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Robert Hall's First Assignment

I Would Like to Make you an Offer

Later that day, Robert found himself once again staring at the photos in his wallet. No words were spoken, and no tears fell from his eyes, but it was clear that he was in a dark torrent of pain. He brought the wallet closer and he gave the photo a gentle peck. Closing his eyes, he folded it and put it back into his pocket. He was startled from his abstraction when the silence was broken by somebody pounding on the door. Robert sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Jarvis, who's out there with a sledgehammer?"

"It is Agents Barton and Romanoff, Sir," replied the A.I. "Would you like me to tell them that you are busy?"

"No, thank you. Let them in please," requested Robert, getting up to greet his visitors. He tried to remain calm, but he had a gut feeling in the pit of his stomach that this was not going to be pleasant. As the two agents walked in the apartment, it became obvious that they were not here on a social call.

"Alright, Hall," Clint started, getting in Robert's face right from the get-go. "Your file has way too much red tape for you to be a simple case worker. So who are you, and what's your real business here?"

"What's the matter, agents? Is Stark rubbing off on you, so that you can't handle it when you don't know everything? Well, get over it. You are both S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents, and you should know by now that everyone has their secrets," said Robert, knowing full well that they would push back harder.

"I don't think you understand, Hall. We have to be able to trust you not to get the rest of us killed, and frankly, we don't trust you. You have to earn our trust, and having a file that has lots of holes in it isn't helping your case," explained Natasha. "I hope you know that we will find the information we want, one way or another."

"Oh, I don't doubt for a second that you're spies. You could weasel information out of me before I realized what was happening. But, I assure you that there's a reason that I got this job." Robert paused for a moment before continuing. "To be honest, I don't trust anyone on your team either. Have you ever heard the old saying, 'you will earn the trust and respect of others if you work for good; if you work for evil, you are making a mistake'?"

"Who the hell coined that?" Clint replied, face growing red with anger. "That's not a fucking expression, you jackass."

Robert sneered at him. "Proverbs 14:22— Solomon, son of David, and King of Israel, if you must know."

Clint's cheeks suddenly grew inflamed and then he immediately lost steam. "Oh, right."

Although she recognized Robert's point, Natasha was thrown off by Clint's reaction. "Still," she continued, "quoting a little bible verse won't impress me. The fact still remains that you came out of nowhere, have been ordering us around, and have been mocking our previous battles, yet we know nothing about you." The red-head cocked her head. "How are we to accept you as a leader?"

"Well, first off, I don't want to be your leader. I'm here as your advisor to try and help keep everyone out of trouble. I'm sincerely apologizing if this puts a damper on your dreams of us becoming soul mates, Mein armes kleines Mädchen," Robert smirked. "Look, I understand you're protecting the team, but I promise that there's nothing in my past that will threaten you guys. All I ask for is some time, because the only thing that I trust in this entire building right now is Jarvis, and he's a fucking machine. So, if there's no further pressing matters, leave my apartment," ordered Robert.

Natasha curled her lips in disgust at being spoken to in German. 'Poor little girl' her ass, she wanted to choke the living hell out of him. She took a step closer to him, when she heard someone behind her.

"Stand down, Agents," said Steve. "There's no need for bloodshed. Why don't you guys head out, and I will have a talk with Agent Hall."

Natasha eyed him defiantly, but when he didn't back down, she did. She nodded to Clint before looking back to Robert. "Don't think this conversation is over," Natasha promised darkly as she turned on her heels and stalked away.

Clint childishly made the 'I'm-watching-you' signal, and then turned to follow Natasha out.

Robert just waved a dismissive hand at him, sneering.

After the door closed, Steve shook his head and asked, "Do you have a death wish? Most people don't live long after they bad-mouth her, and you've done it twice."

"Well, I thought my odds were pretty good considering that Tony's still alive." Robert shrugged his shoulders and walked over to the table, grabbing his briefcase.

"Yes, but Natasha views him as an asset. She views you as a hindrance to the team," said Steve, laughing a little. "So, do you care to explain why Jarvis told me to hurry over here, before Clint and Natasha repainted the walls to get rid of the blood?"

"Apparently, some people feel they have an inherent right to know everything about someone right away, and have no patience when kept in the dark," explained Robert as he motioned for him to sit. As Robert sat down himself, he opened his briefcase and pulled out a few files.

