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Unadulterated Smut with Uncle Loki

The Escape

“Unadulterated Smut” Uncle Loki x Niece OC ~ Chapter 6


Loki’s expression dimmed.

“W-What?” he asked with a non-believing chuckle. Grace reached forward, disrupting the force fields flow with her magic. The yellow screen shuddered for a moment before the wall dissolved. Grace quickly entered the cell and wrapped her arms tightly around Loki’s chest,

“We’re leaving.” She stated sternly.

“Oh?” the raven haired prince asked, intrigue colouring his tone. “Tell me my dear, where to?”

“I don’t care. As long as you’re not behind bars, I don’t care where we go.” She replied. Loki sighed and ran his hand through her hair. The likelihood of actually getting out of Asgard was slim; let alone staying hidden on another world. “Don’t you dare think about sending me away!” the outrage in Grace’s voice made Loki chuckle.

“You have no plan, and if I take even one step out of this cell, Heimdall will alert Odin. I have no wish to be bludgeoned by Thor for trying to run off with you.”

“You don’t want me...?” Loki could immediately tell she was forcing the tears into her eyes; but that didn’t make looking at her any easier.

“Don’t even try that shit.” His hand lifted her chin up, giving him easier access to her plump lips – which he took complete advantage of.

Loki’s lips pressed against hers and his free hand pulled her closer. Grace broke the kiss slightly, but still lingered near Loki’s lips,

“Come away with me...” her hands roamed over Loki’s clothed chest, straightening and smoothing the hems and collar of his shirt. “Hide away with me... Away from the disapproving looks, away from my parents... away from it all.” She kissed him, deeper than before.

“... Very well.” Grace froze and her eyes met Loki’s.


“Let’s go.” Grace bit her lower lip to try to hide her grin.

“Really?” Loki’s brows furrowed.

“What? You’ve changed your mind already?”

“No!” the teen quickly jumped up and wrapped her arms around Loki’s neck. The raven haired man kissed Grace’s neck before slowly prying her from his body.

“Let’s go...” he said once more.

Grace took the lead as the two quickly moved up the staircase, but just as they reached the top, three guards moved towards the entrance of the stairs. Grace hastily turned, wrapped her arms around Loki, and hoped her teleportation skills were good enough to get them out of the dungeons. Just before Grace felt their bodies disappear, she heard the guards call out, and their quickening footsteps approach, but she paid it no mind. Just get out of the dungeons. Get to her room. Her room!

“You’re getting better at that you know...” Loki said while gently caressing her shoulder. The teen pulled away and glanced around.

It wasn’t her room... but it was definitely near her room - - and thank the Gods, the hallway was empty.

“Grace.” The teen turned to Loki. Her brows furrowed when she noticed Loki intensely studying his hand. “I have no magic. Odin must have sealed it away... I cannot unseal it without outside help.”

“You couldn’t have told me before?” she groaned.

“I didn’t know.” Loki snapped back. Grace sighed.

“Can I do anything?” Loki shook his head.

“No. I need to get to Sleipnir, only a carrier of my magic can unseal it. Such a damn inconvenience.” He grumbled the last part under his breath.

“Wait... I can do it!” Loki cocked a brow.


“Sleipnir said we were connected... or... something...” Loki studied the teen for a moment, still not completely understanding what she had said. Grace sighed. “Your magic is in me.” She said while gesturing to her entire body. Loki snickered,

“My dear, many things of mine have been within you, but my magic is not one of th-.” Loki stopped himself mid-sentence. Grace’s lips pursed.

“Not the time Loki.” She stated dully while offering him her hands. The raven haired prince took her hands, still in a stunned silence. How had he not thought of it?! That first training session had opened her magic to him, and when they had sex, he had felt them connect! He felt like a fool for not realising it sooner.

It took only moments for Loki to sap some of the residual energy within Grace, but at the same time, he also began taking some of Grace’s energy, leaving her feeling weak and barely able to stand. Just before grace fell to her knees, Loki released her hands and caught her. He pulled her tightly to his chest and began walking.

