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What Just Happened?

Hey Parker!

Ariana was skating around the city with Peter as they both enjoyed so much now. It has been a few days since they met officially and they grew into great friends. Fury has been really strict on who she can hang out with, how long she can be out of the Helicarrier, and that she always, ALWAYS has to be alongside a hero or an agent at all times as just about every villain on Earth is searching for her. She was happy that she didn't have to go to school, even though it would be more fun that she could hang out with Mary Jane, Peter, Harry, Ava, Danny, Luke, and Sam. She would love seeing Stan Lee pop up every now and then as the school janitor too. She would even love how Flash would pick on Peter and then she would punch the jerk square in the face as she's been wanting too for a few years now.
"Hey Parker!" she yelled skating quickly up behind him.
"What Ari?" he asked not looking back.
"Why do you never beat up Flash?" she asked.
Peter stopped and looked at her," Why do you want to know?"
Ariana stopped skating," I know your whole 'With great power comes great responsibility' thing that Uncle Ben said, but why not punch him in the face?"
"Because then, I would be just as bad as he is," he stated.
"Right," she said like she knew all along.
Peter smiled," Race you to Central Park."
"Your on!" Ariana said excitedly.
They both starting skating again and raced past the crowds of people to get to Central Park. They would just smile as the adults called them crazy kids and Ariana would often just shake her head and speed up. They both were neck in neck and if it wasn't for Mary Jane that happened to be in Central park, they both be fighting for a good amount of time to see who would win. They had their skateboards in hand and Mary Jane was recording them on her phone.
"So Peter Parker, how does it feel to lose to a girl?" she asked filming Peter closely.
"I didn't lose, it was a tie," he stated as if it was true.
"No it wasn't Parker, I beat you with a solid three seconds lead," Ariana said.
Mary Jane stopped filming and held out her hand," Mary Jane Watson, nice to meet you."
Ariana took her hand," Ariana Jones. Good to meet you too, Parker told me so much about you."
"Not really, just the part that you want to be a reporter," Peter said trying to hint that Ariana needs to not try to hint out that she's not from this dimension.
"Nice to know that you take about me Pete," she said with a smile.
Harry walked up behind Mary Jane," Hey guys."
"Hey Harry, this is Ariana," Peter said even though Ariana knew it.
"Hi Harry," Ariana said shaking his hand.
"Nice to meet you," he said with his award winning smiles.
After they all met each other and caught up, Mary Jane asked how Peter and Ariana met. The two exchanged glances before Ariana said," Well, I was carrying a lot of groceries and thing into my family's apartment and he happened to be walking by and asked to help me. After that, we just seemed to hang out a lot and yeah, we are good friends."
"That's cool," Mary Jane said even though she didn't really buy it.
Peter and Ariana sighed in relief as they continued to talk for a while before Peter got a call from Fury saying that the two of them needed to go back to the Helicarrier. They both said their goodbyes and went back to the Helicarrier. They sort of went their separate ways as Cap needed to train Ariana in case she needed it and Peter had to get home so Aunt May didn't worry about him.
"Bye Parker, tell Aunt May I said hi," Ariana said giving Peter a quick hug.
"She doesn't know who you are Ari," he said breaking the hug.
"Right," she stated quickly.
Peter smiled," Bye Ari."
Peter walked off as Ariana followed Cap into the training room. It didn't seem to have changed since the last time she was in there, but she knew that Cap would easily take down all the robots in seconds with his shield. Cap taught her some defense moves as Ariana quickly grew bored of training.
"Okay, I'm bored," she wined.
"Fury wants me to train you ma'am," he said.
"I already know this stuff. It's stuff I learned when I was in first grade," she said looking up at him.
"Then show me what you can do," he said looking at her.
"May I see your shield?" she asked.
Cap handed her the shield. Ariana took it and saw a small robot that was left over from earlier today. She threw the shield like Cap does and decapitated the robot. She then, caught the shield perfectly in her hand.
"How's that?" she asked.
Cap looked at her with amazement. He never thought someone would be as good as he was with a shield. It amazed Ariana too, she often would practice will a garbage can top, but it would always fail. They continued to train for an hour as Cap spared with Ariana to see what she could do. It was amazing at what Ariana could do. She could mimic many of the moves of a heroes. She could mimic Spiderman's, White Tiger's, Cap's, Daredevil's, Nat's, Barton's, and even some of She-Hulk's moves. It was surprising Ariana and Cap that she could mimic the worlds best heroes and agents moves. She never thought that she could mimic the moves just by watching them like Taskmaster does. She didn't mimic them entirely though, it would have her own 'touch' to it.
"Now what Cap?" she asked looking up at him.
"Wrap your hands, we're going to box," he said tossing her the tape.
Ariana grew excited, she loved boxing with all her heart. She happily wrapped her hands and put the gloves on.



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