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Chapter 17

Chapter 17
(1 month later)
Cephera walked into the room she shared with her sister. They'd gone back to Mechanova for a few days before returning once more. Cephera was actually surprised her sister bothered coming back, but all the same she did seem entertained with her new friends. Cephera was glad Seraphina was making friends at all.
She passed the small table and quickly grabbed and stuffed her face with the sweets sitting there, small chocolate delicacies. "What's wrong with you?" Cephera asked wiping her mouth quickly after consumption.
"What do you mean?" Seraphina half turned from the window where she had been standing looking out at the city.
"You haven't touched the sweets, usually there would be none left for me." Cephera frowned.
"Meh, I'm not feeling the greatest today." Cephera joined her twin at the window and wrapped her arms around her.
"Nothing serious I hope," she said burying her face into the back of her sister's dress.
"No. Just a bug." Seraphina shrugged. They didn't get sick often, but every now and then they caught some little bug, nothing major. Cephera gave her sister a loving squeeze before leaving her alone and lying down on the bed.
"Come nap with me. Loki has me worn out this day." Cephera offered stretching out and pulling a blanket up over her. Her sister didn't answer. Instead, she joined Cephera in a sluggish movement.
Cephera woke sometime later when the sun had dropped from its place high in the sky. It had to be around supper time by now. She stretched and scratched her nose before rolling to look at Seraphina. She poked her sister awake with a smile. Seraphina opened her eyes with a yawn and a sniffle before pausing to stare at her twin. Cephera tilted her head at the odd look she was being given.
"What?" She asked her feeling confused.
"Cephera?" She questioned reaching a hand out to touch her face. Cephera did the same and touched her sister's forehead. She checked her for a fever and found none.
"Yes, Seraphina. Are you okay?" Concerned Cephera sat up and inspected her sister closely.
"Aside from my sniffles I'm okay, but you're not." Seraphina gestured to Cephera up and down. Cephera looked down toward her chest and paused. The small amount of cleavage usual adorning her bosom was missing, no, not missing ... changed. Her chest was flat, her dress slightly hanging where her small chest would normally perk it out.
Startled Cephera stood from the bed and inspected herself. Seraphina was watching wide eyed and confused. Cephera felt over her chest and noticed the hair on her arms was a little darker, her arms tighter, her hands a margin larger. Suddenly, and awkwardly her sister rushed to the edge of the bed and grabbed Cephera by the ... scrotum! Cephera yelped in surprise and her face heated scarlet.
"You're a guy." Seraphina declared in both amusement and shock.
"No, no, no ..." Cephera stuttered and began to pull her skirts up her legs. She bunched them in her hands until her underwear was revealed. Her sister titled her head to the side and eyed the package that was currently bundled in the tight fitting underwear. As a female, the underwear fit her perfectly, but now they felt uncomfortable.
"You'd make a woman happy." Seraphina teased her amusement building and a laugh bursting forth.
"It's not funny Sera! I have a PENIS!" Cephera whined dropping her skirts and rushing to the full length mirror. She gazed at her more masculine face framed by her now messy hair. The combination of wavy pink and brown hair on her male body just looked wrong. "What happened to me?" She asked not really expecting an answer. Her sister was still laughing.
"Oh, man what a waste," She suddenly said sucking in a breath as her laughter died, "had that been me I would have had me some real fun." A perverted grin crossed the elder twins face and Cephera glared.
"Had it been you ..." Cephera began to chide, had it been her sister? A light-bulb went off in her head and without a word she rushed from the room.
Loki watched Amora lean across the table and grab a new book from the pile. Her breasts hanging down in her dress, teasing him and begging to be touched. Loki could only watch them until she painstakingly stood up straight. Just like every other day she was determined to send him into a rock hard state of arousal and leave him like it. Truthfully, he was beginning to bore of her antics. She was too predictable now, though he still desired her.
A knock on the doorway had them both looking toward it. Loki froze solid as he spied the face staring back at him. Cephera was stood holding the small platter that once held many tasty chocolate treats. "Could I have a word alone with Loki," she asked, or rather he asked as Cephera was no longer a woman.
"Excuse me, we are in the midst of a lesson here." Amora replied eyeing Cephera not quite seeming to realize who she was.
Cephera's eyes narrowed at the blonde before stepping inside and all the way up to her. Amora looked slightly confused watching this odd looking man in a dress hold out the plate where a few treats remained. "Want one?" Cephera asked.
"No!" Loki stood abruptly and caught Cephera's eye. She knew, she knew it was him. "I'll speak to her ... him, alone." He replied. Amora eyed them both with suspicion but gave a polite bow and left.
The moment she was gone the plate hit the table in a clatter. "Eat." She demanded a fire burning behind her violet eyes.
"I'm not fond of sweets." Loki replied.
"Really? It doesn't have anything to with the fact they are spelled?" She replied pushing the plate even closer to him.
"I don't know what you mean." Loki lied, but he knew she wouldn't believe him.
