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Chapter 52

Chapter 52
The dreaded morning came with the bustle of talkative servants. Once Loki woke and allowed the maid into his private room to tidy up, her and her little friend began staring and chatting in hushed whispers. Word had spread about the battle. Cephera had done her best to pep talk Loki into feeling at least a little confident about the upcoming fight, but alas he worried.
When he reached the arena, Cephera at his side, he was met by his father and mother. Thor was off in the distance yelling something. "It's been awhile since Asgard has seen a fight for honor," Odin said, though he didn't seem too amused.
"Your father once fought a battle of honor." Frigga noted. Odin gave her a half glance that seemed to say 'don't remind me'. "You'll do fine." Loki knew his parents didn't want this battle anymore than him, but the gauntlet had been thrown down and any honourable warrior would see it through. They would not ask Loki nor Thor to break that tradition.
At least Odin had been kind enough to allow the use of weapons, but no magic.
Loki entered the arena after removing his shirt and fitting into a loose pair of pants. Thor would be wearing the same. He entered the sandy field his eyes fixed on his brother. Thor unable to use Mjolnir, held a broadsword and Loki a favoured staff.
Together they met in the center. "I regret that this fight was against you brother." Thor told him though he looked more excited than regretful.
"You could always back down." Loki replied knowing full well Thor wouldn't.
"You are not as funny as you think brother," Thor said narrowing his eyes. They stared intensely at one another and were drawn to the crowd only when a commotion began.
Loki half turned to see what everyone was looking at, across the field came Sif, running in a tight fitting garb across her breasts and loosing fitting trousers, her weapon in hand. She slowed beside Loki, passing him just a little.
"I will fight you for my own honor." She declared loudly, her eyes focused directly at Thor and all other eyes looked upon her. Standing with her double sided spear in hand, a weapon she'd earned in a battle in Muspelhiem, she glared at Thor. Loki should have felt irritated, but instead he was just shocked. There was muttering all around them.
No one knew how to proceed, not even Odin. All was quiet, aside from the rumble of confusion through the spectators, until finally Thor spoke up. "This battle is between me and my brother," he said his voice not quite as firm or as sure as it should have been.
"No!" Sif replied with much more assertiveness. "This fight is between us, Husband. It twas' my actions that brought us here and it will be mine to end this childishness." Thor glared and Loki weighed his options. On one hand, winning this match against Thor would earn him a reputation deserving of a true warrior, but Loki doubted his ability to win against Thor. So if he didn't battle he would look like a coward, however, with Sif stepping in this way, Loki would get exempt without ridicule. Everyone would be too busy watching this curious situation unfold and would no doubt forget it had been Loki who was originally charged with it.
He glanced at Cephera, her wide eyes and darting glances told him she was worried. Whether it was for him still or Sif he did not know. Loki kept silent, he would let Odin make the choice. Glancing at his father, Loki could see he was also weighing his options.
"Father?" Thor turned and stared up at him. An incredulous look set on his face as he realized Odin was actually considering allowing Sif to do this.
"It was the lady Sif's honor you were defending and she wishes to defend herself, who are we to deny her that." Thor's mouth dropped. "Unless you wish to step down." Odin added raising an eyebrow.
Pride would stop Thor from stepping down and so he turned back to his wife. "So be it," he said and stepped into his warriors stance. Loki took his leave at that moment, taking care to draw no more attention to himself than was necessary. He made his way through the bottom archways and found his way into the seats above to join Cephera. By the time he reached her, Sif and Thor had begun.
Cephera had a hand over her mouth and a sad look on her face. "This isn't right, lovers fighting this way, for all to see." She told him, turning her face to press it against his bare arm.
"Your people are warriors, why does this bother you?" He asked her.
"Because we are born and raised that way. We fight and the losers feel no dishonor, nor do they fear loss of respect. Here it's different, Sif is the first woman to stand up for what she wanted, to be a warrior. If she wins she'll earn respect and yet knock down Thor's pride in the process. If he wins she'll have an even harder time gaining the respect she deserves. It's a no win situation, either way this fight is going to put a rift between them."
"A rift has already formed between them songbird." Loki told her smoothing back her bangs.
"I'm afraid for them."
"Nonsense, maybe this will help Thor realize just how strong she is. The love they once had faded, but sometimes relationships need a new spark, a new beginning. I'm not one for all this love bullshit, but I know others do and this could be just what they needed to strengthen their lost bond." Seraphina pointed out leaning forward, one elbow on Loki's shoulder and digging in harder than was necessary.
Loki jerked out from under the elder twin but she anticipated the move and leaned back before she could be sent off balance. "I hope you're right." Cephera replied and turned her eyes back to the battle.
Dodge left. Seraphina thought to herself regarding Sif's battle. Even though she had no way to communicate with Sif like she did Cephera, she hoped Sif's training would follow her through and bring her victory. Thor needed to be brought down a notch. He was a stubborn, selfish, spoiled prince. A good ass whooping could do him some good.
Seraphina was sure she was the one screaming out the loudest when Sif landed blows that managed to knock Thor off kilter. Sweep his feet! She begged in her mind, but Sif darted aside instead and ducked a swing. On the other side Thor turned and his weapon clanged with hers.
What Seraphina wouldn't give to be the one in that arena. She remembered many battles done this way back home. The many she'd won and also the ones she'd lost. Losing only meant knowledge where she came from. There was always something to be taken from losing in anything, whether it be tactics or realizing your own weaknesses. People learned quicker from acting out the mistakes rather than being told.
As far she Seraphina was concerned, the people of Asgard needed to start seeing things differently when it came to battle, but who was she to say that out loud. If anyone was in a position to help create change it was Cephera. Just because Thor was the oldest didn't mean he would definitely become king, Loki could take the throne and make Cephera queen. Though Cephera was a little too soft to command change of that magnitude.
His left side, he's slow swinging to his left! Once again Seraphina dictated silent commands to Sif that the warrior woman would never hear. Back and forth they fought and every so often she could see them saying things to eachother. Angry things by the looks of it. The roar of the crowd and the distance kept anyone else from hearing their argument. The bickering was also taking a toll on their combat abilities, distracting them both from time to time.
The bickering got worse and worse and the battle continued until Thor looked to be enraged and blindly shot out at his wife. Sif seemed a little less angry and calmer with whatever she'd finally gotten off her chest and sidestepped the prince. She swiped him off his feet and pinned him to the ground with one end of her spear. The tip looked to be digging awfully close to his flesh. The crowd fell silent and Odin stood, Thor had lost to his own blind anger.
"The winning hand has spoken, Lady Sif has won this battle." Seraphina jumped up, whooped and threw her hands in the air. All around her the crowd seemed to be confused on how to respond. It was clear they had expected an amusing spectacle and that Sif would lose. Now that she was declared the winner it was taking a moment for anyone to respond in any positive manner.
Finally, Seraphina was joined by the burly man sat beside her, his clap echoing off the walls and following him came others until the whole arena were in an uproar of awkward cheers. Sif and Thor didn't seemed to notice. Sif was glaring down at her husband and Thor matched her gaze. He pushed the spear away from him and scrambled to his feet. His broadsword lay forgotten in the sands as he marched out.



Then I have done my job well. :p

Yasumi Yasumi

Your cliff hangers wound me D:

fraychan fraychan

Keep that adrenaline pumping, still a lot to come.

Yasumi Yasumi

Oh god I can't even describe how happy this chapter made me. I'm feeling a slight adrenaline rush haha

fraychan fraychan

I agree, things have could been so much different if things had just come to light sooner.

Yasumi Yasumi