“Go to the guard station near the western entry, you’ll be able to slip in and get a glider without drawing too much attention... Take it to the field on the outskirts of the palace.” Grace took a deep breath and attempted to stand on her own feet.

“What are you going to do...?” she asked. Loki kissed her temple,

“I’m going to go pack.” He said with a grin. Grace’s mouth fell open and Loki quickly ran off.

“You’ve got to be kidding!” Grace yelled. “Lazy ass.” The teen sighed as she turned towards the western side of the palace.


Loki moved to his room first, packed a few clothes and trinkets, along with two old talismans, before moving to Grace’s room. Packing for the teen took a little longer. Loki had no clue where anything was, nor did he know what she would actually want... An irate sigh passed his lips. Maybe she should have taken the job of packing... Loki thought it over for a moment. No. He was good at sneaking around, but he knew the guards would eventually get their shit together and ring the - - Suddenly the loud ringing of the bell echoed through all of Asgard. The guards would eventually come traipsing through the palace; he had to hurry. Loki quickly rushed around the room and haphazardly shoved everything he could into the bag before turning to leave; however he came to an abrupt stop.

“Thor...” Loki said while flinging the bags over his shoulder.

The older brother took a step closer.

“I did not want to believe it... I didn’t want to believe she was capable of freeing a prisoner,”

“I’m more than just a prisoner to her Thor, you may blind yourself to that fact, but it is true.” Thor grit his teeth and shook his head,

“You have warped my daughter... You have turned her into a criminal.” Thor growled.

“You and Jane set everything in motion; so do not blame me for your failure as a parent.” Loki snarled.

“If you care for her, leave her here. I will let you go Loki, but...” he took a deep breath to calm his mind. “-but do not take her, Loki. Do not take Grace from me. I can forgive you many things... but that is not one of them.” The older brother was pleading now. Loki thought over his reply for a moment.

“I love her... and I will continue to love her for as long as she will have Me.”

“Do not-,” Thor was too late. Loki teleported away and he was left alone in Grace’s dark, empty room. Thor turned and punched the wall, hard; sending splintering cracks up the thick marble.


Loki could faintly hear Thor’s yells of anger, and as much as they amused him, he couldn’t linger. He had to get to Grace and they had to leave. The raven haired man rounded the corner and quickly rushed to Grace’s side.

“Quickly now.” He said before swiftly stepping onto the glider. Grace puffed her cheeks,

“Easy for you to say. All you had to do was pack some bags; I had to-,” Loki cut the teen off with a deep kiss,

“We don’t have time right now. Thor will be right behind me.” Loki didn’t need to say another word to get Grace on the glider. The Asgardian Prince fiddled with a few of the levers and switches, before taking the ‘wheel’, and then they were off.

They had barely made it out of the palace grounds when the guards set upon them. Grace tried to fend them off with her magic, but she was becoming increasingly exhausted. To ease her strain, Loki swooped through a tall stone bridge; in doing do, two of the guard’s gliders crashed and exploded into the old stone. Grace gasped aloud and clung to Loki,

“Loki! Why’d you do that? You probably just killed all those people!”

“Either I make them stop following us, or I go back to the dungeons... It is your choice.” Grace looked at the disappearing remnants of the gliders, and then to Loki.

“Make them stop...” she murmured softly.

Loki made a sharp turn, successfully losing another glider behind a group of buildings, and lowered the glider until it was barely skimming atop the water surrounding Asgard. He was headed straight for - - Grace’s heart nearly stopped. He was heading straight for a large wall of jagged cliffs that raised high out of the water. The teen started to panic when he didn’t even make an attempt to turn. Loki could sense Grace’s growing unease, and tried to soothe her by placing his arm tightly around her middle.

“Trust me.” He whispered while forcing the glider to move faster towards the wall of rock.

