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Rich Genius

Steve's Sarcasm

After watching the sunrise with dad, we met up with Pepper and the others for breakfast. Steve cooked it like always, and Thor came to the table with his duster and apron. Aunt Luciana came in with Nat from their morning run. They were laughing at something that Jarvis told them. The only one that was missing was Clint. I knew where he was. He was there every morning.
"Jarvis, tell Clint that it's time for breakfast." I told our Security System. I was glad that I had a big family, but I only have 1 dad. When Clint arrived he came up and gave me a hug. I am like a sister to him, which creeps my dad out because everyone else claims that he is so old based on Clint's age. Clint does have a sister already, named Amanda, but they don't talk much.
"So, Jade..... Did you get you intelligence results?" Steve asked sarcastically. He doesn't believe that a 16 year old can be as smart as I am.
"Yes Steve. If you must know I don't have to go to college because I scored high enough on the ACT to skip it. And if I want to go I get a full scholarship." I told him leaving him speechless. Steve being speechless is a rare thing.
I looked over to Thor and asked him a question that I have been dying to ask for so long. "Thor, do you think I could try to lift your hammer?" He just stared at me with a smirk.
"Of course, but your father was weak." He got up and grabbed it, then set it on the table. I walked over and grabbed the handle. Everyone was staring at me waiting to see if I would give up right before I started. I closed my eyes and moved my arm.. At least I thought I did. I opened my eyes and looked at the table. The hammer wasn't there. I then realized that I was holding it. Thor looked amazed.
"How is that possible?" My father asked. Thor just said that he didn't know. I was shocked as well. Steve went back to his cooking and didn't say a word. I can lift the hammer. I was deemed worthy. My dad looked mad.



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