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Unadulterated Smut with Uncle Loki

Sentencing and Unexpected News

“Unadulterated Smut” Uncle Loki x Niece OC ~ Chapter 5


Grace had made sure to secure herself with a small cloaking spell, that way no one – not even Heimdall – could know where she was going. She had also chosen not to teleport all the way to the cliffs, mainly because she didn’t know the terrain perfectly, and teleporting into the middle of a large bolder was a real possibility –which was also the reason Loki had chosen to take Sleipnir that first week. She also wanted time to think, time to clear her head... But every time she tried, her emotions would win and she would end up a screaming, crying mess.

After one particularly nasty screaming match with herself – which resulted in the accidental destruction of several trees with magic – the teen slumped atop a small boulder-like rock and buried her face in her hands. She had been at the cliff for several hours already; the moon had raised high in the sky, and was now slowly moving towards the horizon behind the line of trees and the sun was just starting to peak out over the water. The entire time she had been there, she hadn’t bothered to look out over the edge of the cliff or even take notice of anything else; she just yelled, screamed and cursed the names of people she probably shouldn’t have.

A soft rustling from behind her made Grace’s sadness quickly dissipate and she turned, ready to yell and rant at whoever decided to come and get her – but when her blue eyes settled on a tall, muscular white haired man, she stopped.

“Who are you?” she growled. The white haired man took a deep breath in,

“Cou... Cous...” he took another deep breath. “Cousin...” he just managed to say.

“Cousin?” Grace asked. The man nodded. The teen stood and took a step closer to the unknown man. Something about him seemed familiar... She gazed for a long while into his large, dark eyes. “Sleipnir?” she asked cautiously. He nodded furiously. Anxiousness swelled in Grace’s chest. She was surprisingly happy to see a semi-familiar face... but scared of his reaction...

“Gra...ce?” he sounded like he was almost choking on the words, but he didn’t look to be in pain... Sleipnir stepped forward and placed his hand on her arm. That small sign of affection was enough to shove Grace’s worries away, and she quickly lunged forward to hug him; but the abrupt movement dispersed the little magic Sleipnir could conjure, turning him back into a horse. However, that didn’t make Grace pull away, in fact the silky warmth of his coat made Grace hug him tighter. “They’re going to lock him up... Sleipnir, they’re going to lock Loki away...” Sleipnir snorted. ‘I warned that fool to stay away from her.’ A voice echoed in Grace’s head. The teens blue eyes widened. “W-Was that you...?” Sleipnir looked her over for a moment. ‘You can hear me?’ Grace hesitantly nodded.

The white horse moved away to get a better look at the brown haired teen. ‘Focus your magic.’

“What?” the teen asked. ‘Just do it.’ Grace took a deep breath and did as she was asked. When she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was a glowing turquoise orb, flecks of bright blue and emerald green swirling amongst the colour. ‘He’s taken you...’ Grace looked up from the orb, which slowly began to disappear. “What are you talking about?” Sleipnir breathed out loudly through his nose. ‘Your magic shows signs of a complete meld... And you can hear my voice – it all points to one conclusion. He has fucked you.’ Grace bit her lower lip. She didn’t know whether she wanted to yell and scream, or crumple into a ball and cry. Another relative who was disgusted with what she had done... She wrapped her arms tightly around her midsection and looked away. Sleipnir stepped forward, a pale green-gold mist-like magic surrounding him from his feet up.

The next thing Grace knew, Sleipnir’s human arms wrapped around her, and he pulled her to his muscular chest. ‘You should go back...

“No” Grace snapped quickly. “I can’t... I won’t...” she shook her head and looked around the field. Her rage and irritation had destroyed several of the trees, leaving them either fallen on the ground or completely vaporised. Now she could see the areas that were once hidden from her. A yellow-green leaved willow curved over the edge of the cliff, its low hanging leaves nearly reached the ground, and judging from its size, it was still a young tree. Under the looming shadow of the willow was a patch of straw-like yellow grass littered with slowly dying flowers. Grace pulled away from her cousin and walked over to the dying vegetation. She knelt down and waved her hand over the patch; sparkling blue-green magic fell to the grass, slowly bringing it back to life before she turned back to Sleipnir. “I’m quite happy to stay here.” Grace said as she lay down on the grassy ground. She lifted the collar of the shirt and breathed in Loki’s scent, it calmed her a little...