“You’ve got to be joking!” Grace exclaimed as she braced herself tighter against Loki. The raven haired man turned into a small crevice in the wall of rock,

“If it were easy, everyone would do it!” he laughed before they entered the small crevice. The corners of their glider hit and caught on rocks along the thin walls and ground; then, for a moment, everything went silent, and the glider was surrounded in a vibrant light and the next, they were gone.


The next thing Grace knew, the glider crashed hard to the ground, sending both her and Loki towards the front of the now wrecked machine. Slowly the teen found her feet, Loki only moments behind her. They landed in what looked like a park; it was night, so no one was around to see them, but that didn’t stop the far off sounds of honking horns and taxi drivers cursing. The bright light of the portal slowly began to fade, and that was when Grace realised; she was back on Earth, alone with Loki – no one to tell her it was wrong, no one to tell her what to do; it was just the two of them. Swiftly Loki picked up the bags, and Grace, and jumped down from the crashed glider.

Loki set Grace and the bags on the ground before he pulled out the talismans and charmed them with a spell the teen hadn’t heard before.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Making sure no one can find us.” He said before finishing the spell. Green and blue mist-like magic slowly melted into the small pendants of the talisman. For a moment the pendants beamed a shimmering white before returning to their original – slightly dull – state.

“There-,” Loki said while moving to hand one to Grace, but he was distracted before he had a chance.

“Loki!” a woman called in the distance. Suddenly a bright spotlight rained down on Grace and Loki, and the sound of a far off helicopter travelled through the wind.

Grace shielded her eyes from the intense light and looked to where the woman’s voice had come from. Nick Fury stood with Maria Hill and a large group of agents by his side.

“Hands up.” Fury ordered, his tone filled with authority. Loki raised a brow, and without warning flicked his hand forward, sending the many SHIELD agents across the length of the field. The raven haired Asgardian passed the two bags to Grace and placed one of the talismans in her hands.

“The talisman will guide you.” He said before shoving her away from the approaching SHIELD agents.

“What about you?” she asked while trying to force her way back to Loki’s side.

“Please. I’ll be there before you.” He said with a smirk before running off towards the agents.

“You’d better be...” she mumbled before turning to leave, but she stopped in her tracks when she saw a certain flying ‘Man of Iron’.

“Kiddo.” Tony called just before he landed.

Grace took a deep breath. It had been years since she had seen any of the Avengers, and her need to run up and hug him – as much as he wouldn’t like it – was nigh uncontrollable.

“Tony... Why are you here?” She asked with a shaky voice.

“Why do you think?” he said as the mask lifted to reveal his real face.

“Don’t get involved... please...”

“He can’t be trusted Grace...” Steve’s voice came from the side. The teen turned to face the still young looking super soldier.

“Then trust me, he won’t do anything to harm anyone.” Tony and Steve shook their heads,

“I’m sorry Grace, but we can’t afford that risk...” Steve said while trying to step towards the scuffling SHIELD agents. The teen cut him off, determination and pleading filling her eyes.

“And I can’t let you stop us...”

“I don’t want to fight you.” Steve warned.

“Good. Then this will be easy.” She said before blasting the blond man with a ball of focused blue energy. Tony quickly moved forward and snagged Grace’s arm,

“What is wrong with you?” he snarled. Grace used the same ball of energy to push Tony away as she used for Steve. The billionaire was sent through the air, but quickly caught himself and headed straight back at Grace. The teen dropped the bags and jumped out of the way; she stood once more, focused her energy in her palm, and shot a continuous beam of magic right at Tony. He tried to fend off the powerful beam, but became overwhelmed and fell into one of the outlying trees of the park. By this time Steve had found his feet and was swiftly making his way over to Grace. The teen quickly snagged the bags and ran from the super soldier, confident that he was more likely to follow behind her than stay and fight Loki.

The teen was right. Steve and Tony were both on her tail and ignoring the protesting shouts of Fury. But with the bags slung over her back, she knew she wouldn’t be able to outrun Steve, and if it came down to a game of wit and planning, Tony had her beat hands down. The teen was too wrapped up in her mind to notice a raised root coming out of the ground, and tripped over it.