"Look Steve, I know not one of you trust me. I get it, and to be honest, I don't trust you guys either. But we need something to build on, so let's call it stable ground and see what happens."

"You call mutual distrust 'stable ground'?" Steve sighed, running a hand down the back of his neck. "As strange as that statement is, I guess I'd agree with you. Although, I can't guarantee anyone else on the team would understand. The majority of the team aren't known for their patience. Plus, you're writing reports about us, and then preventing Tony from hacking your computer. I understand that you have a right to privacy, but everyone's suspicious and wondering about the reports."

Robert shrugged. "Yes, I understand that. Can you give me a second, please?" He rummaged through his files for a moment. "Steve, you're the team leader and I want to earn your trust. Here are all the files on the team. I would be honored if you would look them over and give me your opinion."

Steve was taken aback, not expecting Robert to do this. He took the files and read over them. He was impressed by Robert's methodical organization. The main folder contained a color coded spreadsheet containing everyone's names and basic information. It also contained a list with the Avenger's battles and all of the coordinating information, such as lives saved and the cost of damages. Each member then had their own folder which held a photo of each of them and more detailed biographies. It was all very typical, except for the few extra words written for each person.

A good leader. He is behind the times, but easily the best man for the job. Should get a raise for having to deal with Tony.

Quiet, calculating, protective. Has a strange affinity for air ducts and vents.

Genius, fair, wary of new people. Still fighting the Hulk.

Cold, honest, skeptical, protective. Do not want to be on her bad side.

Loyal, honest, brave, oblivious. Protective over his brother, needs to be updated.

Skeptical, quick witted, defensive, guarded (need more time). Possible candidate for spying and undercover work.

World class jackass, seems to have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder to the tenth degree. Attack plans are suicidal. But also protective, honest, genius, guarded, brave, and loyal. Good co-leader of the Avengers, able to provide insight and ideas that the leader may overlook. He would rather put himself in danger than have one of his teammates harmed.

Even Pepper and Jarvis had their own folders, despite not being official Avengers.

Loving, caring, protective, peaceful, watchful, displays superhuman strength of patience. Acts as mother hen to the Avengers.

An artificial intelligence program created by Tony. Has a snarky attitude, but is protective of Tony and the Avengers. Has access to every room in the building.

Steve closed the folders and turned to face Robert. Choosing his words carefully, he spoke. "I can see why you were chosen for the job." Steve put out his hand. "Thank you for trusting me, and I would like to reciprocate that trust. I believe you're here for the right reasons."

Robert took his hand. "Thank you. All I wanted is a chance. I know that I still have a long way to go."

Steve stood up. "Just be careful about what you say and how you say it, y'know?" he warned as he walked over to the elevator. The doors opened, allowing him in. Before they closed, he offered Robert one final piece of advice. "The occupants of this building hold some strong opinions, and they have even longer memories."

Robert watched the doors close and gave an exasperated groan. As he sat down on a couch and started to review the files, he heard a familiar voice. "Agent Hall, is it true that you trust only me?" asked Jarvis. "I admit, I am not sure how to proceed. I have not been programmed with an appropriate response to a statement such as that."

Robert knew it wasn't wise to trust an A.I. unit, but he couldn't help it. Compared to the constantly changing emotions and reasoning of humans, his set programmed responses were a godsend. "Yeah, I guess I do… Well, I am starting to trust Steve more. Though, it's probably because you don't have anything to gain from betraying me," Robert started slowly, before grinning. "Besides, when you join a group, that's the first person you're supposed to befriend."

"Well, that is certainly kind of you." Before Robert could reply, Jarvis relayed a message. "You are being summoned. I believe they are getting dinner ideas together, Sir."

"Okay. Hey, two quick questions," Robert said as he stood up.

"Yes, Agent Hall?"

"I know you're probably programmed with loyalty to Mr. Stark and everything, but would you tell me if I was going to walk into a trap, when I go up there?" Robert inquired, wondering if Jarvis was programmed with the ability to lie.

"Normally, I would not, but in your case, I can make an exception," Jarvis replied.

"So, okay, and if I told you something important, could you keep it a secret?"