Sleipnir returned to his normal form and lay down behind the teen who then shifted to use the side of his warm, fluffy stomach as a pillow.

“Do you hate me?” Grace mumbled. ‘No... Just don’t expect me to call you Mother.’ The teen quickly turned her head towards Sleipnir. “What?” she asked, not completely believing what she had heard, ‘If he has gone this far with you; I doubt he would be willing to give you up – even if he is in jail... and from how you’re acting I would say you feel the same way as he does.’ Grace traced invisible designs into Sleipnir’s stomach. “Everyone else is disgusted by what happened... Why aren’t you?” Grace asked. ‘I’ve learnt that Loki does what he pleases... And that, in cases such as these, no one will be able to change his mind...’ Grace thought over Sleipnir’s words for a moment. “So you are disgusted... you’ve just learnt to move on...?” Sleipnir didn’t answer...


Loki was going to lose his mind. All the rambling coming from the Allfather was more than enough to do that to a normal person; but add in the judgemental stares coming from the servants, and you would have one irritable Loki. His green eyes quickly snapped to one of the young girls whispering to her friend.

“Listen here you mewling whore. I don’t like listening to him anymore than you, but if I was given the choice between The Allfather’s endless ranting, and you shrill, disgustingly high-pitched and whiny voice, I would rather listen to him.” Loki barked impatiently. The girl looked taken aback as everyone’s eyes settled on her. “Now, get. Out.” He growled bitterly, forcing the girl to quickly exit the room while wiping her watery eyes. Loki could feel everyone’s disapproving gazes, but he didn’t care. “Please, continue.” He said with a wave of his hand.

Odin took a deep breath.

“I have been made aware of your constant disregard for the conditions of your release.” The Allfather started.

“Constant disregard? As hard as it may be to believe, I have followed your rules to the letter.” Loki stated dully.

“You used unnecessary shielding spells to hide your activities.”

“You intend to send me to jail for unwanted magic?” Loki asked with a laugh. “You must be senile, old man.”

“Loki.” Odin snapped, catching the full attention of the raven haired man. “You’re not returning to the dungeons for the use unwanted of magic, you’re being given a new sentence of two hundred years for the statutory rape of your niece, and future queen of Asgard.” Loki’s mouth fell open.

Rape?” He asked, not believing what Odin had said. “Surely you are joking.”

“Are you saying that she wanted it? Are you calling my daughter a whore?!” Jane yelled.

“Jane...” Thor said as he pulled his wife back. “Let my father handle this...” he wrapped his muscular arms around Jane in an attempt to calm her. Odin’s eyes moved back to his younger son.

“Yes... even if she gave her consent, she is still underage.”

“Is that the same stand you took when you caught Thor at a brothel two months before his Coming of Age Ceremony?” Jane raised a brow at her husband, who offered an apologetic smile,

“It was several hundred years ago...” the blond prince whispered into her ear with a kiss to her temple.

“The circumstances are different.” Odin answered Loki’s question.

“Why, because I was the one who was happy?” Loki snarled.

“Because now she will not receive the gift until she is of the proper age, which is still two years away.” The king boomed, quickly tiring of Loki’s constant interruption. The raven haired man’s fist clenched tightly.

“You only choose to do this because you do not want to overlook what has transpired tonight. If it had been any other man, you would have continued as planned, and she would be of age!” He growled.

“I do it as a punishment for Grace. She should know better than to throw herself at men so easily.”

“Yet it was okay for Thor and I to sleep around in our youth?” Loki gritted his teeth. Odin was contradicting himself left, right and centre, and it was did nothing but irritate the raven haired prince.

