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Love The One You're (NOT) With

What Dreams May Come

Thor is pounding into Loki mercilessly and Loki keens from the intense pleasure. All his senses are on fire as he is engulfed in hot desperate need. Loki is straddling Thor, looking him in the face. But something is wrong. Thor’s eyes are blood red like that of a Jotun.


Loki turns his eyes to his room. Everything is covered in ice. He sees a very large mirror across from the bed that has never been there before. He is disturbed by what he sees. His skin is blue and his eyes are blood red. It is his body but instead of his own face he sees Sif’s looking back at him.


Loki turns his attention back to Thor. One of Thor’s blood red eyes is now covered by Odin’s eye patch and his skin is blue as well. Thor bellows at Loki in a deep monstrous voice, “FUCK ME!”

“Ahhhhhhh!” Loki falls out of bed onto the floor with a hard thud. Loki sits there for a moment panting and disoriented. Bweheheheh!

“I need a drink.” Loki says out loud to himself. There’s a knock at the door.

“Loki? Loki are you alright? I heard yelling.” Thor says from the other side of his door.

“Fine.” Loki yells. “I’m fine.”

“Good. Get dressed. I’m taking you somewhere.” Thor says and walks back into his room. Going where? Loki wonders. Loki picks himself up off the floor. Loki had gone to bed after his little interlude with his brother last night. Loki hadn’t expected to get any sleep with his mind so full of questions and doubts. But sleep had taken him rather quickly. He’d fallen asleep to the sounds of his brother masturbating in his room next door. Loki stills at the memory of Thor on his knees last night.

Thor, the next king, the heir in line for the throne, had been on his knees sucking Loki’s cock. Odin had said that if Loki married Thor that he would be Thor’s consort, his equal. Asgard would have two thrones, not just one. Thor may be a strong and fierce warrior, but Loki would be the power behind their marriage. Loki is strong in strategy, politics, and intelligence gathering.

“Am I really considering this?” Loki whispers to himself.

Odin had also said that Loki would have to parade around in his natural form. Moreover, he would be married to Thor. Thor has always been his older, loving, overprotective brother. After last night Loki cannot deny that there is a physical attraction there, of a nature, Loki had never let himself before consider. There had been men, over the years that Loki had secretly coveted.
But Loki had never dared to approach them. The risk was too great.

Thor has always shined like the sun, and Loki has always been his shadow. Would marriage to him be any different? Thor has always been smart enough to know when to listen to Loki regarding matters of the realm, but on a personal level, Thor was sometimes rather obtuse. While Thor has never derided Loki for his magic wielding abilities, he’s never really praised them either. And what of the people?

Loki looks at himself in the mirror. Being married to Thor means embracing his natural Jotun form. Loki realizes he doesn’t even know what his own face looks like in that state. Slowly, Loki finds that place inside him the Casket showed him, and unlocks the binding holding his appearance. The blue begins in his fingertips and spreads up his arms to his chest neck and face, then down. Loki gasps as his own eyes turn a deep ruby shade of red, with black pupils. Ridges appear on his ice blue skin that start in a semi-circle on his forehead and travel down his neck in swirls down the left side of his body. Loki’s lips are a dark navy blue and his cheeks are a slightly darker shade of blue, like he has a blush to them. Loki lifts his night shirt to see the rest of himself. The ridges swirl down the length of his cock as well, before traveling down his left thigh. They are sensitive to the touch, more so than the rest of his flesh, and Loki can’t help but wonder how it would feel to have Thor lave his tongue over the ridges of his cock. Thor.

Loki picks up a paperweight and hurls it at the mirror, smashing it to a million pieces. Loki is convinced Thor’s love will evaporate the moment he sees this… this monster in place of his beautiful brother. And the people of Asgard? They will never accept such a monster as King’s Consort either. Loki’s head falls into his hands as he weeps.

After several minutes Loki collects himself and heads into the bathroom to bath and dress. He flicks his wrist and with a wave of magic the mirror is repaired, the floor cleared of all evidence. Reverting back to his “normal” appearance Loki leaves his room to find his would be husband to see what he has planned for him.

Sif pours herself a cup of tea and takes in the view. She has never taken teatime with the Queen before, but then she doesn’t usually participate in such womanly pursuits. Sif knows Queen Frigga is trying to make amends for her son’s actions. She also can’t help but wonder what the fallout was from the meeting yesterday. If the general populous finds out that Thor has incestuous feelings for his little brother, a scandal would consume the royal family. Which means this little invitation to breakfast is also a session in damage control.

“Lady Sif, how are you?” Frigga asks gently.

“Heartbroken. I had so many hopes for myself and Thor. I had our future planned out in my head. I was so foolish.” Sif says with tears in her eyes.