"Yes, Agent Hall As long as I don't deem it threatening," answered Jarvis. "And if Sir directly asked me about something, I'd say something then."

"Well then, Jarvis, there's something I would like to tell you. You asked about me about it last night, and I said that I would tell you when I felt more comfortable. Well, now might a good time.
A few years ago…."

About fifteen minutes later, Robert gave a satisfied nod as he moved to meet with the others. He found it odd that when the doors opened, everyone went silent. The hair rose on the back of his neck.

"Well, if it isn't Mr. Secrets. We're so very pleased that you could join us," Tony snarked. "So, what's so important that you have to take the battery out of your computer? Plotting our demises? Planning a coup?"

Robert raised his arms up, like in an act of surrendering. "You caught me, and I'm planning to overtake Stark Tower using my secret army of Oompa Loompas," Robert deadpanned. He rolled his eyes at the billionaire jackass before continuing. "See, you just proved my point that as a team, you all have a fuckload of trust issues. It seems like the only thing you guys can bond over is kicking-ass together and not trusting others. Fuck it." He scrubbed his hands over his face, letting it drop. "Besides that, how the fuck do you stay in shape? Does anyone cook dinner here, or do you guys just eat out all the time?"

"Capsicle usually makes breakfast in the morning, anything goes at lunch, and dinner is takeout. And we exercise a lot. Why do you care?" Tony shot back.

Robert leaned up against a wall. "No need to be hostile. I'd like to make dinner for everyone, as a way of thanking all of you for allowing me to stay here... If that's okay."

Tony blinked incredulously. "You, cook for everyone? Why the hell not? Just tell Jarvis what you need. Can't wait to see what extravagant meal you make us; probably Peanut Butter and Jelly. Just so you know, one of us will be watching your sorry ass. I might die from alcohol poisoning, but I'm sure as hell not croaking from food poisoning." He walked away, laughing at his own joke. Robert heard Loki, Clint, and even Thor, chuckling quietly. Natasha sat unchanged, watching to see what he would do. Bruce just shook his head at his friends' immaturity.

The team looked at Robert, expecting a smart comeback, but there was no visible reaction from him. He let out a small sigh and pursed his lips a little. "Dinner will be at six tomorrow night. I would like to use the common area, if Clint and Natasha are okay with that, since we share the floor." Clint and Natasha nodded their heads in acceptance.

"If you want to come, please do; if not, no bad blood will be between us. I know I've said some things in jest, but it's not my intent to deliberately hurt someone or make them feel like shit. Yes, I have been hard on several of you, especially Loki, but, in all honesty, if he is truly sorry for what he did, then I'll have no real problems with him." Robert docilely walked towards the elevator, knowing he'd draw a guilty reaction.

Steve and Pepper looked at each other with shared guilt. Calling after him, Steve stalled him.
"Robert, look, sometimes we get carried away. I am sure Tony didn't mean it like that. Why don't you stay and tell us what you want for dinner and we can work things out?" Everyone grew quiet, Natasha even looked puzzled, and she had guessed Robert's reaction wrong.

Robert turned to Steve. "No, it's alright. I'm gonna go to the market. I have to get a couple loaves of bread and some jelly. See you all tomorrow. Good night." With that, he walked into the elevator and was gone.

Tony walked over to the bar to get another drink, a self-satisfied grin plastered to his face, when suddenly he felt a small fist hit him in the arm. "Ow!" he yelped. As he turned to face his attacker, he was met with a fierce strawberry blonde. "What the hell was that for?" he demanded, stomach sinking as he met her eyes.

"Oh, don't you play innocent with me, you self-serving jackass. Your comments were completely out of line, and I'm ashamed to even be associated with you. You don't have to be nice to Robert, but I expect you to be civil. That applies to the rest of you as well." She turned her sharp gaze to the rest of them. Several of them lowered their heads in shame, but Loki just scoffed at her anger. "We're all going to go down there tomorrow night, and we are going to enjoy the dinner he makes. Is that understood? You are supposed to be positive role models and set good examples! Stop acting like children. Any questions?" Pepper finished coldly, meeting their eyes challengingly. No one dared to defy her; everyone nodded their head in grudging acceptance.

Steve stood up and looked at his team in disapproval. "You know, if everyone would stop treating him like a Nazi spy and take a few seconds to talk to him, you'd realize that he's just doing his job. Every time that I've talked to him, he's been perfectly polite and honest. To tell you the truth, he let me see all of the reports that he wrote about everyone."