Grace fell face-first into the trunk of a strong, yet young looking tree. She groaned loudly and sluggishly turned to the approaching Avengers.

“Grace, listen! He has done things you can’t even begin to understand!” Steve said. “You’ve aligned with a criminal and a murderer!” Grace bit her lower lip.

“Just let us pass and you’ll never hear from us again!”

“You know we can’t do that.” Tony said. Grace turned towards the tree, and slammed her balled hands against it,

“Help me!” she yelled as her turquoise magic surrounded the tree. Steve stepped forward to stop her, but before he could reach her, one of the tree branches swung down and knocked him into a particularly large tree trunk. Tony froze for a moment, watching as the super soldier was knocked unconscious by a tree, before the same thing happened to him. Grace turned, ready to run before they could come after her again, but the tree caught her arm before she could move.

A loud grumbling sound echoed in what Grace guessed to be its throat and it tightened its hold on her slightly.

“You want to come with me?” she asked. It stiffly nodded. Grace turned towards the city and took in the large size of the tree-monster-person-thing before her. “Someone will see you!” she said in a hushed yell, urgency filling her tone. More grumbling echoed in the trees throat and it stomped its foot impatiently. Grace sighed. “I don’t know if this will work...” she said while chanting a mash-up of shrinking and form changing spells. Grace opened her eyes, and the large tree was gone; replaced with a small, baby sized tree that squeaked and hiccupped instead of growling. “Come on then.” She said while extending her arms out to the tree-ling. The small, yet incredibly heavy baby tree ran into Grace’s arms, and then she was off, through the darkened city...


It took Grace nearly two hours to find her way through the city, and, in the end, she wound up at an isolated house, situated between vast green forests on every side. The teen walked up the rocky drive way, trying but failing not to stub her toes on the larger stones as she walked. She let the small tree-being, whom she had named Leif, onto the ground. He – or was it a she? – ran off and returned to his normal size and found a place right next to the house.

“You’re our gatekeeper are you?” Grace asked with a grin. She guessed Leif’s gurgled response to be a yes, so she laughed before refocusing on the house itself. “How’d he get a house like this?” she asked herself. She thought it over for a moment; Loki had lived for hundreds of years... it was more than likely he would have secret houses in every realm possible... and considering he was of royal decent, paying for it all was no issue – though she doubted he would actually ‘stoop to the level of humans’ for it.

The closer she drew to the house, the more surprised she became. It looked... modern... The house was set on multiple levels, one was dug into the ground slightly, the second level had a large hill with stairs leading to it, and the third was set high in the trees. Grace stepped down the stairs and hesitantly opened the door. It was actually open; Loki must have already arrived – considering the time it took Grace to find it, it wouldn’t be a surprise. Grace stepped through the door. The house was cold and empty... Loki must have still been dealing with SHIELD agents... Grace stepped forward, dumped their bags on the floor and collapsed onto the nearest couch, not even bothering to take in any of her surroundings.

It was all too much; all too much for her to deal with in one day... She had seen what her parents and grandparents had been planning all her life; raise her until she reached maturity and then trade her off as a part of a treaty... She saw her Father, for the first time in her life, as a liar... Her closest friends and family attempted to keep a secret from her that would change her life. She broke into a prison, and then proceeded to run away with her uncl – no – her lover, and then she ran into people she once called friends as they tried to kill her... She was exhausted both physically and mentally... Everything hit her all at once, and she didn’t know if she could truly cope with it all...

“Grace?” Loki asked as he knelt down next to the young girl. She didn’t look up or make a noise; she was too busy trying to stop the tears flowing down her cheeks. The raven haired man opened his mouth to ask her what was wrong, but she cut him off before he had the chance.

“She’s fucking pregnant!” The teen snarled between sobs. Loki’s brows furrowed,

“What?” he asked, not sure if Grace meant she was pregnant, or if someone else was...