“You are not foolish child. There is no way you could have known the secret my son was harboring inside his heart. How could anyone have known? It is the last thing anyone would ever suspect of him.” Frigga says soothingly.

“Yes. But added to the fact that Thor is attracted to a man, the fact that Loki is that man makes this all not just hurtful, but strange. I don’t know how to feel about it all.” Sif looks to Frigga for guidance on this matter. Despite the betrayal, Sif knows better than to seek revenge against her Crowned Prince and Future King. She would not use political intrigue to betray her own vows to the crown.

“Sif, I am going to tell you something only a handful of people in the whole of this Kingdom know. What I tell you cannot go beyond this room. Do you understand?” Sif nods at her queen’s words.

“Loki is adopted.” Frigga say seriously. Sif stares at her wide eyed as the information sinks in. Loki is adopted. It explains a lot actually, like how he doesn’t look like anyone else in the royal family. His personality is completely different from everyone else in the family. He wields magic better than a sword, and has a feminine quality beneath his male exterior. Oh thank the Norns! Thor’s not a disgusting freak! He’s still ergi, and it is going take time for Sif to come to terms with that, but compared to what she thought of him but a moment ago, it is a relief.

“Loki has been made aware of his origins and has been given a choice. He can remain as he is, a prince of Asgard and Thor’s brother, or, be disowned by Odin and become Thor’s husband.”

“But my Queen, what of heirs? Loki cannot bear children.” Sif says incredulously.

“Actually, he can. Loki is not Aesir, Sif, he is Jotun. He has been camouflaged since infancy.” Frigga says with pride in her eyes. Sif jaw drops at this revelation.

“But he’s so small.” Sif blurts out.

“Yes, Loki is a runt. In fact it was the reason he was abandoned by his dam to die. My husband found him at the end of the battle and brought him home. We changed his appearance and raised him as our own. Loki never knew any of this until yesterday.”

“Has Loki decided what he will do?” Sif asks, surprised by the genuine excitement in her own voice.

“Thor has asked Loki for the opportunity to court him, discreetly of course. He took Loki out hunting in the Dark Forest this morning. They will be gone for a few days. Odin has excused them both from their regular duties and schedules for at least the next few weeks. Only Loki can decide how this will turn out. The fact that he is even giving Thor the opportunity is a good sign, but we both know Loki’s mind can spin in a completely different direction on a moment’s notice.”

Sif nods at this. “In spite of the pain he caused me, I do wish Thor well, if only for Loki’s sake. They are my friends.” Tears start to fall from Sif’s eyes. She can’t help it. She had so much hope.

“Do not despair my child. Love is closer than you can know.” Frigga says warmly. Sif looks up at this. Frigga is the patron goddess of marriage. This also means something else.

“Did you know that my relationship with Thor was doomed?” Sif says with clenched teeth, trying desperately to hide her anger with her queen.

“Things will play out as they are meant to. Do not be angry my dear, you will be happy for it.” Sif takes in her answer and then wonders at the meaning of her words. Frigga is not allowed to divulge the details of her visions before they play out. Sif realizes that Frigga is trying to tell her that a new love is about to come into her life to replace Thor, but who will it be?

She lifts her cup to her lips and sips down her tea. Breakfast with the Queen has been far more comforting than she ever expected.
Loki and Thor reach their usual spot and dismount from their horses and begin setting up their camp. They’ve been coming to this place for centuries, usually with their friends in tow, or with their father. They’d ridden the three hour trip in silence, neither sure of what to say to the other. It was a relief that the day was so beautiful. It is spring and many flowers are in bloom. The view along the way was so spectacular that the silence turned from awkward to amiable. Like they both held Mother Nature’s display in reverence.

Loki pulls the tenting bag from off the back of his horse and pulls out the contents. He immediately curses himself for not checking this before he left. Instead of their usual accommodations of separate tents, Thor had only packed one, slightly larger tent. Loki can easily guess that the bedding in Thor’s bag is designed for two. Damn. This is too much, too fast. Thor and Loki are still referring to each other as BROTHER for crying out loud.

Though this is a hunting trip, Loki would not be surprised if they both return to Asgard empty handed. It is clear to Loki now that the entire point of this trip was for them to be alone together. Loki doesn’t know what Thor’s expectations are but if the big brute thinks that he is going to spend the next three days savagely fucking him, he’s got another thing coming. Loki means to make Thor work for it.

‘If he wants to court me, then he will court me. And when he sees me in all my Jotun glory he will show himself to be the lying hypocrite I know him to be. Love, ha! Let’s see him profess his love to my blue Jotun face. He’ll run from me, when he sees the monster that I am.’

Thor unpacks his gear and starts setting up the interior of the tent. He unrolls a doublewide matt large enough for the both of them to lie on together; and hopefully make love.



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