“It is different...” Frigga cut in before Odin had a chance to answer, surprising everyone in the room. “It is an unfortunately hypocritical truth, but women of nobility are expected to show more class than men... They are expected to remain pure of body until their wedding night”

“That is ridiculo-,”

Loki.” The pleading desperation was evident in Frigga’s voice silenced Loki quickly. “Neither Thor nor Odin will ever give Grace to you... Even though you are not related by blood, if news should spread that the Princess of Asgard is to wed a man considered to be her uncle...” she shook her head slowly, “it will put a strain on relations with other worlds... It will make us look weak and selfish...” the queen hesitantly looked to Odin before continuing. “Especially in the eyes of Jotunheim... they will think we are trying to forcibly unite our houses and that Asgard will try to take over their land.” she added softly.

“Is that what this is about?” Frigga looked away from her son, unable to look into his pained eyes for a moment longer. Loki was having none of it. If he was to go down, he would ensure he said everything that plagued his mind. “Tell me, Thor. Do you intend to barter your only daughter off to the snobbish and selfish son of a king?” he snarled darkly. “Does she even know what you intend to do?” He stood up and took a sharp step towards his brother, pulling several of the guards along as he went. “Can you truly live with yourself knowing she will hate you forever?”

“She will not-,” Thor was cut off by Loki’s chuckling.

“You cannot be this thick.” He murmured with a shake of his head. “Not only have you torn away the only man she has ever known-,” Loki paused, taking note of Thor’s tightly clenched fists, “and you already intend to shove her into the bed of the most pitiful nobleman you could find.”

“What makes you think he is pitiful?” Thor said through clenched teeth. Loki smirked,

“What man would have a woman who was in love with, and then fucked by, her own uncle?” Thor’s muscles tensed, and he quickly stepped forward, ready and willing to punch Loki straight in the face.

Enough...” Odin growled, stopping Thor mid-step. “The sentence has been given, the penalty decided. Guards, take him down to the dungeon.”


No one had heard or seen Grace for nearly two days. Thor had thought she was off brooding in her room, or a library, or one of her other hiding spots... but no matter where the servants would look, no one could find her... The God of Thunder was starting to worry; more than he normally did...

“Where are you going?” Jane called from underneath the layers of soft, fluffy blankets.

“To look for Grace...” Thor replied as he pulled a thick jacket on. The whole of Asgard had turned grey since Loki and Grace’s relationship had come to light; it was almost as if the Gods were trying to tell them of their mistake...

“Thor...” Jane said as she placed a hand on her husband’s shoulder, dragging him out of his daze.

“Yes?” the blonde said quickly. The Midgardian woman sighed softly and pulled Thor into a soft embrace.

“I’m worried too... but if she doesn’t want to be found, she won’t be.” The blond ran his hand over Jane’s cheek before he pressed his lips to her forehead.

“I just want to check around the outskirts of the palace once more...” Jane leaned forward to rest her head on Thor’s broad chest.

“I don’t know what we’re going to do with her... I want her home, but I know that once she’s here, I’ll want to send her away...” tears threatened the edge of her deep blue eyes. “I’m a horrible mother...” she murmured.

“No, no you’re not...” Thor tightly engulfed Jane with his strong arms. “The teenage years are difficult for all people... children and parents included... The change of realms wouldn’t have helped the situation... but we had to...”

“I know...” Thor smoothed down Jane’s hair and kissed the top of her head.

“I will not be long, I promise.” He said, offering her a small smile. Jane nodded and rose onto her toes before quickly pecking Thor’s lips.

“Okay.” With that the God of Thunder left his shared room in search of his daughter.


Thor had told Jane he wouldn’t be long, but judging by the height of the sun in the sky, it was nearing lunch time... The blond haired man let out a hefty sigh and plonked down on a seat underneath a tree, resting his head in his hand. Where was she? Where was Grace? The crowned prince of Asgard looked up, and a familiar white furred, eight legged horse caught his attention. Thor’s brows furrowed. Sleipnir heading towards the cliffs with bags slung over his back. Why would he– Thor’s mind suddenly froze.