"Really? Then enlighten me, eat." Loki looked at the sweets and back to her. He could own up to his deed now or be proven a liar by eating one.
"How did you find out?" He asked instead giving up his facade.
"You think I don't pay attention to the things around me? You think I didn't take notice of that potion's book you'd been sticking your nose in during your free hours?" Loki perked an eyebrow curiously. "My sister is feeling unwell today and so for once I actually got to these treats before her." Cephera gestured to herself. "It only took me a moment to realize the correlation. As soon as I did I went to your tower in hopes to find a way to reverse it and on your desk was the very potions book you'd been studying." Loki grinned. "I make one offhanded comment to you about never getting a sweet and you use the information for your own cunning." She glared.
"I admit, the treats were meant for your sister," He said.
"This vendetta you have ends here. Do you know what my sister would have done had she eaten these and become a man?" Loki shook his head. He figured she might be appalled by the idea, but Cephera's tone told a different story. "She would have loved the idea of feeling what it was like as a man to bed a woman. She would have enjoyed every second."
"Then tell me what could I do to mess with her?"
"Don't think for a moment I would help you." She glanced at the plate again. "Fix it." She demanded speaking, of course, about her current predicament. Loki swallowed thickly.
"I can't. I don't know how. I managed to expertly produce only one potion and I had no intentions of creating a solution." Loki yelled sharply when Cephera jumped over the table with and in one swift move Loki was on the floor and choking down a gooey piece of chocolate. Cephera's new body gave her enough strength to force Loki to eat his own creation and from her he hadn't expected such an act.
When she climbed off him, she stood and wiped her hands in her dress. Loki sat up coughing. It would take an hour or so before the effects would begin. "Now you'll have too," she said frowning, "unless you want to be a girl forever." Loki wasn't sure what to say. He was still slightly surprised by the near violent action she took against him. Had it been her sister he might have fought her off for the sheer fact of expecting such a thing. But not from the younger princess, it was by way of surprise she had gotten the better of him ... that and he really needed to do more practice with his combat skills.
Loki growled after a moment. After the shock wore off. "How dare you ..."
"I dare! Do not give me a reason to tell my sister what these do Loki. This could go on forever, back and forth the two of you would try to out do the other. You are both stubborn. I have no plans to tell anyone how this came to be, but you will find a cure." Loki considered for a moment teaching her a lesson for putting her hands on him, but he pushed the thought aside. She was angry and uncomfortable, he couldn't blame her really. Loki had no qualms about being female but permanently was not a happy thought.
"I concede, I'll make us a cure." He told her sighing. The younger twin was not whom he wished to fight with. She'd been improving greatly in her magic skills and his father had been staying off his back and his mother had expressed how proud she was that Loki was taking time of his own to help Cephera. He needed the younger princess and had to be careful not to chase her away.
He walked with her along the hallway, headed to his tower. His potion's supplies were all in his storeroom up there and it would take days to create a cure. "You look ridiculous in a dress." He commented trying his best not to smirk.
"I was too busy worrying on how I was going to turn back to a girl I wasn't worried about how I was dressed." She replied seriously before realizing he was teasing her. "I will hit you." She warned with a glaring.
"Perhaps when I change we can swap clothing." Cephera eyed him suspiciously. "I am serious." He assured her.
"What will we tell people?" She asked glancing down at her body.
"A potion gone wrong. No one will question it as I am your teacher." Loki frowned. They would think he was a fool, however, for making such a mistake. Alas, he could not change that now.
"I mean it you know. You need to drop this vendetta against my sister. She didn't force anyone to do anything. If anything she helped bring Sif courage and you're blaming my sister for assisting in something that was none of your business." Loki didn't reply. He hadn't anything kind to say and hated to be reminded about the events of a month ago. Thor was still courting Sif and Loki wondered if it was only to prove him wrong.
"Right now I'm more curious as to why you are willing to hide my trickery against your sister with this potion instead of telling on me." They entered his tower as he inquired this. She took a seat on top of his desk a place she often sat much to his annoyance.
"Truthfully I don't know. Look you already have a bad rap for doing malicious things, I didn't feel like adding to it when you didn't actually hurt anyone. In fact, my sister would have loved the opportunity to be a male and see what it was like. I will not promise to keep my mouth closed in the future." She warned. Loki smirked and nodded before picking up the alchemy book he'd gotten the potion from and began to research a cure.



Then I have done my job well. :p

Yasumi Yasumi

Your cliff hangers wound me D:

fraychan fraychan

Keep that adrenaline pumping, still a lot to come.

Yasumi Yasumi

Oh god I can't even describe how happy this chapter made me. I'm feeling a slight adrenaline rush haha

fraychan fraychan

I agree, things have could been so much different if things had just come to light sooner.

Yasumi Yasumi