts the spell for movement and destination through the helmet. It begins to fill up with water, and Loki frantically finishes the last of the sending spell before the water closes over his lips. There is a tight pull across his chest as his magic is ripped from his body, and Loki is thrust sideways, and into the mouth of Iving. Bright flashes of colour cascade through his eyelids and Loki is stretched through time and space. His ears are ringing and the water in his helmet is making it impossible for him to breathe. Just when he reaches the point of panic, his ears pop as he reaches his destination. The river closes its mouth, and he is slammed into a slick floor.
Loki slides across the tiled floor and crashes back first into a table. His head smacks against it, and Jarvis opens his helmet, letting the water pour out. Loki coughs, and as he takes a breath, an alarm begins to blare with defining volume. Red light flashes in the pitch dark room and Loki manages to catch snipits of his surroundings.
"Machine! Where is Tony's reactor?" Loki shouts trying to be heard over the din. He is painfully empty of his magics and it takes everything he has not to keel over as he moves. The trip has taken too much from him.
"This way." Jarvis lights up a table on the far side of the room.
Loki places Tony on the floor and tries to stand. The suit begins to fall apart around him. He stumbles and falls on the floor with a bang.
"Automated release system is malfu ..." Jarvis's voice dies in his helmet. Loki is no-longer able to power the suit. He tears at it in a rage, ripping pieces from his body in an effort to free himself.
There is a voice over the noise, a woman, shouting. Something slams against the door, and as Loki pulls the last piece of armor from his chest and arms, a gunshot resonates from outside the door. It bends on its hinges, but holds. More voices are shouting now, and Loki scrambles over to the table Jarvis lit up for him. He spots the reactor inside a macing with a glass door, and he shatters the barrier with his fist. More bangs echo with the blaring alarm and Loki closes his hands on the reactor. He yanks it from the case and his arm is catches on the shards, drawing blood from elbow to wrist. He hisses in pain and finds Tony in the darkness with a red flash from the alarm.
"Tony I have it." Loki says as he slides beside his companion.
Tony's chest bucks up, and Loki forces it down. He clasps the end of the wire of the arc reactor and puts his hand into Tony's chest. His partner gasps, and Loki's hand, slick with blood fumbles for the opening slot at he back of the plate.
There is a howl outside the door, Thor, that was Tho-
The door is blow completely off its hinges as his brother smashes through them with Mjölnir.
"Where are you intruder?" He bellows, tossing a table to the side.
The soldier rushes in behind him, shield raised. "Tony?" he questions and Loki can hear the pleading in his voice.
"Jarvis, Lights!" Natasha calls out, and Loki is blinded with the rush of bright light. It burns into his sensitive eyes, making him gasp involuntarily.
"LOKI!" She screams at him, and he tries to focus on her wavering silhouette. "What are you.. Stark!"
Natasha flinches internally at the scene. Tony is covered in rags and blood, convulsing on the floor. Loki has his hand inside Tony`s chest, caught in mid- tear as he tries to rip the reactor from his body. The dark shadows on Loki's face give her nothing but malice and fury. This monster has held Tony for a week, torturing him, tormenting him, and finally returned him. If she hadn't been wandering the hall right then, Loki would have ripped out Tony`s reactor for a trophy, and left his broken body for them to find.

"This is for Tony, you sick bastard."


Authors note: This is the last chapter for this story. I will be making another story that continues on from the events of "The breathless fall". It has no title yet, but rest assured the adventures of Tony and Loki are just beginning!
Also "svell valdr" refers to the four legged monster that attacks Loki and the warriors on Jotenheim in "Thor" its official name was just "Frost creature" so I had to jazz it up. It should translate to "Ice wolf" from old Norse.
While Laufey is in Tony's body I will use the pronoun "It" and "it's"
And thank-you, thank-you, thank-you to everyone who reads this and all of you who leave comments. I cant believe I've gotten over 5,500 views for my first story! Hugs for everyone!
Artist's note: special thanks to Onyx Aconite for letting me use her amazing description of Loki!
Disclaimer: I do not own any marvel characters or their movie interpretations. I've done this for fun and I hope you enjoy! Also this is set after Iron man 3 and the avengers. Loki escaped to earth and Tony never had romantic feelings for pepper. (Hence the arc reactor is still in his chest)
Dedication: This whole series I dedicate to my little brother. (His birthday was a few days ago!) He has helped me so much creating this story. He is my best friend, and confidant. We get into all sorts of trouble, but he always has my back. So thanks little bro, for being so darn cool.


I'm enjoying this far too much

LocoForLoki LocoForLoki
JenoWatina JenoWatina