“She wouldn’t... she couldn’t....” muttered to himself before sprinting after his nephew.

Thor knew Sleipnir could run fast, but he hadn’t expected him to move that fast. The white horse had quickly run out of his line of sight and into the layers of tree leaves and branches. In the distance Thor could hear the disappearing sound of his hoofs. The blond man picked up his pace and in minutes he had caught up with Sleipnir - - well... Not so much caught up, as stumbled awkwardly through the numerous trees, paths and rocks until he all but fell out the other end of the forest. It’s needless to say that Thor was surprised with that he saw...

He was standing in a field filled with small rocks and flowering bushes. Large trees surrounded the area, and the open space at the edge of the cliff gave a perfect view of the waters surrounding the city. Thor’s eyes moved to the white horse headed towards the right of the field. The bags on Sleipnir’s back were filled with various foods and a few satchels of water. His eyes then moved to his daughter, who was sleeping quite contently underneath the shade of a young weeping willow tree, various blankets and pillows surrounding her. Suddenly Thor’s worry and panic dissipated, only to be replaced with irritation and anger. The God of Thunder marched towards his nephew,

“Why didn’t you bring her back?!” Thor growled in a hushed tone. Sleipnir threw his head back and stomped his hoof. The future king ran a hand through his hair with a sigh, not understanding a word his nephew was trying to tell him. “Never mind...” he shook his head before moving towards his daughter.

Carefully he pulled Grace into his arms and headed back towards the palace.

“I will not tell The Allfather that you were helping her hide if you return to your stable, now.” Sleipnir’s eyes widened and he threw his head around while softly whinnying. Thor held his hand up to silence the horse. “No matter your intention, that is what it looks like.” He studied Sleipnir for a moment, “Now return to your stable...” he said sternly before leaving.


The walk back felt like an eternity for Thor – probably because he was focused so much on Grace’s face that he stopped walking several times. Holding her like this reminded him of when she was younger...

“Where did I go wrong Grace?” he asked. “Why did you so freely run into Loki’s arms?” his vision blurred with unshed tears. “You’re not a child anymore... but to me you will always be my small, precious child... I have always been here... So why?” he squeezed his eyes shut, causing tears to stream down his face.

“Hn- Daddy?” Grace groaned as her eyes cracked open. Thor’s heart ached. When they had moved to Asgard, Grace had stopped calling him ‘Dad’; opting for the more formal ‘Father’... and it had been years since she had called him ‘Daddy’... “Why are you crying?” she asked while shifting in his hold. Before she had chance to ask another question, Thor pulled her into a tight hug.

“I am sorry that everything has happened in such a way Grace.” Sluggishly Grace wrapped her arms around her father, still too groggy to completely understand why Thor, the God of Thunder, was so upset... The teen hummed softly, half acknowledging her father’s words. “I should have been able to protect you from everything...” Grace bit her lower lip, not entirely sure how to react...

“I’m not a little kid anymore... You can’t protect me forever...” A small smile pulled at Thor’s lips.

“I can try.” He murmured before continuing to walk.

Even though Grace was awake, Thor still refused to let her go – and while being carried was fun in at the beginning, the teen became more and more fidgety.

“I can walk on my own...” Grace said while resting her head on Thor’s chest.

“I know that.” He said with a small smile.

“So you can put me down...?” Grace half asked half stated. Thor chuckled,

“You used to love it when I would carry you around.”

“That’s because you were a high vantage point and an awesome shield.” Grace replied with a smirk. Thor laughed louder this time before he released the teen.

“I’m hurt that you would use your own father in such a way.” He said while wiping away a fake tear. Grace giggled and fell into step beside her father.

The two were almost back to the palace, and with each step Grace could feel her nerves returning. They rounded the last corner, ready to enter the large double doors to the palace – but Grace slowed her pace. Her bright blue eyes landed on Jane, she stopped walking and half hid herself behind her father. Thor sighed,

“Go to your room, I will tell her where you were...” Thor said with a calming smile. Grace nodded and quickly trotted off to her room, making sure to speed up her pace as she passed her mother.