Everyone gasped at him. "He let you see them?" Tony stuttered as color drained from his face. "What did they say?"

Steve looked at him. "He gave them to me, because he wanted my honest opinion and wanted to earn my trust."

Pepper deliberately looked at Tony, before turning to Steve. "Yes, let's share with everyone what he said, so we'll how he's trying to plot against the Avengers and hurt us." Everyone murmured their agreements, wanting to hear what was written about them.

"He didn't write much as far as commentary goes." He shrugged, and began going over what the reports said. Clint became flushed, Thor furrowed his brows, Bruce looked amazed, and Loki scoffed; even Natasha had her lips pursed.

Finally, Steve turned to Tony. "He actually had the most to say about you, Tony. He believes that you are a world class jackass, has have ADHD to the tenth degree, and he thinks that your attack plans are suicidal. "

Tony had been itching to jump up and declare he was right, but the blood immediately drained from his face when he heard was else was written about him. He slowly sank into a chair, silently contemplating this new information. Even the rest of the team looked amazed at the insight that Robert saw in Tony.

"There's two more. " Everyone looked at Steve curiously as he read the files on Pepper and Jarvis. Everyone nodded in agreement, but there were looks of guilt spreading throughout the room, except for one person.

Loki raised his head, wondering why he should care, being an immortal. He looked directly to Pepper and sneered. "I refuse to participate. I care not for his pathetic feelings."
As the words reached her ears, her head whipped around so fast that her ponytail snapped. Her eyes focused as she honed in on the god who was far too old to be acting like a rebellious preteen. She walked directly to the trickster.

Thor, who was in her path, hurriedly moved aside. He loved his brother, but there was no way that he was going to get in her way. Besides, a good tongue-lashing would serve Loki well.

She got within an inch of Loki's nose, causing him to flinch back slightly. She eyed him for a moment before speaking out in a sickly sweet tone. "You are most definitely coming to dinner tomorrow night." She smirked. "You may think you're off the hook for your crimes, but I haven't forgotten them. Remember who your main supporter was in coming here. I suggest an attitude change very quickly."

Loki looked genuinely concerned. He had heard rumors about Midgard's women, and Pepper was doing a good job of proving those rumors right. He looked past her to see Tony shaking his head, putting his hands together to pray. Pepper saw Loki looking past her, so she whipped her head and saw Tony. Her eyes narrowed to slits as she stared at him coldly. Tony noticed and quickly put his hands behind his back. She refocused on Loki. "Just so we are all clear, what are you doing tomorrow night?"

Loki felt a primal part of his brain screaming at him to say yes or risk death. "I will be present tomorrow night for dinner, and there will be no problems," he answered while avoiding her eyes.

With that, she turned and went to the elevator. The moment the doors opened, she turned and addressed the room. "I expect everyone to act like adults. This is not the example that New York's team of heroes should be setting."

As the doors closed, Tony's head hit the tabletop with a dull thud. "Ugggh," he groaned, feeling like a little boy being scolded.

Robert stopped in his room to grab his coat, wallet, and phone. He asked Jarvis where the nearest grocery store was and walked over to the market. As he walked out of the tower, he felt the cold autumn air, making him shiver. He crossed a few streets and came across a Morton Williams store.

It wasn't a Wal-Mart Superstore, but it was good enough. As he browsed the aisles, Robert kept thinking 'Ungrateful bastards, I'll show them all.'

As he walked back to the tower, the anger had started to fade away. 'I'll show them a dinner,' he thought and walked into the building. As he rode the elevator up, he told Jarvis all the tools he'd need for the food preparation. When he walked off the elevator Jarvis told him that the items would be available by tomorrow morning.

As he walked into the kitchen, he started to put the items away, double checking that he hadn't missed anything. Feeling satisfied, he went into his room and subsequently fell asleep.

While he slept, a person made their way into the kitchen. They checked through the refrigerator and all the cabinets, careful not to disturb the bagged items. As they left the kitchen, Jarvis heard a faint whisper. "At least he's not a quitter. If this dinner isn't some huge joke, maybe I could give him a chance." With that, the person disappeared into the darkness.



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