“My hypocritical bitch of a mother!” she turned to face Loki in the heat of the moment, but the longer his emerald eyes lingered on her, the more self-conscious she felt. To stop the unwanted feelings of unease, Grace let her face fall into the softness of the couch. “She’s officially tried to take away everything I love...”

“How so?”

“When I wanted to go to Asgard, I couldn’t... Yet when I was content to stay here, I had to leave... I wasn’t allowed to learn magic...”Grace sat up slightly and wrapped her arms around Loki’s neck. “She tried to take you away... And now she will give my father the one thing he has always wanted – and in doing so she has taken my father and my birthright...”

“A son...” Loki finished. Grace nodded into the crook of his neck, “Then we will stay here...” Slowly the raven haired man pulled her away, “We will not have the large luxuries of the palace... but I will make you my queen...” Grace’s fingers ran down Loki’s cheeks before she leaned forward to press her lips to his.

“Promise?” Grace asked; she knew she sounded like a child, but didn’t care.

“Would I lie?” he replied with a wide grin,

“Not if you ever want to have sex again.” Loki chuckled and leaned forward to capture her lips.

“Fair enough.” He mumbled before pulling Grace a top his lap. “Seeing as this is our first night truly alone, how would you like to spend it?” The teen grinned from ear to ear.

“I think you know.” Instantly Loki ripped open the top of her dress and began kissing down her chest; however a loud crash and seeming earthquake stopped him.

“What in the name of Hel is that?” he asked while staring at Leif, who was leaning down to look through one of the windows.

“Oh... Right... He’s... He’s our security guard.” Grace said uncertainly. Loki’s lips returned to Grace’s semi-bare chest.

“As long as he doesn’t watch or interrupt, I do not care.” Loki said while taking her hardened nipple into his mouth. Grace supressed a moan and tried to wave Leif away, but communication with trees wasn’t as easy as she had thought, and almost as if he was proving that point, Leif turned back into the small, baby-like tree-ling, ran into the room and forced its way between Grace and Loki. The raven haired man sighed irritably.

“Okay... maybe he’s a little more of a puppy dog...”

*One Month Later*

For the first week or so Grace and Loki acted like a couple on their honeymoon, happily lazing around the house, fucking each other left right and centre, and playfully teasing each other; but as the days wore on, and the realisation that this would be their life – probably forever – hit them, small quirks in the others personality began to eat away at them.

Grace absolutely detested sharing a bathroom with him; he would leave it a wreck every morning, and most of the time she felt like a maid following behind the moody prince. Loki on the other hand wanted Grace to calm down; she bustled around the house, not doing much of anything, and then she had the nerve to get angry with him when he didn’t use a coaster?! She was on him almost twenty four hours a day, and yet her half of the bedroom looked like an absolute pigsty! Dirty clothes were hung over railings and cupboards or just crumpled on the floor; clean clothes mixed with dirty clothes in a vertex on the floor, and Loki was sure that even Grace didn’t know what was clean. And it was that washing that sent them over the edge.

“You’re an absolute pig...” Loki growled irritably while picking up Grace’s stay clothes.

“Excuse me?” The teen asked with crossed arms. The raven haired man turned to the brunette,

“You. Are. A. Pig.” With the last word he threw the dirty clothes at Grace’s face. “Learn to fucking clean up after yourself.” He snarled while walking out of the room. The teen bit down harshly on her lips, wanting to stop her need to yell and scream at Loki... but it didn’t work. Grace threw the clothes on the ground, stomped after Loki, and yanked his arm so he turned around.

“Listen here you narcissistic, ignorant prick.” She yelled. The raven haired prince opened his mouth to reply, but Grace cut him off. “You think I don’t do anything around here?! You think I just sit around all day on my arse?!” she abruptly shoved him away. “Who cooks for you? Who cleans all the God damned dishes?! Who keeps the rest of the fucking house clean because the mighty Loki can’t get his head around all the appliances?!” She took a moment to breathe. “So you know what? If I don’t have time to wash my clothes, then I’m sorry, but you can go get fucked.” She snapped before walking around him and leaving their small home.