“Don’t think you can escape punishment young lady.” Jane snapped as Grace walked through the large double doors.

“Jane, please-,”

“No! I will not have her roaming freely around Asgard thinking she owns the place...” Thor and Jane started arguing, which made Grace run until she couldn’t hear them anymore. She just wanted to hide away... Hide away forever...


Two weeks passed. Grace wasn’t allowed to leave the palace, nor was she allowed to study or use magic anymore; as her birthday celebration was already organised Odin couldn’t call it off... but he had told Grace she would not be receiving his gift... The teen had accepted it without an argument.

A sigh passed the teens lips as she looked herself over in the mirror. She was wearing a ruby red gown that pooled around her feet even when she stood. Silver jewellery laden with crimson gems hung around her neck and from her ears, and a rigid belt made of thin silver swirls encircled her waist. The teen ran her hands up her sides and she fell atop the small seat in front of the dresser with yet another sigh. She felt wrong... Red wasn’t her colour, nor was the absurd amount of jewels and makeup... She reached down and pulled her silver heels on and fastened the small buckle at her ankles before fixing the last piece of hair in place. A knock at the door made Grace turn.

“You look beautiful...” Frigga said as she poked her head in the door. A small but sad smile pulled at Grace’s lips.

“It’s kind of pointless to wear this, isn’t it?” she asked while gesturing to her dress. “It was supposed to symbolise my entrance into adulthood... Now I just look like a child playing dress up.” The teen said almost bitterly. The queen stepped into the room and wrapped her arms around the young girl.

“Do not think like that.”

“It’s true...” Frigga tightened her hold on Grace.

“Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?” Frigga asked.

“Loki...” Grace murmured needlessly, she already knew her request was impossible... Frigga kissed the top of her granddaughters head and pulled away.

“Everyone will be waiting downstairs for you. Come out when you’re ready.” Grace saw the sadness in Frigga’s eyes as the older woman left the room. The teen looked over her reflection once more before she left the room as well.

Walking the hallways alone felt eerie. In the distance she could hear the soft murmurs of people and sweet melodies of instruments, but there was no life in sight... She quickened her pace, wanting to get out of the halls as quickly as possible.


Frigga re-joined her family and friends as they all awaited Grace.

“Grace will be down soon.” The Queen said with a smile. Jane looked up to Thor who nodded.

“Before she comes down, I – We-,” Jane glanced at Thor, a large smile pulling at both of their lips. “We have some news.” Jane looked back toward Odin, Frigga, Darcy, Sif and The Warriors Three. “We’re going to have another child.” She finished with her hands covering her stomach. A loud cheer erupted from the group and everyone crowded the happy couple.

“I would request that no one tell Grace – not yet... This is her night.” Thor said.

“Do you think she would react so badly to this?” Sif asked. Darcy snickered, earning a disapproving glare from Jane.

“After everything that has happened... Yes...” Thor replied. Immediately the mood in the room dropped, and everyone was silent. Frandal was the one who broke the silence.

“Tell me, My Lady, is it a boy, or girl?” A warm smile pulled at Jane’s lips and she pulled a small blue flower from her pocket,

“It’s a boy...” Once again the room began to bustle with soft murmured sounds of happy chatting.


Grace couldn’t believe what she was hearing...

“It’s a boy...” Just one more knife in her heart – no – it was just one more knife in her back... Only this time it was her whole family that had done it... ‘No little one. Your mother and I are perfectly happy with our family the way it is.’

“But Molly has a younger brother... why can’t I have one...?” Grace mumbled to the memory of her Father. ‘Our family is perfect as it is... Your mother and I agree on this...’ The teen opened her eyes, glanced for a moment at the happy scene through the crack in the door, and left for her room.