Grace made sure to snatch her talisman before leaving, ensuring that she could walk as long and as far as she pleased. Loki followed her, and she knew it, but the teen was in no mood to deal with his mood...

She took a seat at the edge of the forest, and watched as the world revolved around her without anyone noticing. The forests were thick, and at times there were stupid teenagers who would wander in and get lost, but other than that, no one dared to try. It was private land, it was secluded, and everyone just seemed to ignore it. The raven haired man walked up and tightly wrapped his arms around Grace.

“I would have thought a Prince of Asgard wouldn’t be able to stand having his arms around a pig.” Loki’s arms tightened.

“I’m sorry...” he said quickly. Grace sighed and reclined her head to rest on Loki’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry too... but not as much as you should be...” Loki raised a brow at the teen.

“Are you saying I should claim more fault than you?” he asked.

“Yes.” Grace answered quickly. Loki pursed his lips, rolled his eyes and pulled away from Grace. The confused teen turned, “h-hey! Where are you going?” Loki didn’t bother turning back to look at Grace, he just continued walking back towards the house.

Grace spent the rest of the day watching as people walked passed. She made a game of it – making up backstories and lives for the unknown people; one set of people were exceedingly fun for her. It started with an arguing couple, and eventually evolved into semi-public sex in the next field over from Grace. All the bottled up feelings between Grace and Loki had put a wedge between the two, and because of this, their sex life had died out almost completely. With a heavy sigh Grace turned back to the house.

When she arrived, she didn’t go out to the second floor balcony to settle things with Loki; no, she wasn’t ready to face him just yet - - so instead, she headed up to the roof, and gazed out over the trees.

Was leaving her family really the best thing to do after all? The teen hugged her legs tighter and she closed her eyes. She had never spent this much time with Loki... and it seemed like all they did was argue... Did she rush too much? She should have thought about it more... But then again, the idea of spending one more day on Asgard was unbearable...

“You regret your decision, don’t you?” Loki asked as he sat down next to her.

“No...” she lied, knowing full well that he would be able to see through it. The raven haired man sighed and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “I will not pretend to be an easy man to be around twenty-four hours a day...” Loki didn’t say another word for a few moments, causing Grace to speak up.

“Isn’t there supposed to be a ‘but’ after that little admission?” Grace asked with a smirk. Loki chuckled,

“Possibly...” Grace released her knees and hooked her arms around Loki’s chest.

“This is gonna take some getting used to... isn’t it?” Grace asked. The raven haired man rested his cheek atop her head.

“Yes...” Loki watched the trees for a moment. “How about a proposal?” he asked.

“Hmm?” Grace hummed,

“I will do the clothes, you do the dishes, and we will both cook and pitch in with everything else. That Leif creature can handle maintaining the woods... at least it will give him something to do.” Grace thought over his words for a moment before nodding,

“Okay...And can... can we go out, like once or twice a week or something? I love you Loki, but I need other social contact...” Loki chuckled,

“Very well...” Grace let the peaceful silence last for a little while before she spoke up again,

“Can we go have sex now?” Loki let out a relieved sigh,

“I thought you would never ask.” He said while scooping Grace into his arms.


Sorry, this is a little rushed and pretty much all plot (meaning there was no lemon). But I had to get it out today, otherwise there wouldn't be another chapter for another 2 weeks. :/

Let me know if the writing is bad, because I'll go back through and edit it a little later!!
Also, thoughts please! How do you think Grace and Loki will cope with each other after this little blow out? And... other stuff as well. (I'm slightly dazed at the moment, so the note is a little short!)


Love it

Vampy71991 Vampy71991

Hope you update soon!!

Livia Livia

Love your story

Livia Livia

I agree with dorkylokifan... soon please!!

Idun's Apples Idun's Apples

Update soon please!

dorkylokifan dorkylokifan