When she entered her room, intense nausea ripped through her. The teen gripped her stomach with one hand, and covered her mouth with the other as she swiftly staggered towards her bathroom, before she proceeded to lose every last morsel of food within her stomach.

The foul taste of bile stayed in her throat and mouth long after her stomach emptied, but she was so exhausted and distressed that she couldn’t stand to wash her mouth out... A soft knock came from the door.

“Grace? Are you unwell?” tears threatened to spill over the edges of her eyes when she heard her father’s voice. She took a deep, steadying breath and closed her eyes.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to make it to the party... Could you please tell everyone I’m sorry?”

“Of course. Do you want me to hail a healer?” he asked while starting to open the bathroom door. Grace quickly extended her foot to shut him out.

“No!” she snapped quickly. “I-I feel and look gross... I don’t want anyone to see me...” Thor sighed.

“Very well... But I will be back later to check on you...”

“Okay.” Grace mumbled.

The teen heard her father leave, and she reclined against a wall, too numb and hurt to do anything else... After a moment, her eyes moved to the city. It was all but silent. A few stray people were wandering the dark streets, but the majority of Asgard was in the palace. She felt alone... The dark, cold, emptiness of her bathroom certainly didn’t help. Why did she send her father away?

“Because I don’t want him...” she answered her own question. “Who do I want...?” she asked while wrapping her arms around her chest. She wanted to feel warm... and even though his skin could be cold, Grace knew Loki was the only one who could offer her the warmth she was seeking. She had to see Loki... but she had no idea where to start... There were numerous dungeons through Asgard, and those were the ones she knew about, there were probably fifty more that only Odin and her father knew about. A sudden realisation hit Grace. Only someone with eyes everywhere could know where Loki’s prison cell was... The teen nervously bit her lower lip. She had to go and see Heimdall...


Grace had decided that it would probably be best not to run around the streets of Asgard, so she attempted to teleport to Heimdall. It took a few attempts, and even more rest stops, but eventually Grace found herself standing behind the golden eyed gatekeeper.

The teen hesitated for a moment, not entirely sure how to approach him with her request... She should have thought about it more before rushing around...

“Is there something I can do for you, Princess?” Heimdall asked as he turned around to face her.

“Y-Yes.” She stuttered. “I... I want you to tell me where Loki is.” Grace tried to make her voice sound dominant and forceful.

“If you wanted to know, why not ask your father or grandfather?” Heimdall asked. Grace bit her lower lip.

“You know why...” she mumbled while lowering her gaze. “Please Heimdall... I just have to see him once more...” her bright blue eyes met with his gold ones. “Please tell me where he is...” She knew pity wouldn’t work with Heimdall, not in this situation... so why? Why was she on the verge of tears? The gatekeeper cleared his throat, pulling Grace out of her semi-haze.

“You know of Lady Jane’s expected child?” Grace nodded slowly. “You know that, given your previous record, should a male heir contest the throne he will more than likely succeed.” Again the teen nodded. Heimdall studied her for a moment, “You are willing to sully your own name further?”

“Yes...” she replied surprisingly sternly.

“Loki is in the darkest cell in the lowest level of the dungeon directly beneath the palace. If you walk passed all the cells you will come to a large metal door, you will find him there.” The golden eyes of the gatekeeper moved to the distance behind Grace. “For now you must return to your room. Thor intends to return to your room... If you’re going to see him tonight I may suggest you do it after then.” Grace’s brows furrowed.

“Why are you so willing to help me now?” she asked barely above a whisper.

“I was only unable to help you before because I was following my orders.” His eyes flicked back to Grace, “now that I have failed to keep you pure, I see no issue in you seeing him.” A small smile pulled at her lips, which the gatekeeper mimicked.

“Thank you...” the teen quickly ran up the few stairs and wrapped her arms around Heimdall’s chest before quickly turning to leave.


Grace had literally just reappeared as someone knocked on the door. The teen quickly dove onto her bed and pulled the covers over her body.

“Yes?” she asked nearly breathlessly. Thor popped his head in and looked to his daughter.

“Someone would like to come in and see that you are doing well.”

“It’s not Mother... is it?” Grace asked as she sat up. Thor chuckled.

“No.” he answered as he slipped into the room. “Would you be able to stand and greet your guest?” he asked. Grace nodded and removed herself from the bed. She straightened her dress and hair as Thor opened the door. When her bright blue eyes lifted, it would have been an understatement to say she was surprised.

A man stood in her doorway, his olive skin was flawless and the deep chocolate brown beard on his chin was neatly plaited. Grace’s brows pulled together.

“Who are you?” she asked warily. The tall, thin man chuckled nervously and stepped forward,

“I am the second son of the Lord of Vanaheim, I am Bjarni, Son of Gulbrand,” He bowed low. Grace looked hesitantly to her father, who gave her a look telling her to remember her manners. Quickly but curtly the teen curtsied,

“I am Grace, Daughter of Thor...”

“Your father has told me you are feeling unwell,” his bright brown eyes trailed over Grace, “It is a pity. I was looking forward to sharing a dance with the Princess of Asgard...”

“I’m sorry about that...” Grace said. He took a nervous breath,

“Then... perhaps if you are feeling better, would you join me down in the party?” he offered his hand out to the teen. Grace stared at him for a moment, a little lost for words.

“I-um...” she looked to her father, who gave the impression she should take his offer... Grace gritted her teeth. This was why the party wasn’t called off... He was the reason the party wasn’t called off. “While I appreciate your kind offer; I regret to inform you that I have already promised myself to another man... I do not think he would be too happy should he hear of your attempted courting...” Bjarni looked absolutely heartbroken and shocked.

“Do forgive me, I was under the impression that-,” he glanced to Thor before stopping. “I would like to apologise to your intended, to ensure there are no misunderstandings down the line.”

“Unfortunately he is away at the moment, but I will be sure to explain everything to him and tell him it was not your fault.”

“Thank you Milady,” he said with a bow. The tall man turned to Thor and bowed, “My Lord...” he said, before quickly leaving Grace’s room.

The teen smirked as she watched Bjarni leave, however her happy smugness disappeared when Thor stepped up to her.

“Grace, that was incredibly rude.” Thor scolded her.

“Well whose fault is that?” she snapped.

“Do not try to push your actions onto me. Your mother and I raised you better than to treat a suitor-ah- guest in such a way.” The teen pursed her lips.

“I thought it was odd that a man, who could be considered a Prince, would suddenly decide to come knocking at my door.” Grace growled. Thor sighed,

“Grace, the incident with Loki has-,”

“Has, what? Made me happy? Yes. I’ve never been happier... and all everyone seems to want to do is take it away.” Thor sighed again and stroked his chin.

“You mother and grandfather thought it would be good to expose you to other noble men before you were had to make a choice about the man who will rule by your side...” that broke her internal walls, and suddenly everything came flowing from her mind.

“Don’t bullshit me, Dad! I know I’m never going to be Queen, and I know that you’ve already got your precious male heir on the way...”she turned toward Thor, tears threatening the edges of her eyes, “You know what? You could have at least pretended you don’t want me gone and out of your life so quickly...” Thor’s face softened and he stepped forward,




“Get out!” she screamed while pulling away from her father’s reach. The teen turned away from Thor, and he begrudgingly left.

The teen collapsed against her bed, tears falling freely from her eyes. Growing up Grace has always known that Thor had wanted a son... if it weren’t obvious by the boy-ish games they would play, hearing him say it certainly was.


Grace was lying in bed, pretending to be asleep as he parents looked into her room from the hallway.

“See? I told you girls can be just as fun as boys...” Jane murmured softly.

“I didn’t say girls weren’t fun... just fun in a different way...” Thor replied.

“Well whatever you did say, it doesn’t matter now, does it?” there was a moment of silence. “You still want a boy, don’t you?” Jane sounded semi-outraged, causing her voice to rise slightly.

“I think it may be part of the Midgardian mentality... Every man has at least one son to carry on his name, and usually it is the eldest sibling... Men who do not have sons can be seen as weak... And besides, Grace wants a sibling...” Jane sighed.

“So you’re the one who’s planted that idea in her head?” Jane ran a hand through her slightly dishevelled hair. “You have to tell her that it won’t happen.”

“Why me? And why not?”

“Because this is your doing, and have you already forgotten what it was like for me to carry Grace? Asgardian and Human blood can mix, but it made me so weak Thor, I lost over twenty kilo’s when I was pregnant...” Jane said quickly before leaving.

“Then how about when my father gives you the gift of long life?” he asked while trailing behind his wife.

“If Grace isn’t too much trouble... then maybe...” Jane was so far down the hallway that Grace could barely hear her response, but she did hear it.

The brunette girls was too young to understand her parent’s words at the time, the only thing she could understand was that she may be getting a little brother or sister, and the idea of that was exciting; however her excitement was quashed the next morning.

“I hearded you and mommy talking, am I gonna have a baby brother?”

“No little one...” Thor ruffled Grace’s hair. “Your mother and I are perfectly happy with our family the way it is.” Grace pouted.

“But Molly has a younger brother... why can’t I have one...?” A large, soothing smile covered Thor’s face and he pulled the little girl into his strong arms.

“Our family is perfect as it is... Your mother and I agree on this... Just you, me and mommy, how does that sound?” Grace thought it over for a little while.

“Daddy?” she started seriously,


“Can I get a puppy instead?” Thor laughed.

*End Flashback*

Grace opened her eyes and slowly made her way to her feet. Thor had long since left her room, and given her current mental instability, Grace determined it was probably a good time to visit Loki, lest she verbally abuse someone else.

The teen exited her room, sprinted down the halls, and moved towards the dungeons. There were several times she was almost caught by the guards, but after multiple teleportation’s, diving behind pillars, and threatening any prisoner who saw her; she had made it. Grace was standing at the end of a large hallway, a large metal door standing before her. She stepped forward, poured her magic through the door, and forced it open.

Immediately Grace’s brows furrowed. This wasn’t what she had expected... The door had led to a dark, damp hallway filled with curving stone steps leading down deep into the earth. However, without hesitation the teen stepped forward and disappeared into the descending darkness.

There were several times Grace considered turning back, almost certain that she was walking on a road to nowhere; but just as the brunette would slow her pace, Loki’s voice in her mind would beckon her to go on further, so she did... The teen guided herself down the winding staircase with her hands on either side of the walls. Just as her breathing began to stagger, she stumbled and fell onto a cold, hard and perfectly flat surface. The teen groaned, her body screaming in cold pain, and slowly looked around.

The room was large. The ceiling reached at least ten feet in the air, and the clinical whiteness made the feeling of space even more abundant. In the centre of the room was a solitary cell with a yellow-tinted force-field replacing the walls, and a shadow covered figure standing in the middle. The teen quickly sprinted forward, hoping it was really him...

“Loki...” Grace murmured as she slowed her pace and placed a hand on the transparent yellow force-field. An utterly shocked God of Mischief stood and slowly made his way over to the teen.

“Grace...? Why are you here?” A small smile pulled at her lips.

“For a prison break of course...”


I've not really edited this to the standard I'm happy with... so if you see something that doesn't make sense, or is just completely wrong, let me know, and I'll fix it~!
Sorry, no smuttyness in this chapter (I was considering having Grace walk in on Loki while he 'passes the time', but... it didn't seem right...)
Let me know what you think! I had some issues writing this chapter... so I'm not sure if its continuity is okay, or if it is too broken up... :/ Tell me what you think!!!
Also, a note for any followers of "Give Me Love". I've made an online playlist that (i think) everyone should be able to access. Here it is~


Love it

Vampy71991 Vampy71991

Hope you update soon!!

Livia Livia

Love your story

Livia Livia

I agree with dorkylokifan... soon please!!

Idun's Apples Idun's Apples

Update soon please!

dorkylokifan dorkylokifan